Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 194 Martial Soul City

Now Zhang San doesn't know what he can do.

After all, Bibi Dong has opened her eyes now. Bibi Dong with her eyes open and Bibi Dong with her eyes closed give people completely different feelings. If Bibi Dong with her eyes closed is like an exquisite statue, then Bibi Dong with her eyes open is. Like an awakening tiger.

Although she was not looking at him or even showing any hostility, Zhang San still felt a lot of pressure. At least he did not dare to stare at Bibi Dong casually anymore.

However, if you don't look at Bibi Dong, there is nothing good to see in this carriage, and the scenery outside is completely blocked by the curtains.When meditating and practicing, the car is always vibrating, and there is no stable environment to get into the state. As a result, Zhang San suddenly feels that he has nothing to do.

After looking around for a while, his eyes finally fell on Bibi Dong. To be precise, it was the ancient book in her hand.

Bibi Dong originally put the book on her lap, but now she is holding the book in one hand. Judging from this change in posture, she seems to be reading very attentively.

In this way, Zhang San couldn't help but wonder what book Bibi Dong was reading.

Could it be that he is learning some kind of imperial power, or is he looking at the research on the use of martial souls and soul power?Or maybe it was a book given to her by the priests of the Rakshasa sect, talking about the inheritance of the Rakshasa god?

In short, now he will definitely not get the answer just by guessing.

Although he understood that even if he knew what book Bibi Dong was reading, it would probably be meaningless. After all, Bibi Dong would take it out in front of him and read it. Obviously it was not a private matter, but he couldn't help but be curious!

I'm bored anyway, and I don't know how long it will take to get to my destination, so I'm just looking for something to do.

But Zhang San neither wanted nor dared to disturb Bibi Dong who was reading quietly, so he leaned down to see if there was a title written on the cover of the book.

However, as soon as Zhang San made a move, Bibi Dong frowned and said calmly:

"What's wrong with you looking like this?"

Zhang San was a little embarrassed. He thought of a question and asked:

"What, Master, where are we going to the Spirit Hall?"

Wuhun Palace has never been a place name, it is the collective name of an organization.In fact, basically every larger town will have a Spirit Hall, whose role is to manage registration and help the spirit masters in the area.

"Where else can we go? To Wuhun City, of course."

As Bibi Dong said this, he closed the brown book in his hand and threw it towards Zhang San.

"Do you want to read this book? Then take it and read it!"

"Ah, thank you Master."

Although Zhang San knew that Bibi Dong should have seen his true intention at a glance, he didn't expect that Bibi Dong would throw the book she was reading to him so openly.

"It's nothing, just a boring and uninteresting book. If you have nothing to do, you can use it to relieve your boredom."

Bibi Dong looked disapproving. She quickly took out a new book from her storage soul guide. While flipping through it, she asked abruptly:

"Do you know the author of this book?"

"Ah? Wait a minute, Master, let me take a look first."

Zhang San just took this book in his hand and flipped through a few pages at random. Without paying attention to the author and the title, he closed the book again, then looked at the cover and read:

"Commentary on the Ten Basic Principles of Soul Master Cultivation, written by...Yu Xiaogang?"

Bibi Dong continued to look down at the book in her hand and asked:

"Yes, do you have any impression of this person?"

"Impression...well, yes."

Zhang San felt familiar when he saw this name. When he thought about it carefully, he immediately remembered that this person named Yu Xiaogang was not Tang San's future master?

The one who is known as "Soul Master Theory No. 1" is Yu Xiaogang.

"How will he live in the future?"

Is it an illusion?

Why did he feel that Bibi Dong seemed a little nervous.

Is it possible that Bibi Dong knows Yu Xiaogang?

Zhang San was confused, but when he thought about it carefully, Yu Xiaogang was the only son of Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, one of the top three sects of the seven martial arts sects. He was also from a famous family, so he might have met Bibi Dong. Sex is great.

Although Zhang San didn't know whether Bibi Dong knew Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang was already famous in Zhang San's previous life because he was Tang San's teacher. Later, because of Tang San's transformation After becoming the national advisor and "King Lan Hao" of the Tiandou Empire, Yu Xiaogang also became the "Blue Lightning King" and national advisor of the Tiandou Empire, with a high status.

So Zhang San replied:

"It's pretty good. I'm doing well in every aspect."

Zhang San didn't intend to tell Bibi Dong about these things in detail, after all, if Bibi Dong asked about it, Tang San would be involved.

He had to protect Tang San now, and he couldn't let this guy be exposed to Bibi Dong too early.

"Well... then does he have..."

Bibi Dong hesitated to speak, and finally just shook her head and sighed:

"never mind……"

This was the first time Zhang San saw Bibi Dong looking so indecisive, as if Yu Xiaogang was her weakness, so Zhang San boldly asked:

"Uh, Master, do you know Yu Xiaogang?"

"It's an acquaintance."

At this time, Bibi Dong's expression returned to normal, and she said coldly:

"Badly, we are considered friends."

"Ah...then he gave you this book?"

Zhang San flipped through the brown book and found that although the book was old and had been read over and over countless times, basically every page was very smooth and had no trace of bends. The cover was also bright and had been maintained daily. Pretty good.

It's just that the book itself is very thin, less than half an inch thick, and it contains some boring theoretical knowledge. Even if it has merit, he doesn't think that with Bibi Dong's talent, she needs to read and study it repeatedly.

In addition, the content of this book itself is handwritten, not printed, and is in a state close to the original manuscript. Of course, the original manuscript should be in the hands of the author. Bibi Dong is not the author, but has a handwritten version of this book, and only "she This explanation is "I met Yu Xiaogang", and this book is probably a gift.

"No, it's just that some reasons happened to me."

Bibi Dong denied the origin of this book, and then she asked:

"Will he ever be an enemy of Wuhun Palace in the future?"

"Uh, this..."

Zhang San was dumbfounded. He didn't want to explain these things. After all, if he admitted that Yu Xiaogang was an enemy of Wuhun Hall, then Bibi Dong would directly kill Yu Xiaogang, and Tang San's growth would also be affected.

"It seems there is."

However, Bibi Dong saw Zhang San hesitate and already guessed the answer, and then she asked again:

"So, is he an enemy of Qian Xunji's Spirit Hall, or... is he an enemy of my Spirit Hall?"


Before Zhang San gave an answer, Bibi Dong sneered and said:

"Mine, right? After all, Qian Xunji will die in another year, and this year, he doesn't have the ability. If he can, he can go against me."

"Yes, Master."

Zhang San knew that Bibi Dong was now using his status as a "future person" to obtain information about the future, but he knew that he could only answer honestly. After all, Bibi Dong was a very smart woman and he could not deceive the other party.

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