
This... what is this?

Zhang San was confused, his mouth opened wide, as if Bibi Dong had just broken not only the giant bear's neck, but also his jaw with a "click".


After Bibi Dong confirmed that there was no movement from the purple-gold steel-framed bear, she let go of her hand, stood up, took off her sleeves, and patted the little dust on her body.

When Zhang San saw Bibi Dong adjusting her appearance, he knew that the matter was over, so he stretched out his hand to push back his chin that could not be retracted, and then cautiously walked to Bibi Dong, first looking at the other side, which was as motionless as a small mountain bag. The giant bear looked at this woman with a calm face and couldn't help but ask in a low voice:

"Master, master, is it dead?"


Regarding Zhang San’s question, Bibi Dong shook his head calmly and said:

"I just strangled it and it was still alive."

Indeed, Zhang San found that the chest of this giant bear was still rising and falling. Of course, the more important thing was that it did not produce the "soul ring" that a soul beast would produce after death.

"Ah? This...why don't you kill it?"

Bibi Dong, who has always been decisive in killing, actually spared the life of this purple-gold steel-skeleton bear?This doesn't sound like Bibi Dong's style.

Especially after Zhang San saw Bibi Dong's simple, direct but extremely impactful fighting action just now, he was quite able to accept the sight of Bibi Dong directly twisting off the giant bear's head.

"There's no particular reason."

After Bibi Dong wiped off a little dust on her sleeves, she said calmly:

"I want to capture this purple-gold steel-bone bear for you to use as your third soul ring."

Zhang San was stunned when he heard this, and then he immediately reminded:

"But I'm only level 28 now."

Only after a soul master reaches the tenth level of a realm and enters the bottleneck can he absorb soul rings and break through the bottleneck.

And the soul ring produced by the soul beast cannot be absorbed by anyone. Only the person who gave the soul beast the final blow can absorb the soul ring.

Therefore, the normal soul ring hunting process is to discover the soul beast, lure the soul beast, trap the soul beast, defeat the soul beast, and finally, the person who needs the soul ring will give the final blow to kill the soul beast.

Zhang San felt warmed when he heard that Bibi Dong specifically spared the life of this purple-gold steel-skeleton bear because he wanted to capture a soul ring for himself.

Although Zhang San has received the kindness, he has not yet reached the level that can absorb soul rings, so killing this purple-gold steel-skeleton bear is useless to him now.

"Yes, you are only level 28 now, and it is not time to absorb the soul ring yet."

Bibi Dong nodded and continued:

"But this 200-year-old purple-gold steel-bone bear is really suitable for you. If you kill it directly, it will be difficult to find the next one that is so suitable, so I kept it alive until you need it next time. , come and hunt again.”

"Thank you, Master! You are so troubled for your disciples."

Deeply moved, Zhang San immediately bowed his head to Bibi Dong and thanked her. Zhang San had not experienced this feeling of being taken care of for a long time.

In his previous life, Zhang San hunted for soul rings. Except for the first and second soul rings, which were led by strong men from Wuhun Palace, Zhang San successfully hunted with the group without much effort. The remaining soul rings had neither money nor connections. Zhang San almost always finds a way to do it by himself.

Zhang San hunts the soul rings by himself, which is really like a narrow escape from the tribulation. Each time he hunts the soul rings, he has to spend several months or even a year. He also has to rely on the Tang Sect's secret knowledge and his own luck, which is not too bad. , and just barely managed to get a set of standard best soul rings.

And at that time, he barely reached the standard of the best soul ring in terms of the color of the soul ring. In fact, there are three prerequisites for the soul ring that Zhang San can obtain, that is, he must "touch it, beat it, and chase it." On."

Although there are tens of thousands of soul beasts in the soul beast forest, the number of soul beasts that can meet these three criteria and provide Zhang San with the best soul ring he needs can be counted on one hand, and he is looking for a suitable target. At this time, Zhang San also had to be careful not to be caught and beaten by the soul beast that he couldn't defeat.

Moreover, other soul masters encountered on the road may not be kind. They may directly rob you or even kill you to get your property. Anyway, in this deep mountain and forest, it is not surprising that you die anywhere, and no one else will find out about it. thing.

There are even very disgusting soul masters who will directly kill the soul beast you are targeting and then run away, causing your months of hard work to go to waste.

Therefore, the soul rings of many civilian soul masters are mostly uneven, and this is the reason.

It's not that they don't work hard, it's that they really have no choice but to choose a worse soul ring to transition to the next stage.

In his previous life, Zhang San was able to obtain the thousand-year and ten-thousand-year soul rings only because he found injured or weakened soul beasts and killed them. Moreover, these soul beasts often did not possess the perverted combat power of the purple-gold steel-bone bear, lest he be killed by other soul beasts. Counterattack.

And now this 100-year-old purple-gold steel-skeleton bear that Zhang Sanhun King might not be able to handle 200% even after seeing him in his previous life was directly knocked unconscious by Bibi Dong and left in front of him to wait for him to take action. She even said that this time If the time doesn't come, I'll catch it next time.

It's like treating the soul beast as a flower in the back garden. You can keep it as long as you want, and pick it as you want. This is really as comfortable as you want.

Thinking of the pain he had suffered in the past, Zhang San couldn't help but burst into tears. When he learned that he could exchange soul rings at the system store, Zhang San was not that excited.

Zhang San thought to himself that this was probably because he had been carrying everything alone in the past, and now that someone had finally appeared to shield him from the wind and rain in the world, it was inevitable that he would have some fluctuations in his heart.

In fact, there is another reason why Bibi Dong kept this purple-gold steel bear:

She saw the purple-gold steel-bone bear, its swollen breasts and bulging abdomen. At the same time, she also felt multiple breaths of life in the purple-gold steel-bone bear's belly.

Apparently this was a pregnant female bear.

She was about to kill her, but she unconsciously withdrew the fatal force and knocked the female bear unconscious instead.

Bibi Dong didn't know why after learning that this was a pregnant female bear, she was suddenly deeply touched and her murderous intention disappeared.

It may be that she was affected by Zhang San's previous lecture on "life is precious", or it may be that she simply does not want to ruin the rare good mood tonight, or it may be that there is still something in her heart that should have turned into solid ice. The softness that belongs to women.

In short, Bibi Dong himself doesn’t quite understand the specific answer to this question.

Just when Zhang San was extremely excited and his emotions were hard to describe, Bibi Dong suddenly looked into Zhang San's eyes and said:

"By the way, Zhang San, how have you considered the matter before?"

"Ah? What's the matter?"

Seeing Zhang San looking at her blankly, Bibi Dong shook her head helplessly and said:

"I want to adopt you as my adopted son. How are you thinking about it now?"

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