Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 29 The First Soul Ring

After everyone else fell asleep, Zhang San tiptoed out.

Since all the people here in Jiushe have returned from the martial arts test and have no potential to become soul masters, the Sacred Heart Orphanage no longer cares about them. Even the housekeepers of Jiushe rarely come to Jiushe. Basically Those who go to Jiushe have a free-ranging attitude.

This made it easier for Zhang San to move freely. As soon as he arrived outside the house, he found a wall and stood next to it.

Then Zhang San put his hands against the old wall that had become severely peeled. The soul mark on his right hand lit up. Small scales appeared on his hands, neck and face, and his hands also turned into black claws.

Then Zhang San used Xuantian Kung to mobilize the soul power in his body. After a while, black mucus flowed out from the palms of his hands, and as the mucus became thicker and thicker, Zhang San's palms were successfully adhered to the wall. .

As long as Zhang San controls the soul power output of his hands, the viscosity of the mucus can change according to Zhang San's will, so that he can climb freely on this wall.

Moreover, this mucus is the product of soul power converted through martial arts. It consumes Zhang San’s soul power and the water in his body. When Zhang San leaves, the black mucus remaining on the wall will turn into ordinary water stains. And it will evaporate cleanly within 5 minutes.

It can be said that this ability is quite convenient.With this ability, Zhang San can easily invade those buildings guarded by high walls. Facilities that ordinary people cannot enter are not that difficult for Zhang San, who is good at stealing. Not to mention that it is easy.

With the help of his martial arts ability, Zhang San easily climbed onto the roof of Jiu She. The roofs of the buildings in the Sacred Heart Orphanage are basically connected, so Zhang San quickly climbed up from Jiu She's roof. The roof goes to the eighth house, and then from the eighth house to the seventh house... Then when it encounters a house that is not connected, it climbs down from the wall again, and then goes up again.

By this method, Zhang San successfully avoided the nuns on the ground patrolling with lanterns.

Maybe many people here will think that Zhang San's target is the brother and sister Xieyue and Hu Liena.

However, when he came out in the middle of the night, he did not go to attack Hu Liena at night, let alone go to Xie Yue to discuss philosophy.

Not to mention that Zhang San has always been aboveboard when it comes to relationships, never forcing things, and even has a tendency to be straight, which has led to him being single all year round. Just look at Zhang San and Hu Liena, one is six years old and the other is five years old. They can't do anything they want. arrive.

So Zhang San had another purpose when he went out in the middle of the night.

After wasting a long time, Zhang San finally arrived at the teaching building. The purpose of his trip was to reach the top of the building.

The teaching building has five floors, and the entrance door on the first floor is locked. Zhang San's physical and spiritual strength cannot support him to climb to a height of tens of meters in one breath.

So Zhang San first climbed the wall to the second floor using the old method, then entered the second floor through the second floor window, and then walked up the stairs.

When they were approaching the fifth floor, Zhang San discovered that the door of the cathedral on the fifth floor was locked. Zhang San, who did not have the lock picking tools, had to climb out from the window on the fourth floor, climbed the wall all the way to the roof of the fifth floor.

The whole process of climbing the wall requires the use of both hands and feet, which consumes a lot of physical and soul power.Zhang San, who finally reached his destination, was panting and lying on the red tiles on the roof, breathing like a dog. After his breath stabilized, he sat cross-legged and meditated under the statue of the Angel Goddess.

This is the highest point of the Sacred Heart Orphanage and the place closest to the "sky". Looking down now, Zhang San can overlook the entire Sacred Heart Orphanage and the surrounding streets. There is still the whistling evening breeze in his ears. If it weren't for Zhang San is now covered in sweat and hot. He is probably shivering from the cold. He truly understands what it means to be cold at high places.

Looking upward, you can see the bottom of the skirt of the goddess of light. Of course, it is carved in stone. The skirt is also stuck to the legs, so Zhang San can't see anything.

After a while, Zhang San, who had basically calmed down, decided to get down to business. He first called up the system panel with a thought and made sure that the "Events" column of the system had not been updated. It seemed that the lesson he taught the drunk driver today was not considered by the system. "Event", but Zhang San was not entangled, he said:

"System, tell me which soul rings are most suitable for me to redeem and absorb now?"

