Seeing Wang Defa not speaking, Zhang San frowned again, while the robbers on the side quickly said:

"Boss, he has never killed anyone. The main purpose of our robberies is to scare people, and we don't dare to actually kill anyone."

A nearby Rakshasa cultist said:

"Master Zhang San, don't believe these people's lies. These guys are not trustworthy."

Another Rakshasa believer also said:

"They're just a bunch of hooligans and bastards. There's nothing to be pitiful about."

The surrounding Rakshasa believers nodded frequently. Seeing that Zhang San did not speak, they all thought that Zhang San was deceived by the robbers' pleas for mercy, and they felt pity for him.

Although they are not surprised that this immature boy would have such thoughts, and these robbers would take risks and embark on illegal ways, it would not be a pity at all, but they do not want to let these things have been done. The robber who had committed many evil deeds was acquitted.

"Even if they didn't kill anyone, robbing nearby villagers of their property seriously affected the lives of surrounding villagers."

After Leon pondered for a moment, he looked at the pitiful robbers and said seriously:

"Many people have been robbed of months or even a year's income by them. If it contains life-saving money for poor families, these people's behavior is no less than murder."

"Yeah, I know."

Zhang San glanced at the panic faces of the robbers one by one, and at the same time he said:

"If you encounter not us this time, but an ordinary caravan, then all the money and goods of this caravan will be robbed by you. If there are young women in this caravan, I am afraid they will inevitably be ruined by you. .”

When the robbers heard this, their hearts suddenly pounded. After all, they knew in their hearts what kind of virtue they were, and even if they wanted to refute it, they didn't know what to say. Moreover, if the other party really wanted to kill, it was useless for them to reason, so they could only cry more. incredible.


Leon shouted angrily again, suppressed the voices of the robbers, then turned to Zhang San and asked:

"So Master Zhang San, what do you mean?"

Zhang San looked at the robbers and sneered: "No killing."

Leon nodded and responded: "Oh, okay, then I will take people with me... ah? What?! Not killing?"

However, Zhang San's answer was so unexpected that Leon was stunned for a while before he realized what Zhang San had just said.

It wasn't just Leon, everyone present was stunned.

"No, no killing?"

The Rakshasa cultists looked stunned, while the robbers looked ecstatic.

Zhang San, who gave a surprising answer, said:

"Of course, the death penalty is exempt, but the living crime cannot escape."

Then Zhang San looked at Leon and asked him: "I remember that there is still a lot of manpower shortage in the helm, right?"

"Indeed, there is a shortage of labor there. We usually hire surrounding villagers to help."

Leon was telling the truth. Rakshasa Cult's Great Branch usually requires a lot of manpower to maintain its infrastructure.

In addition, there are many Rakshasa priests or deacons in the branch. Priests in high positions themselves cannot do menial work, and often need many people to serve them in daily life. Deacons also have certain strength and status. Soul masters will not bear the labor.

Therefore, the lower-level personnel who are mainly responsible for the daily work of the sub-rudder are mainly the guards and a small number of servants transferred to the new sub-rudder by Rakshasa. The guards are responsible for defense and security work. The most loyal and trustworthy servants transferred by the helm are responsible for cooking and taking care of the daily life of the upper-level personnel.

As a result, there is always a shortage of labor in other places. Relying on Rakshasa to teach one's own manpower often requires them to take on multiple jobs, which is very tiring. Therefore, the missing manpower is hired from the surrounding villages, which is also a great deal. Not a small expense.

And because Zhang San made a big fuss in the sub-rudder, it also triggered a riot among the beasts and blew up the granary... In short, after some destruction, many of the building facilities in the sub-rudder were in a damaged state, that is, Bibi Dongbao He asked the Rakshasa Cult not to seek compensation from him, otherwise Zhang San would be compensated for decades just for the repair fee.

Leon vaguely guessed what Zhang San was thinking, but he still asked: "So, Mr. Zhang San, what do you mean?"

"These thieves have committed a crime, so let their guilty hands pay for it."

Zhang San took a deep breath and expressed his final decision:

"All these guys are sent to work as coolies in the sub-rudder, using their day and night labor to pay for their sins and in exchange for...the Rakshasa God's forgiveness."

In order to make his statement more convincing, Zhang San, who does not believe in God, specially brought out the god Rakshasa to strengthen the authority of his words.

Of course, even if Zhang San didn't mention this, Leon and other Rakshasa believers, after frowning and thinking carefully, felt that this punishment was very feasible.

Killing is only a form of punishment, but not killing does not mean forgiveness.

Instead of killing them, they simply left them in the forest to feed the wild animals.

It is better to let them live and work as free coolies in the heavily guarded Rakshasa branch, reflect on their sins in the heavy labor, and at the same time relieve the Rakshasa cult's financial and manpower pressure.

You must know that the slave trade is prohibited in both empires, and there are not many ways to obtain labor quickly and covertly. In order for the Rakshasa Cult to take root in this new land, they must build up a good reputation as a strong person and cannot forcefully conquer the local area. residents.

These dozen strong men can solve the urgent need. Anyway, they are all going to rob as bandits. They have a lot of criminal records at hand, and some of them have bounties on their heads. They are considered gangsters. They are captured as slaves and used like animals. , it will neither cause trouble with the law nor cause dissatisfaction among local people. It may even gain a better reputation if word spreads about it.

However, Zhang San’s decision meant that they had to allocate manpower to deal with these robbers properly. In addition, Zhang San’s appearance did not seem to convey Bibi Dong’s meaning, so Leon said:

"This is indeed feasible, but your arrangements are on her side..."

"I agree."

At this time, Bibi Dong's voice suddenly came. Bibi Dong, wearing a plain white dress, a white robe on her shoulders, and a white veil on her face, slowly walked out of the carriage.

"Just do what he says."

"See the Saint!!"

When the Rakshasa cult members saw Bibi Dong coming outside the carriage, they all fell to the ground and knelt down. Zhang San was stunned when he saw this, but to avoid embarrassment, he also knelt down on one knee to Bibi Dong.


Bibi Dong's sharp gaze swept over the crowd and the tied up robbers. Among them, the bald man was particularly frightened. When Bibi Dong's gaze touched him, he thought he had no fear of life or death, and his whole body was trembling.

Leon, who was called, immediately responded:


"Now you take five people and escort this group of bandits back to the helm."


Then Bibi Dong said again:

"If anyone among them wants to escape, or is dishonest in the helm, there is no need to ask, they can be shot on the spot."

Leon and other Rakshasa believers said respectfully:


"We must obey the Holy Orders!"

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