When Zhang San was pulled off by the sharp claws, he didn't panic in his heart.

It's not that he still thinks that this bald man poses no threat to him, but when he is really in danger, it's useless to panic. It's better to think carefully about what he should do next.

Zhang San's first step after being pulled into the pit was to use his sharp claws to cut off the long hem of his clothes to free himself.

However, as soon as he cut off the long pendulum, the bald man thrust his other claw towards Zhang San's abdomen.

Seeing this, Zhang San put his arms on his abdomen, as if he was going to take a hard blow.

In fact, Zhang San used the Tang Sect's secret technique of Controlling a Crane and Capturing a Dragon. The moment the bald man's thick arm came into contact with Zhang San's slender arm, Zhang San diverted his domineering force away, and then borrowed it again. The strong blow caused the bald man's sharp claw to pierce the earth wall on the side.


Since Wang Defa just wanted to take Zhang San's life directly, he naturally used a full blow. As a result, this kid used some method to easily deflect his attack and let his sharp claws dig into the mud.

Although Wang Defa was able to break free immediately, the moment his right hand was restrained, Zhang San's sharp claws stabbed towards Wang Defa's neck.

One hand of Wang Defa was stuck in the soil, and the other hand was also stuck in the soil to stabilize his body. Therefore, facing the attack that was close at hand, both hands were unable to defend himself. This situation seemed familiar.

So Wang Defa used the same method, and the white ten-year soul ring behind him lit up. He planned to use his head with reinforced armor to resist Zhang San's attack.

However, Zhang San had already expected this. His claw turned into a slap. While slapping Wang Defa on the head, he used the force to jump upward. After getting away from Wang Defa, Zhang San's legs continued to lean on the surrounding soil. Jumping vigorously, with light and psychedelic steps, he reached the entrance of the cave in a few steps and poked his head out.

At this time, Zhang San understood that the terrain he was in was very unfavorable, so he used the ghost shadow to distance himself from Wang Defa, and did not intend to fight Wang Defa in the cave.

"Damn it! Stop leaving!"

How could Wang Defa watch Zhang San escape from his cave? After several fights, Wang Defa became more and more certain that he had no chance of winning against Zhang San on the ground.

Zhang San is small, his movements are fast and flexible, but the damage he causes is quite good. The scales produced by his pangolin as a defensive martial spirit are difficult to resist Zhang San's sharp claws. On the ground, he faces Zhang San. Like a big clumsy mountain of meat.

Since his movements were relatively slow, it was difficult for him to attack Zhang San, but Zhang San could easily attack his vitals again and again, so that he could only be slaughtered.

Only by confining Zhang San in a narrow cave can he ensure that he can pose a direct threat to Zhang San.

Moreover, the terrifying offensive created by Zhang San just now left Wang Defa still frightened. The moment he was hit by the force coming from the ground, he felt that he almost vomited out his heart and liver.

The reason he was able to hold on was because when Wang Defa was attacked, he subconsciously curled his body into a ball, like an egg, which greatly increased his endurance. Even so, Wang Defa felt that he was only one step away from death.

terrible!How could a kid at this age be so powerful?

However, the cultivation of the great soul master has easily forced him, the soul master, into the realm of life and death several times.

And he is not only powerful, but more importantly, his adaptability and combat experience. Even he, who has been fighting in the Soul Beast Forest for eight or nine years, is willing to be defeated.

Wang Defa originally only regarded Zhang San as a genius with amazing strength, but now it seems that he is not a genius, but a monster.

And more importantly, this "monster" had murderous intentions towards him. If he couldn't kill him today, he would definitely be killed by him.

This is no longer a fight for beauty and dreams, but a real fight for survival.

This made Wang Defa more hysterical than before. He saw Zhang San was about to escape from the crypt. The yellow third soul ring behind him lit up, and Wang Defa's third soul skill, Ejection Burst, was activated!

After the soul ring lit up, Wang Defa was enveloped in an earthy yellow halo. While his defense was greatly improved, he also gained a special skill - ejection.

At this time, Wang Defa's body curled up into a spherical shape again, and this time his body bounced up the moment it hit the cave wall, bouncing back and forth quickly on both sides of the cave wall like a bouncing marble, and then crashed directly into Zhang San. .


Zhang San, who was about to climb out of the hole, looked down and saw a large earth ball over one meter hitting him, and his heart trembled.

The soil at the entrance of the cave was wet and slippery, making it difficult to exert force. Zhang San couldn't get to the ground quickly even with his ghost shadow. If he insisted on climbing to the ground, he might be turned into a big ball of dirt by the bald man. If it hits you, it will be light if you break one or two legs.

Reluctantly, Zhang San gave up on climbing out of the hole, instead kicked on the edge of the hole, and then fell straight down.

At the same time, Zhang San opened the Purple Demon Eye and locked the bouncing trajectory of the earth ball. After completing the deduction in his mind, Zhang San put his hands on his chest, pressed hard on the big earth ball that hit him, and combined with the crane control After Qinlong changed the trajectory of the big earth ball, Zhang San's body stood up straight like a carp, and steadily passed by the big earth ball, and then fell, directly to the bottom of the hole.

After Zhang San landed, he felt that his shoes were submerged in cold water and mud. This was indeed the case. The hole created by the bald man was nearly ten meters deep and was almost connected to the underground water.

This humid and dark environment coupled with the mud sticking to his legs made Zhang San feel very bad.

