Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 15 Zhang 3’s Reflection

As soon as Zhang San finished speaking, his legs took off like springs and he rushed in front of Asri almost instantly.

Then facing the frightened Asri, he raised his right hand, or to be precise, his right claw, a pitch-black claw that shone with cold light.

But instead of stabbing Asri with his claws, he put away his claws and clenched his fist instead.

Zhang San was indeed furious, but he still remained basically calm.

such as:

You can be ruthless, but at least don't kill anyone.

However, if this iron fist continues, even if Zhang San has restrained it, its power cannot be underestimated.



Zhang Sanyi punched Asri on the left side of his face. When the fist came into close contact with Asri's face, it not only severely deformed his already red and swollen face, but also caused his jaw to shift and his mouth to move. It was crooked, his nose was bleeding, and there were two baby teeth flying out of his mouth with blood foam.

Asri's head was buzzing after receiving this punch, and half of his face lost consciousness, but he was not knocked away by the force.

The reason is of course not that Asri's lower body skills were more reliable, it was simply that Zhang San grabbed his collar.


Then, while Asri's head was still buzzing, Zhang San punched him a second time on the right side of his face. The second punch also knocked out two teeth in Asri's mouth and hit his ears. There has to be blood foaming.

"Tsk! It's boring."

Zhang San, who was still holding on to Asri, wanted to throw a third punch and continue to beat Asri, but after seeing these two punches, Asri rolled his eyes and fainted, and couldn't help but let out a dissatisfied smack. Tongue sound.

This tolerance was really low, so he didn't continue.

After all, this guy was already unconscious, and it would be difficult to convey the pain of another punishment to him.

Besides, Zhang San doesn't want to beat this guy to death or cripple him. He just needs to make him fully understand how much he weighs and understand that the world does not lack the iron fist of justice.

And this is not because Zhang San is kind-hearted. If an adult is engaged in the business of killing, arson, and robbing homes, he is really a gangster who wants to die. Zhang San will not show mercy. In addition, he is angry and tortures him in all kinds of ways. Pass.

But Asri and others are now only six to seven years old, that is, children in the first or second grade of primary school.He is still young and does not have enough judgment on many things.

If you make a mistake at this time, as long as you are taught a lesson, there is still the possibility of correcting the mistake.

Now the purpose of Zhang San's lesson has been achieved. Beating people to death and maiming them is just to make the matter bigger, causing extraneous problems, which is also detrimental to himself.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Zhang San still stopped despite his unwillingness.

"Ah ah!"

At this time, Roumei suddenly screamed. Zhang San was holding the unconscious Asri with one hand. When he looked back, he saw that the three boys with bruises and swollen faces had gotten up from the ground, and they were trying to recreate Asri taking the hostage. Using his own tactics, he pounced on the injured Roumei.

However, Roumei is the holder of the Nekomata Martial Spirit. In addition to her petite stature, her movements are still very flexible. This can be seen from the fact that she can grab the blade faster than Zhang San, and although she is considered Although he was injured, his hand was only injured by Asri's long sword, not his foot, so when these boys who were still dazed after being beaten by Zhang San rushed toward her, Roumei quickly got out of the way.

As soon as Roumei dodged, a black figure blew past her like a whirlwind, and he raised his fist and aimed it at the nearest fat boy.


The punch almost penetrated his round face. Although Zhang San controlled the force well and tried not to break the bridge of his nose, it still caused his nose to bleed. After Zhang San withdrew his fist, he fell backwards. You can't get back up again.

"Huh? This guy..."

The remaining two boys, one tall and one short, were frightened when they saw that Zhang San had already defeated the two most powerful among them, and he still punched them one at a time.

"We surrender! We surrender!"

The two boys, who understood the difference in strength, wanted to raise their hands and surrender, but Zhang San said:

"I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it?"

After saying that, he was about to punch again. The two boys immediately knelt down in fear, kowtowed to Zhang San and said:

"Third brother, we also followed here. Apart from helping that Asri guy overwhelm the girl, we haven't done anything bad. Can you please spare us if you have a lot?"


Zhang San stopped his movements and turned to look at the two unlucky guys lying on the ground, Roumei who was sitting on the bed covering the wound on her hand, and the two boys who were kneeling in front of him begging for mercy, who were also bruised and swollen.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang San said:

"Okay, I will make an exception this time and give you another chance. Since you have sincerely admitted your mistake, then you two take these two guys away! I don't want to see you again, so get as far away as possible ."

"Thank you third brother!"

Knowing that they were saved from being beaten, the two boys looked at each other happily and immediately stood up to carry Asri and the fat boy.

The taller one picked up the fat boy, and the shorter one picked up Asri. Just when they were about to leave like this, Zhang San suddenly called out to them.

"Wait a moment!"

"Eh? What, what's the matter?"

The two boys were completely impressed by Zhang San, and they looked horrified when they were called out.

Zhang San glanced at the girl on the bed and said, "Apologise to her."

The two boys looked at each other again, then immediately held up their unconscious companion and bowed to Roumei to apologize.


"Ah, you don't have to..."

Roumei was obviously not used to this scene and was even a little shy.

"Okay, let's go down."

Zhang San didn't say much about this, and just waved to the four people to leave his sight quickly.

"When your companions wake up, remember to tell them that if this happens again and I catch you, then you won't be as lucky as this next time."


The two responded in succession, and then the four people staggered out of the door.

Moreover, after leaving Asri and the fat boy in the corridor outside, the two boys, one tall and one short, went out of their way to return.

Zhang San was wondering what they were doing, but they raised their hands above their heads, huddled up and rolled out the door.

Only then did Zhang San remember that he seemed to have said something similar to this. Unexpectedly, these two guys still remembered it now. They didn't even explain it specifically, so they just did it.

This kind of obedience that is almost slavish originally only existed in the cruel adult society, but unexpectedly it was seen in these six-year-old children.

Although these four boys are all bad boys, who taught them such virtues?

Maybe this is a hateful person, and there is something pitiable about him, right?

Zhang San shook his head and sighed, and said:

"Oh... let's go quickly! You two should send them to the infirmary to the east earlier. There are auxiliary soul masters there. They should wake up soon."

"Okay! Thank you, brother!"

The two boys who had been beaten up by Zhang San smiled happily. Not only did they no longer have any resentment, but they were also grateful to Zhang San. They immediately carried their two companions and ran in the direction indicated by Zhang San.

This was a completely crushing battle. It shouldn't even be called a battle. It should be called a one-sided beating.

It’s not that Zhang San didn’t give Asri and others a chance. Everything could have ended in a relatively mild way. However, Asri, a bad boy who couldn’t grasp the facts, not only successfully exhausted Zhang San’s patience, but also touched his heart. It’s reached Zhang San’s bottom line.

Then don't blame Zhang San for letting them see blood.

But even though he had taught these four boys a lesson, Zhang San still had no pride in his heart.

After all, in Zhang San's opinion, he was just an adult beating a child, and there was nothing to be proud of if he won.

And this time...

After Zhang San watched the four boys go away, he turned back to look at the girl sitting in front of the bed who was treating her wounds with difficulty. His fists that had just been released could not help but clenched again.

This time he should do well and reflect on himself.

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