Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 201 The big one is coming!

As soon as Wang Defa, as the eldest brother, ran away, the younger brothers must have dispersed.

After all, they are robbers, gangsters, bandits, and people who want to make money, not death squads or desperadoes.

When faced with a group of weak ordinary civilians, they had to form a group to have the confidence to dominate. Now when they encounter a strong enemy, they have almost no will to fight. They don't even plan to resist, and just want to run away. .

Seeing Wang Defa and other bandits running away, the men in black robes did not just let them go. They also chased them all the way, leaving several bandits alive.

When Wang Defa's side escaped and tried to gather people again, they found that there were less than ten people left out of the more than 20 people on hand. The others either ran away and could not be found, or were dead.

Moreover, one of the soul master brothers who were "conquering the world" with him also died, and his head was blown off on the spot at the entrance of the village. It can be said that he was definitely dead.

Although that guy was only a first-level soul master and an auxiliary soul master, and did not have much impact on his team's combat effectiveness, Wang Defa still cried for him and made a tomb with his clothes. , it was a decent funeral.

After all, this unlucky guy is their cook. He cooked yesterday's meal, but he didn't expect it to be the last supper.

More importantly, he is also a food-based soul master. Although the martial soul is salted fish and will make you vomit if you mix it with water, he can at least provide food security for his team.

Now this important logistics is gone. At the same time, the number of members of Wang Defa's bandit team has been reduced by more than half. In addition, everyone has just escaped from death, and morale is very low.

However, Wang Defa believes that there is no perfect path for everyone. Although he encountered a catastrophe this time, he will be blessed if he survives the disaster.

Wang Defa took a knife and shaved off his burned hair, then rinsed it with water and became completely bald.

Looking at himself with a smooth and shiny bald head in the water, Wang Defa nodded with satisfaction.

I did have all kinds of shortcomings in my past. I cared about this and that. In fact, as long as I look away, my bald self is just as great!

Wang Defa regained his composure and delivered an impassioned speech to the listless crowd. He wanted to express to everyone his spirit and consciousness of preparing to stand up from behind. However, others showed little interest, and even two more people ran away that night.

But Wang Defa is not discouraged. He understands that the two people who left will regret it. He will definitely be able to make a career, and these two people will definitely come back to him.

Of course Wang Defa would be so sure, and more importantly... they had nowhere else to go in this wilderness.

Sure enough, the two men came back the next day. Wang Defa mercifully forgave their disloyalty. Then he learned from these two people that he had several missing brothers who were imprisoned in the village by the villagers.

The two men originally wanted to go to the villagers to surrender, but when they saw the bandits being hung up and whipped by the villagers, screaming in agony, they knew it was not a good place to go, so they came back in despair.

After hearing the news, Wang Defa said that he could rescue these brothers. The other brothers were very surprised. After all, there might be people in black robes staying in that village, and they didn't want to die.

However, Wang Defa said that his plan was not to attack the village, but to attack the officers and soldiers.

After all, the villagers couldn't keep these bandits in prison forever. It would be unlucky to kill people. They had to report it to the officials and let the officials send these bandits to prison.

Compared to dealing with those men in black robes, it was much easier to deal with Tiandou officers and soldiers who only had ordinary protective gear and weapons.

Therefore, Wang Defa took his people instead of taking the official road and took the mountain road, and quickly headed to the outskirts of the town. First, he pretended to rob civilians, attracting and ambushing a patrol team of four.

Wang Defa did not dare to kill the officers and soldiers, so as not to attract the attention of the government. He only took away the horses and four sets of clothes.

Then he asked his brothers who had never shown their faces to change into the clothes of officers and soldiers, and hurried back to the village to pick up the bandits in the village.

The villagers didn't doubt these four gangster officers and soldiers, but they were quite surprised that Tiandou's officers and soldiers could work so efficiently. They thought it would take another ten days and a half for the officers and soldiers to come, but they still decided to come. The bandits in their hands were handed over to the "officers and soldiers".

