If the opening of the eight extraordinary meridians fails, in addition to the possibility of direct explosion and death, if you are lucky enough to survive, you may also suffer serious internal injuries.

Precisely because the risks of "opening the meridians" are extremely high, soul masters who have opened up the eight extraordinary meridians are still rare to this day, and basically all of them are the proud ones who have been trained by all the major forces with all their resources.

However, by chance, the Bibi Dong whom Zhang San met was one of those rare top soul masters who had opened up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

It was also because he had experience in opening the eight extraordinary meridians, so Bibi Dong was more confident in opening the meridians for Zhang San.

Moreover, the large amount of solid Rakshasa divine power existing in Zhang San's body is ready-made energy for opening pulses, isn't it?

What Bibi Dong has to do now is to guide these Rakshasa powers to attack Zhang San's eight extraordinary meridians and expand them.

It's not difficult to say, but in practice it's not much simpler than when Bibi Dong used it to unblock the muscles and veins.

There is no other reason. Zhang San's physical condition is too bad and he can no longer withstand much torture.

Moreover, the so-called opening of meridians actually means to use a huge amount of energy to forcefully enlarge the narrow eight meridians, and then use this energy to stabilize the shape of the meridians. In short, it is to "build a large scale" in the human body. possible.

Even if Zhang San looks like he may die at any time, since Bibi Dong wants to open Zhang San's pulse, he still has to make the effort. After all, between the two choices of "may die" and "destined to die" , or the former is better.

Although Zhang San was indeed under a lot of pressure, the real burden was on Bibi Dong who had to open Zhang San's pulse.

The Eight Extraordinary Meridians may sound mysterious, but in fact they are a rather special meridian system that everyone has.These eight extraordinary meridians are also fleshy, and are directly linked to the strength of the person's body, and the meridians are often very tough. It is easy to deform, but difficult to fix.

This requires projecting a large amount of energy to maintain the enlarged meridians. However, if the projected energy is too large, it may cause this part of the meridians to burst directly, which is not "opening the meridians" but "breaking the meridians".

In other words, the energy input must be controlled within a range that can pulse the meridians and maintain deformation without causing cracks.

And since Bibi Dong wants to open Zhang San's meridians to introduce the nearly full Rakshasa power in his body, then just making the meridians a little larger will definitely not work. It is useless if the meridians are opened to the back without providing enough space, so she What needs to be done is to open up Zhang San's meridians as much as possible to the limit that his body can currently bear.

It doesn’t matter if you have one more point or less, you must control it at the right position.

Although this is not a problem for Bibi Dong, it is precisely because of this limitation that the energy she uses to open Zhang San's pulse is mainly her own soul power, so that she can make precise control. Use the power of God to make tricks.

Since Zhang San's current situation was critical, Bibi Dong chose to open the "Chong Mai" of the eight extraordinary meridians first.

The Chongmai, which goes up to the head and goes down to the feet, runs through the whole body and becomes the hub of qi and blood. It can regulate the qi and blood of the twelve meridians, so it is called the "sea of ​​the twelve meridians", also known as the "sea of ​​blood".

This vein is exactly what Zhang San, who is short of blood, urgently needs.

So the first thing Bibi Dong opened was this meridian. She held her breath and concentrated on using her Rakshasa soul power to attack this meridian.

However, Bibi Dong's starting point is certainly good, but the pain of opening a meridian is like someone drilling a hole in the body with a drill. Many people are almost dying of pain before a single meridian is opened.

Although Zhang San was unconscious, he could still feel the pain in his body. His body began to twitch, and he even tried to break away from Bibi Dong's control.

Of course, Bibi Dong, who has always been domineering, would not allow this kind of thing. She forcibly used her soul power to hold Zhang San in place, making him unable to move and could only cooperate obediently.

Bibi Dong, who continued to attack the meridians, soon discovered that the meridians of this great soul master, a boy who was only seven years old at most, had actually expanded to the level of a serious soul sect, and he had not yet reached the limit.

It's really strange, this guy's meridians are so tough?

This made Bibi Dong feel very confused.