Of course, something worse was about to happen. The big earth ball that had been bouncing to the hole at the top was now bouncing again, hitting Zhang San at the bottom of the hole below.

This big earth ball is not only bouncing when it bounces, it is also constantly absorbing the surrounding soil. The surface of the big earth ball transformed by this bald man is covered with soil twice as thick as the main body, plus his own The weight makes this big earth ball weigh nearly one ton.

There is no room for dodge for such a huge and thick earth ball falling in this narrow cave, and the earth ball can continuously absorb the surrounding soil, so there is no possibility of getting stuck.

The potential energy carried by such a heavy earth ball after being ejected several times is terrifying.

At the same time, the layer of soil on its outer shell, which is more than one meter thick, also increases its defensive power to a terrifying level. With the attack power of a great soul master, there is basically no chance of harming a defensive soul that is protected by layers of protection. The possibility of respect.

In fact, let alone a great soul master, even a powerful attack soul sect cannot do it.

Wang Defa's seemingly heaven-defying soul skill came from Bouncing Gopher in 860. As a soul master, he could have absorbed a thousand-year soul ring, but as a civilian soul master with no power or background, he did not pursue it. The best qualification for equipping a soul ring is to start hunting after meeting a soul beast that can provide you with a useful and absorbable soul ring.

However, even if he did not pursue the best thousand-year soul ring, he and several of his low-level soul master brothers spent nearly a week trying to kill this nearly thousand-year-old soul beast. During this period, they made it escape three times. They hunted it day and night. When the hunt was finally successful, his two good brothers were seriously injured by him.

But the third soul skill that Wang Defa acquired at such a high price can only have this power in the conditions of the crypt that he carefully designed. If it is placed on the ground or in a building, his soul skill can only allow him to escape. That’s all.

And his second soul skill, Excavation, can only strengthen his excavation ability, that is, to enhance the strength of his hands and feet. It is good to escape through holes, but it is not easy to use this ability against the enemy in actual combat. .

As for his first soul skill, it was a 40-year-old green algae turtle that he hunted alone in his early years. It was so weak that it could only harden a very small part.

Wang Defa is an ordinary civilian soul master, and his soul skills are not outstanding or unique. However, after many years of actual combat and research, his combat effectiveness has finally reached the first-class level among soul masters.

Now, you deserve to die, right?

Wang Defa thought so.

This was the first time that he successfully implemented his most ideal attack technique against the enemy. After all, he cherished his life and would not rashly challenge an enemy that was so powerful that he could only use this technique to defeat him.

He called this move "Kill at the Hole", because in Wang Defa's understanding, anyone faced with this situation would definitely be smashed into meat pie by the earth ball he transformed.

However...it's a pity that he met Zhang San.

Zhang San raised his head and looked at the giant earth ball that looked like a meteorite falling from the sky, his purple eyes showing a bit of solemnity.


Behind Zhang San, one yellow and one purple, two soul rings emitted dazzling light in the dark cave.

The first soul skill: Blade of Hidden Night, activate!

At the moment when the soul skill was activated, Zhang San's whole body was enveloped by a black energy, and soon his figure completely disappeared into the darkness and was no longer seen.

Of course, in this case, it would be useless for Zhang San to become completely invisible. After all, there is no way to dodge in the current space. When the earth ball comes down, what should be crushed will be crushed again.

Facing the earth ball that was getting closer and closer, Zhang San, who was in a hidden state, jumped up to the cave wall. Just like the big earth ball, his legs bounced back and forth on both sides of the cave wall. At the same time, the purple second soul behind him The ring lights up, and the second soul skill·Collapse Mountain Rush is activated!

Although it is not flat ground, by jumping back and forth on the walls on both sides of the cave, you can also complete the charged charge requirement of Mountain Collapse.

At the moment when the power of Bengshan Rush was completed, the distance between the earth balls transformed by Zhang San and Wang Defa was only one foot.


Zhang San shouted loudly and took the initiative to reveal his aura, and the "invisibility" effect disappeared.

Zhang San directly enters the invisible state. The first soul skill, Night Hidden Blade, greatly increases Zhang San's attack power after breaking invisible. At the same time, Zhang San's first attack will definitely hit a critical hit, and there will be hundreds of hits. A critical hit effect of [-]%.

And the damage he is about to quadruple his attack power is at full charge - Mountain Collapse!

boom! ! !

You are overwhelmed by the mountains, and I am shattered.

The two terrifying forces collided in the most direct and fierce way, and after a moment of stalemate, the winner was decided.

The huge earth ball was pushed up by the little boy, and he burst out with amazing strength. He not only withstood the tremendous force of the earth ball, but also used his own power to knock it away.

The earth ball rushed out of the hole. After landing heavily, it spun three times on the ground, leaving deep marks on the ground before stopping. Then the seemingly huge and solid earth ball shattered in front of everyone's astonished eyes. It became countless clods of soil.

"how is this possible……"

The bald man, covered in blood and broken armor, struggled to crawl out of the mound. However, before he could take a few steps, a pair of mud-covered cloth shoes appeared in front of him. He raised his head in shock, and suddenly felt a sensation on his neck. There was a chill, and at the same time, his eyes reflected a cold, deep and childish face.

Zhang San looked at the opponent in front of him who had lost his fighting power. He squatted down, pressed the sharp claws of his right hand against Wang Defa's neck, and said lightly:

"you lose."

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