The bandits had already recognized him as one of their own, and after leaving the village, they almost burst into tears.

Wang Defa learned from these brothers that the men in black robes were indeed not from the village. After they captured the bandits, they did not kill them. They just handed them over to the villagers to deal with themselves, and then these men in black robes gone.

After some discussion, the villagers made these bandits work hard for a few days and worked as cattle and horses to make up for the village's losses.

Although Wang Defa listened to these brothers complaining about their sufferings for a long time, he still didn't understand the origins of those black-robed men.

However, Wang Defa knew that those men in black robes were not in the village on weekdays, and the villagers often prayed for "Rakshasa blessing" before meals, as if they believed in the Rakshasa god.

Maybe those black robes are related to the Rakshasa Cult?

Wang Defa didn't know, but even if he knew that the men in black robes were not in the village, he would not dare to organize revenge. After all, the village was protected by those men in black robes. It was not beyond his imagination that there was no need to provoke those great gods again.

Moreover, he also understood that the clever trick he had used to rescue his brothers might be exposed in the near future, and then the men in black robes, the villagers, and the officers and soldiers of Tiandou might come to deal with them.

So Wang Defa took his brothers and ran away quickly, found a more remote mountain forest, and re-established a stronghold.

Now Wang Defa's team has returned to 17 people, and because of Wang Defa's wise leadership and the rescue of several brothers, the bandits in the team respect Wang Defa quite a lot, and their morale has returned to the past.

Then Wang Defa, who had learned a lesson and gained wisdom, no longer tried to attack nearby villages. Instead, he led his people to block the road and rob passers-by. They even successfully robbed a small caravan. Everyone had more money in their pockets. It can be said that It's a wave of obesity.

Wang Defa then planned to expand his team and posted small advertisements in towns and cities, saying that he was recruiting "warriors" who would be well paid and come without fear of death.

Wang Defa personally interviews and selects people he is satisfied with. Whether they are strong or not is not important. The key thing for him is to select people who have no morals, no worries, and are very short of money. After passing all the tests, he tells the other party that he If you are a member of the Jie Dao, you can cooperate and share the money, but if you can't, you can keep the secret. If you can't keep the secret, he will "keep it secret" for you.

Of course, those who could be selected by Wang Defa basically chose to join the team. Unknowingly, Wang Defa expanded the team to 40 people, and several soul masters joined the team. At this time, it was also far away from the big failure that he had suffered when he lost all his troops. Just less than two months.

Looking at the growing and prosperous team of robbers, Wang Defa was very proud. If this development continued, he would be able to become the king of the mountain by building his own copycat.

However, soon his prosperous gangster career encountered another change.

Yes, those men in black robes appeared again, and this time they directly tracked down their stronghold, wreaked havoc in their stronghold, and killed several people.

Wang Defa had no choice but to run away again with his people and some belongings. This time, half of the people he had on hand were gone, and there were several wounded people who escaped.

However, they lacked medical treatment and little food. It can be said that the situation was even worse than that time.

Wang Defa and his people changed places again. This time they did not dare to rob the main road, but only robbed the small road. However, not many people came to the small road, so they naturally had little profit.

Wang Defa wanted to kidnap passers-by for ransom, but was afraid of attracting men in black robes. Therefore, Wang Defa and his brothers were in a very difficult situation. One of the seriously injured died within two days. If this continued, the rest of the wounded would be It’s no longer guaranteed.

Wang Defa had no choice but to squat on this trail day and night with those who could move, waiting to catch a "big fish" to save their lives.

"Here it comes! Boss! The big fish is here!"

The robber on guard came excitedly to report to Wang Defa. Wang Defa, who was having dinner, immediately put down his rice bowl, ran to the trail and lay down, listening, and sure enough he heard the sound of horse hooves and wheels.

There is obviously a convoy coming this way.

Wang Defa suddenly grinned.

at last!

Here comes the big one!

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