Ordinary soul masters will also strengthen and expand the twelve meridians during their cultivation. Generally speaking, "opening up the eight extraordinary meridians" means opening up these narrow eight meridians to the level of the opponent's own twelve meridians. And this It is already very reluctant, as the meridians toughness of most soul masters has almost reached its limit before.

However, Zhang San's Chongmai had already expanded to twice the size of Bibi Dong's twelve meridians, but it seemed that it could continue to expand.

Bibi Dong snorted coldly in her heart:

"Heh, I want to see what other surprises your kid can give me."

Then she did not hesitate to use her soul power to continue to expand the meridians for Zhang San. After Zhang San's meridians were two times larger than his twelve meridians and had reached the level of the Soul King, Bibi Dong felt that it was difficult to advance and seemed to have reached the limit. That's why I didn't continue.

Then she stabilized the inner wall of Zhang San's meridians step by step.

However, because the soul power used to open up the Chongmai is very huge, Bibi Dong also feels a little weak and tired, but now she doesn't care about resting. As soon as she stabilizes the Chongmai, she uses the Rakshasa power in Zhang San's body. introduced into it.

After using Rakshasa divine power to stabilize the inner wall of the Chongmai, Bibi Dong withdrew her own soul power to stabilize the Chongmai. This time, the pressure dropped, causing the size of the Chongmai to shrink a bit, but it had already reached twice the size of the Twelve Meridians. , and then the Rakshasa's divine power and blood can be absorbed normally, which means that this chakra has been successfully opened.

The Chong meridians were successfully opened, allowing Zhang San's blood to flow with several times the original efficiency. Moreover, because the Rakshasa's divine power had one more meridian to pour into, the pressure on the twelve main meridians was suddenly reduced.

However, Bibi Dong understood that the newly opened meridians alone were not enough to resolve the crisis in Zhang San's body. The Rakshasa power in Zhang San's twelve meridians was still huge, and new meridians must be opened as soon as possible to clear them.

So after Bibi Dong meditated and adjusted her breath for a while, she continued to open Zhang San's pulse.

The most famous one is "Ren Du Ermai".

The Ren meridian runs in the midline of the abdominal surface. Its pulse intersects with the three yin and yin dimensional meridians of the hands and feet many times, and can integrate the yin meridian of any body.

The Du Vein runs in the middle of the back. Its pulse intersects with the three yang meridians of the hands and feet and the Yang Wei meridians many times, and it can govern the yang meridians of the whole body.

These two meridians, yin and yang, complement each other. It is said that if both of them are opened, one can achieve extraordinary powers.

Of course, actually opening up the Ren and Du meridians will not allow you to suddenly grow wings and fly into the sky, but it can still be achieved by greatly increasing your strength.

Since these two meridians seem to be independent but are actually one, Bibi Dong must open these two meridians at the same time. Otherwise, it will lead to an imbalance of qi, blood, yin and yang in Zhang San's body, which will most likely lead to Zhang San's death.

Therefore, the opening of these two meridians should be considered the most difficult of the eight meridians, but Bibi Dong understands the principle of "high risk and high reward".

Now the crisis in Zhang San's body has not been resolved, especially if she chooses to open the Chongmai, there is no way out.

Because before the Chong meridians were opened, they had been adjusting the blood energy in Zhang San's twelve meridians, allowing Zhang San to survive.

Now that the Chongmai is connected, Rakshasa divine power is pouring in. Zhang San's absorption efficiency of Rakshasa's divine power is extremely low, and Rakshasa's divine power is continuously produced from the Lotus of Rakshasa, then this Chongmai naturally has the same effect as ten The risk of being blocked is the same as the two serious ones.

If she doesn't open up these two meridians and waits until the Chong meridians are blocked, Zhang San's last channel for circulation of blood and energy will also disappear, and he will die by then.

As for the other meridians except the Ren and Du meridians, they are either located in remote locations where it is difficult to introduce a large amount of Rakshasa divine power, or they are too small to share much pressure.

So now Bibi Dong can only gnaw on these two "hard bones" first.

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