The key difference between soul masters and ordinary people is not that they have martial souls, but that they have soul rings. Those who do not have soul rings but have soul power cannot be called soul masters, they can only be called soul warriors.

The power of the soul ring is an important basis for a soul master to be superior to ordinary people.

After Zhang San completely absorbed the soul ring and completed the advancement, the originally dark and cold sky had turned white, and the morning sun was rising slowly.

"It's not easy."

Zhang San stretched out his right hand and looked at his sharp claws and the blood stains on his arm that had just dried up but were still shocking, and took a breath.

Although he successfully completed the advancement, the previous situation was indeed a narrow escape.

If his will was not strong enough, and he was still determined to devour the power of the Night Demon Dragon, and finally made the Night Demon Dragon succumb, thus successfully absorbing the soul ring, otherwise he would have been completely destroyed by now. If the soul is crippled, even if he does not die, he will definitely be a cripple.

Zhang Sanyi waved his hand to summon the hard-won soul ring behind him. After looking at it carefully, he recalled the danger just now and said to himself:

"System, did you make a mistake when you said this thing is a soul ring suitable for me to absorb?"

The system immediately popped up and answered very honestly:

[There is no mistake, this is indeed the soul ring that you, Master, can absorb to the limit. 】

Hearing this, Zhang San's cheeks suddenly twitched, and he said angrily:

"The limit? The limit is the limit that makes me fight to death and almost burps, right?"

[Yes, there is indeed a certain danger in this, and you have survived now, congratulations. 】

The system responded extremely calmly, even if it said the word "congratulations", it was without any ups and downs.

"Gan! Don't you think you are very humorous?"

Zhang San felt as if he had been tricked by the system. This guy never told him that there would be such a big risk.

If he knew that if he swallowed this soul ring, he would escape death, he would not take the risk at all.

After all, although Zhang San can fight tooth and nail, it doesn't mean he wants to risk his life.

Zhang San still cherishes his hard-won new life.

The system still answered very honestly:

[No, you did not ask me relevant questions at that time. 】

Is this saying that I am actually very wronged?

This was the first time that Zhang San heard autonomous emotions from the system's mechanical and cold answers.

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed true. He decided to absorb this soul ring himself, and his success in absorbing it now will also be of great benefit to him.

After absorbing this soul ring, his level was not raised to level [-] normally, but directly to level [-], jumping three levels in a row. This was a very rare and efficient improvement, not counting his current level. The effects of soul skills that have not yet been explored.

As the saying goes: Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance.

He bravely broke through the life-and-death barrier and received corresponding rewards, which was indeed not a loss.

So Zhang San’s tone softened a lot, and he said:

"Then next time you encounter this kind of situation, can't you take the initiative to mark the danger...success rate and so on? Don't make me, your master, miserable."

【clear. 】

The system was also as ink-free as ever and gave a positive answer.

"Okay, now it's time to see what my soul skills are."

As soon as Zhang San raised his hand, the light yellow soul ring on his palm glowed even more dazzlingly, which was the symbol of the driving soul skill.

"The effect of my soul skill is actually - turning black?"

Zhang San looked at his body. Now his body was shrouded in a black mist. Of course, this was what he saw in his own eyes. In fact, the black mist formed a thin film on his body, and the light that came through it was clear. Distorted by the black mist, Zhang San couldn't see where his hands and feet were.

The specific effect of the soul skill requires the soul master to spend a period of time analyzing the information in the soul ring. Zhang San, who has not yet understood what effect this has, shouted:

"Is this soul skill so useless?!"

The system had to be introduced again:

[Your first soul skill is - Night Hidden Blade. When the soul skill is activated, your own defense will increase by 20.00%, your own speed will increase by 40.00%, and your own attack power will increase by 60.00%. When the soul skill is activated, you will enter a hidden state. In the dark, you can enter a state of complete concealment. Attacking or being attacked will break the concealment in advance. The first hit after breaking the concealment will trigger a [-]% critical hit and a "Shadow Blade" with a [-]% critical hit effect. . 】


Regarding the information that the system suddenly injected into her brain, Zhang San opened her mouth. After a while, she finally understood what kind of soul skill she had obtained.

"This, isn't this a magical skill to attack people by sneak attack?"

[Yes, but please note that your current soul power level cannot support you to activate this soul skill for a long time. 】

"Huh? Damn it!"

Zhang San only realized after being prompted by the system that in this short period of time, his soul power had been emptied by [-] to [-]%, and now his soul power was still rapidly passing away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This soul power flowed as fast as a water pump, which scared Zhang San and quickly turned off his soul skills.

If his soul power was really empty, he wouldn't even be able to go downstairs.

Zhang San, who was sweating profusely, asked: "How long can I last if I try my best to stay hidden?"

The system immediately replied:

[One minute and 32 seconds. 】


Zhang San finally understood that although he had obtained a powerful soul skill, this thing consumed a lot of soul power to use, and he had to do it quickly if he wanted to use it.

"That's it for today, it's time to go back."

The harvest from this night was still great, and Zhang San was very satisfied.

It was getting late now. In order to avoid others being suspicious, Zhang San had to sneak to the bathhouse to wash off the blood on his body and change his clothes before returning to Jiushe. At the same time, all of this had to be done before others woke up, so Zhang San San didn't waste any time, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Since his martial spirit has successfully advanced, the scope of strengthening the body after being possessed by the martial spirit has been further expanded, and Zhang San's feet can also successfully transform into beasts.

So before going downstairs, Zhang San took off his worn shoes. His animal-like soles and palms had the ability to secrete black mucus, which made him go downstairs more steadily and easily. In addition, his soul power reserves and quality With his improvement, he didn't even need to take the stairs anymore, he could just climb all the way down the wall.

"Haha! Are you serious?"

Just as Zhang San climbed the wall and went downstairs to go back, Zhang San suddenly heard a woman's laughter and talking.

It was still early in the morning, still in the dead of night, and the sudden voice frightened Zhang San. He almost lost control of the soul power output of his hands and feet and fell off the high wall.

Of course, Zhang San still stabilized his state, and as the voice continued to come, he also felt that the voice was very familiar. He must have heard this person speak before.

The voice came from the office on the third floor. Out of curiosity, Zhang San moved closer to the location of the voice.

When he arrived, he took a closer look and found that there was a luxuriously decorated office with the lights on, and the metal sign at the door clearly read - "Dean's Office".

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