[Okay, okay, master, please don't get excited, I'm just making a little joke for you. 】

Zhang San spoke so fiercely, Guangtuan also changed back to his original female voice very obediently.

[We understand your preferences. To use your proverb, we are like roundworms in your belly. We all know what you think and like. 】

"Well, then don't I have no privacy at all?"

Zhang San felt a little unhappy. Although it was said that he was living in his own head and it was normal to know what he was thinking. The system had mentioned this before, but Zhang San did not like this feeling of being spied on all the time.

Guangtuan immediately explained:

[No, no, your attitudes and thoughts will only be perceived by us if they are too obvious. What we capture is only your emotions, and of course we will take your privacy into consideration. 】

Is this true or false?

Zhang San didn’t know either, but it didn’t matter.

As mentioned before, the system has great magical powers. Although he is called the master, it does not mean that he is really the master of the other party. At least Zhang San does not think that he has the ability to control the other party.

Moreover, his orders are not executed unconditionally by the system. He is always required to contribute the points required by the system, and then the system will do things for him.

Of course, this mutually beneficial relationship is quite good.

In his heart, Zhang San does not really regard the system as his subordinate or tool, but as a companion, a companion who fights side by side with him and sits on an equal footing.

"So system, where is your sister?"

Zhang San continued to raise his questions to the system.

"Why haven't I seen her yet?"

[This is because she is the main part of this upgrade, so she is still dormant and cannot come to see the master. 】

After Guangtuan finished explaining, he added:

[In fact, she was the one who guided you in the first place. Later, she realized that you didn’t seem to like her guidance, so she changed it to mine. 】

"Ah? Is that so?"

Only then did Zhang San remember that in his impression, the system's voice had indeed changed. One was more lively and the other was calmer. The one in front of him was the lively one, but he had important things to do at the time, so there was no Too concerned.

Of course, no matter what, he now understands the system in his mind better. If he knows more about the system itself, he will not be confused when using the power of the system in the future.

[Speaking of which, Master, you still haven’t thought about my image yet? 】

Guang Tuan made a sound of dissatisfaction. Of course it was dissatisfaction, but in fact it was more like deliberate coquettishness.

[It took a lot of effort for me to have an independent image. Master, please don’t waste it! 】

Zhang San was also very embarrassed when he heard the system urging him.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he really can't think of any female image that can compare with Bibi Dong.

If the image he has in mind is not as good-looking as the original, wouldn't he be at a loss?

This is a hard-won opportunity to customize a girl!

Zhang San is determined not to suffer in this regard.

So Zhang San seemed to be chatting with the system, but he was actually thinking hard about a suitable image.

Zhang San, who still couldn't think of a suitable appearance for the time being, asked in order to change the subject:

"Well, I want to ask if you have your own image, will it have any impact on the future system functions?"

Guangtuan seemed to understand what Zhang San was thinking, and she did not continue to urge her, but answered honestly:

[There is not much impact yet, but as the system level slowly improves, we will also have the ability to materialize, and we will no longer just be able to directly affect reality. 】

"Reality...you don't have any weird habits that destroy the world, do you?"

Zhang San knew that he could not rule out this possibility:

The alien existence parasitic in his own mind successfully came to this world through his own hands, and then directly destroyed the world.

Guangtuan's voice was rarely unhappy, and she argued:

[Of course not, why do we want to destroy the world?Our purpose of choosing you is simply to coexist.Please believe us, we are by no means a bad existence. 】

But don’t you deny that you have the power to destroy the world?

Zhang San heard the extra meaning in the system's words, and he also believed that the system had this ability.

This system is also a mysterious existence for him. He doesn't know if the system is using him to achieve any purpose, but now it seems that there is really no harm. What purpose does it really have? Even with his power, he can't stop the other party. Now he is still honest. It's better to cooperate with them.

After a moment of silence, the system asked:

[Master, haven’t you thought about your new image yet? 】

"Right away, I already have an idea."

Zhang San did think of a new choice.

Is there really no woman on Douluo Continent who is as beautiful as Bibi Dong?

Of course not, Bibi Dong's appearance is indeed stunning, hard to match, and she seems to be an immortal, but there are still many well-known beauties in Douluo Continent.

After all, beauty comes in various forms, and everyone has a different understanding and perception of beauty.

What's more, Bibi Dong is not famous for her beauty. There are only a few candidates who can rival Bibi Dong in terms of reputation for beauty.

For example, Tang Xiaowu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing among the Shrek Seven Monsters who will be resounded in the mainland in the future, or the most beautiful Tang Yuehua of the Haotian Sect, Hu Liena of the Wuhun Palace, etc... their appearance is praised by the world.

It’s just that Zhang San has never seen most of them with his own eyes, and even if he has seen them, he has no chance to come into contact with them.

After all, those women whose appearance can be praised and ranked by the world are basically rich or noble ladies, and there are also genius female soul masters who were born as ordinary people. It can be said that their appearance is not the only thing they can do.

After all, if you are just beautiful, then it is just a beautiful vase, and there is no need to make all the gentlemen in the world intoxicated.

And if she was born poorly and is just a commoner in the village, no matter how beautiful she is, she will only be a village beauty at best and cannot become the goddess in Quan Douluo's heart.

As for women in purdah, if they are not high-ranking officials or the wives and concubines of a certain big shot, it is difficult for them to be famous.

Even if she meets the conditions, if she doesn't have a matching story that people can talk about, she still won't be able to make her name resound across the mainland.

The only ones that can be recognized by the world are those strange women who have influenced the course of history and are linked to Douluo's turbulent future.

In his previous life, Zhang San was just a member of the lower-middle class of Wuhun Palace, with an average status and no background. Naturally, he had few opportunities to come into contact with these beauties.

As for Hu Liena, although Zhang San had met and interacted with her, and she was indeed a beauty, Zhang San and Hu Liena had a lot of bad memories in their previous lives, so they were naturally excluded from the options just like Bibi Dong.

However, there was a strange woman who was said to be the most beautiful in Douluo, and Zhang San was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her beauty.

There was no other reason. The other party was also born in Wuhun Hall and held a high position. Zhang San was lucky enough to have worked under him.Although he was still in an insignificant corner at that time, looking at him from a distance, he was directly amazed by his temperament and appearance.

At that time, he truly believed that he deserved the title of "The Most Beautiful Douluo".

This person is the mainstay of Wuhun Palace in the future, one of the two gods, the elder of the judge, the god of angels - Qian Renxue.

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