Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 230 Looking at the stars with Bibi Dong

Zhang San looked up and found Bibi Dong standing on the edge of the cliff rubbing her hands. Fine sawdust flew out of her palms, then danced in the evening breeze, falling into the dark abyss gracefully and briskly.

Then Bibi Dong clapped her hands again, cleaning off the last bits of dirty sawdust and moss from her palms, and then turned around and said:

"Huh? What? Is there any problem?"

"Huh? No, no problem."

After Zhang San met Bibi Dong's somewhat sharp gaze, he also understood that he shouldn't meddle in other people's business.

But Zhang San frowned and thought carefully:

Does Bibi Dong seem to be someone who would walk for half an hour on a whim to see the stars in a place she has never been to?

Could it be that Bibi Dong had actually been here before, and came with someone else, and together they left carvings on the tree?

Zhang San glanced at the probably hundreds of carvings declaring love on the tree. If this place was not a holy place for lovers to confess their love, it was almost there.There were not many people who left scratches on the trees saying "so-and-so was here for a visit". The themes were all the same, and almost all of them were vows of eternal love left by lovers.

If her guess was correct, the relationship between Bibi Dong and the companion who came here with her to leave a mark might not be simple.

Maybe they might really be...a couple.

Although Zhang San knew that this was very possible.

After all, Bibi Dong confessed not long ago that she didn't always live in the temple in her early years. She also spent time in the world.

In this way, in the process of traveling around the world, Bibi Dong, who was in his prime and graceful form, met a man who suited his liking among all kinds of people, and while traveling with him, he accidentally fell in love. impossible things.

This is a completely normal thing. Although Bibi Dong is still not old, she is certainly not young. She can be called an older young woman. It is not surprising to have emotional experience.

But Zhang Sanyi thought that maybe someone had held Bibi Dong's hand under this gorgeous and romantic starry sky. The two exchanged their sad feelings and carved traces of love on this big tree together, letting heaven and earth witness them. The emotional scene between them made Zhang San feel an indescribable boredom in his heart. He didn't know how to explain it in words, and hoped that it was all just his imagination.

Although Zhang San didn't know whether his guess was right or not, and he didn't know who the man who could make Bibi Dong's heart was or whether he existed, but when he thought about it, there was only one sentence in his mind: "A good cabbage was killed by a pig." Got it."

At this time, the woman standing on the edge of the cliff seemed to be admiring the gorgeous night sky, shining even more brightly under the moonlight and stars. The slow evening breeze blew her shoulder-length hair and white skirt.

Although it is just a back view, Chuchen’s temperament has been fully displayed. It is obvious that she does not have half a jewel on her body, but the starry moon in the sky has taken the initiative to welcome her, with the moon as her crown and the stars as her clothes, adorning her proud face. The figure makes this relegated fairy, who is not like a mortal, even more ethereal and dreamy.

However, even though the scenery in front of him was extremely beautiful, Zhang San, who should have been intoxicated by it, had no intention of admiring it. As soon as he saw Bibi Dong, he felt extremely depressed and turned his gaze directly to the big tree.

Many traces on the big tree are very old, but you can still see the heavy and pure emotion contained in those simple words.

Zhang San stared at the newly torn wound on the tree, and couldn't help but think that if his previous guess was correct, and this defective place was really the proof of love left by Bibi Dong and another person, then Bibi Dong would be ruined What are the nicks for?

Does she simply not want herself to know these things, or does she not want to see anything related to that relationship anymore?

If it was the former, why did Bibi Dong bring him here?

If it was the latter, why would Bibi Dong revisit his old place?

Zhang San, who had no emotional experience, couldn't understand.Although he had a fiancée in the Tang Sect in his previous life, the woman he was engaged to had no real love with him.

The two of them just followed the tradition of "a man should be married when he is a senior, and a girl should be married when she is senior". After meeting each other, they felt good about each other. After a few days of getting along, they gave a betrothal gift and set a wedding date.

Although they are about to become husband and wife in name, they have known each other for less than a month, so Zhang San is not experienced in the relationship between men and women.

He didn't understand this kind of thing, and at the same time, he couldn't understand why he felt depressed now because of Bibi Dong's possible lover.

Just as Zhang San was sorting out his thoughts, Bibi Dong turned around and walked towards Zhang San.

"Master, Master..."

When Zhang San saw Bibi Dong walking toward him, Zhang San, who thought he could treat Bibi Dong with a normal attitude, became panicked again. He wanted to ask the questions in his heart, but he couldn't.

Finally, Zhang San saw Bibi Dong's eyes scanning back and forth on the grass under the tree and said:

"Do you want to sit down?"


Bibi Dong nodded, and then Zhang San made a move that surprised her. He actually took off his coat, with the inside on top and the outside on the bottom, and spread it flat on the grass under the tree.

"You are this?"

Zhang San smiled and said: "Master, sit down! Don't get your clothes dirty."

Bibi Dong looked at the honest yet shy smile on Zhang San's face. She did not sit down, but said:

"Wouldn't your clothes get dirty if you do this? And if you don't wear a coat, aren't you afraid of catching a cold? Put it back on quickly."

"Ha, it's okay!"

Zhang San scratched the back of his head and laughed:

"My body and bones are not bad, and my clothes are dirty and torn after a few battles. It is an honor to use them to cushion your rich body."

"Ha, you're a mouthful."

Bibi Dong knew that Zhang San was trying to please her, so she pretended to be angry and said with a smile:

"Okay, I'll accept your kindness."

Then he held up the hem of his skirt, bent down and sat down on Zhang San's still warm coat.

After sitting down, Bibi Dong turned to Zhang San who was standing beside him and said:

"Sit down too. You're tired from all the walking."

"Ah, okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

Zhang San chose to sit on the grass next to Bibi Dong, but Bibi Dong said:

"Sit over here. The grass is wet. Don't catch a cold."

"Ah? But..."

Zhang San glanced at the coat Bibi Dong was sitting on. After all, his coat was custom-made for him, a teenager who was not yet an adult. It didn't use much fabric.

Although Bibi Dong is slender, she is still an adult. There is not much space left after she sits down.

However, Bibi Dong stepped aside and looked at the hesitant Zhang San with a smile:

"It's okay, just sit over here, I won't eat you."

"Uh, okay."

Zhang San rubbed the sweat from his palms and sat down next to Bibi Dong. Now the two of them were close to each other. There were only a few layers of clothing between them, and they could directly feel each other's body temperature and heartbeat.

He inadvertently inhaled, and a delicate fragrance broke into his nose. While refreshing, there was also a mature, elegant and intellectual charm that lingered in his heart for a long time.

Although it is not the fragrance of flowers, it is better than other fragrances.

Zhang San felt that his breathing was a little heavier, and his heart had been beating wildly from the beginning.

Finally, Zhang San controlled his mixed emotions and said to the beauty next to him who should have been thousands of miles away from him:

"Master, I think..."

"Ask you a question."

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