Yes, now that he has awakened his martial soul, according to what the system said before, the exchange of soul rings and soul bones in the system mall has been started.

Zhang San's soul power has reached the tenth level required for advancement, so he naturally needs to absorb the soul ring earlier to improve his strength.

There are eyes almost everywhere in the orphanage. He cannot absorb soul rings in regular places, so he has to come here to avoid eyes and ears.

[Okay, please wait a moment. 】

After a while, the system popped up a list with pictures in front of Zhang San.Moreover, the soul beasts in these pictures are still moving. They either raise their heads and roar or bury their heads in eating, as if they are living in these pictures, which is quite magical to look at.

[Based on your current physical fitness and soul power level, the suitable and absorbable soul rings are——]

[Flower Whip Beast in 426, Evil Eye White Tiger in 426, Shadow Demon Dragon in 426. 】

Zhang San looked at the three soul beasts selected by the system from the massive number of soul beasts, and immediately frowned and asked:

"I remember that the soul beast in 423 was the limit for ordinary soul warriors to be promoted to soul masters, right?"

[This is the age limit calculated by this system for absorbing your soul ring. If you think this is more difficult for you, you can choose a soul ring with a lower age. 】

"Forget it, that's it."

After Zhang San thought for a while, he asked again:

"So the Flower Whip Beast is a control type of soul skill, the Netherworld Evil Tiger is a sensitive attack type, and the Shadow Demonic Dragon is a powerful attack type?"

[You can divide them according to this type, but the exact soul skills are still random. 】

This somewhat irresponsible statement made Zhang San frown and asked, "You're not sure either?"

[I can only show you items that meet your psychological expectations according to the algorithm, but the specific results cannot be guaranteed. 】

Zhang San smiled and said: "In general, I won't lose money, right?"

The system responded:

[Yes, what I will show you this time are all rare soul beasts that are on the verge of extinction or have become extinct in Douluo Continent. No matter how you choose, the quality of the soul skill effects you can obtain will not be lower than that of the same stage in Douluo Continent. The average level of a top soul master. 】

"Indeed, especially the Night Demon Dragon. This thing should have died out 2 or [-] years ago."

Zhang San looked at the dragon-type monster in the picture, which was covered in black scales and had an evil look on its face. There were not many records about the Night Demon Dragon, but it was said that the Night Demon Dragon was best at sneak attacks from behind. It often went to the lairs of other soul beasts at night to attack those adults. spirit beasts, and then steal their cubs.

Because the habits of this kind of soul beast were too sinister, many high-level soul beasts came to surround and kill them. At the same time, humans also coveted this rare dragon-type soul beast, which eventually led to the extinction of this kind of soul beast.

The Night Demon Dragon's soul ring also requires the most points among the three martial souls displayed to Zhang San by the system, costing a full [-] points.

Zhang San raised his forehead and muttered: "Although the Flower Vine Beast, which is good at camouflage, and the Nether Evil Tiger, which has a high speed and explosive power, are both good, it seems that the Night Demon Dragon is the best."

The system immediately asked:

[Do you choose to redeem the 426 Night Demon Dragon Soul Ring? 】

The price of this soul ring exceeds all the items he has exchanged, but as the old saying goes, "you get what you pay for", there is nothing wrong with spending more for good things.

After thinking clearly, Zhang Sanyi gritted his teeth and said, "Tsk! Exchange."

[Okay, the Night Demon Dragon Soul Ring was successfully redeemed in 426. After deducting [-] resentment points, you now have [-] resentment points left. 】

Although Zhang San felt a little sad when he heard this broadcast, he couldn't bear to let the child catch the wolf.

Once a soul ring is chosen, it is difficult to replace it. Naturally, one should try to choose the best soul ring at each stage.

At the same time, he was still thinking comfortingly in his heart:

Points have to be earned and spent. If he keeps hoarding them, he will become a miser. He should "bleed" himself appropriately, not to mention it doesn't take much effort to get them.


[Your 426-year-old Night Demon Dragon Soul Ring has been generated, please absorb it as soon as possible. 】

Looking at the soul ring in front of him that exuded a light yellow light and was a bit evil, Zhang San whispered in his mouth: "Absorb."

Then he released his soul power to pull the soul ring, causing it to begin to merge with his body...

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