Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 147 Bibi Dong's Choice

Although Bibi Dong could not understand the situation as detailed as above, by looking at Zhang San's physical condition and knowing the dominance of the Rakshasa power, she could also deduce Zhang San's narrow escape experience.

"Ha! It's really not easy for you kid to survive till now."

After the investigation, Bibi Dong sneered. If Zhang San were awake, she would definitely ridicule him for overestimating his abilities.

But Zhang San was still unconscious after all, so Bibi Dong didn't say much. She just bent down and carefully lifted Zhang San's body lying on the ground, made it sit cross-legged, and then sat down cross-legged behind him.

Although Zhang San is indeed out of danger now, if the excessive Rakshasa power in Zhang San's body is not channeled, Zhang San will spend his whole life in bed even if he can wake up on his own.

So now Zhang San is still facing a problem of blood deficiency.And this is by no means a small problem that can be easily ignored. It can also be life-threatening if not handled properly.

After Bibi Dong adjusted her body's aura, she put her hands on Zhang San's back. While circulating the Rakshasa soul power in her body, she murmured to herself:

"I really didn't expect that I would have to save you once."

Then Bibi Dong closed her eyes and channeled the Rakshasa power in Zhang San's body.

Yes, Bibi Dong, who has now solved the misunderstanding about Zhang San, plans to help Zhang San solve this problem.

Of course, this matter is not a simple and easy "easy task" for Bibi Dong.

The Rakshasa power in Zhang San's body is very huge. What Bibi Dong has to do now is to channel this Rakshasa power from the tendons into Zhang San's muscle tissue, that is, to help him absorb the Rakshasa power.

Of course, at Zhang San's level, it is impossible for him to completely absorb such a huge Rakshasa power.

However, it is still possible to try to absorb part of the Rakshasa's divine power to relieve the pressure on the tendons and leave enough space for normal blood flow.

However, the tendons and veins in Zhang San's body have been almost filled up, leaving almost no space. Therefore, it will be very difficult for Bibi Dong to devote his soul power to unblocking Zhang San's tendons.

If she didn't do it properly, she would not be saving Zhang San by investing her soul power into Zhang San, but would be accelerating Zhang San's physical collapse.

But fortunately, Bibi Dong is not an ordinary person. Her own cultivation level has reached the level of Eight-ring Soul Douluo. Not only is her mental power extremely condensed, but she has also mastered the control of her own soul power. Moreover, her current soul power is already the Rakshasa soul power. It has the same origin as the Rakshasa divine power in Zhang San's body, and can be channeled better.

Therefore, no matter how small the space left in Zhang San's veins is, generally speaking, as long as there is space for Bibi Dong to invest her soul power, she will have a way to solve this problem.

But Zhang San's situation is unusual after all. Every muscle and vein in his body is almost on the verge of collapse. Trying to channel it is like trying to draw a picture of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" on a green onion. It is as difficult as hell.

Therefore, after Bibi Dong started to provide counseling, sweat soon broke out on her forehead.

And after starting to regulate Zhang San's body, Bibi Dong found that Zhang San's current situation was even more dangerous than she thought. Every time she tried to use her soul power to attack the Rakshasa power that blocked her veins, Zhang San's original Even the fragile muscles and veins seemed to burst.

If Zhang San's tendons explode, the Rakshasa power in these veins will flow into Zhang San's other organs and tissues without being absorbed normally, which is equivalent to sharp knives stirring up his body. , is likely to cause serious internal injuries, and may even directly lead to Zhang San's death.

Therefore, Bibi Dong had to be extremely cautious when acting here. She used her very weak soul power to slowly attack these nearly solidified Rakshasa divine powers to avoid further damage to Zhang San's tendons, but the efficiency of this was very low. Very bad.

Bibi Dong tried for a long time, but couldn't even clear a section of the tendons. However, there were still hundreds of thousands of tendons in Zhang San's body waiting for her to unblock.

"'s really troublesome..."

Bibi Dong felt that Zhang San was just here to cause trouble for her. He couldn't kill her when she wanted to, and was difficult to save when she wanted to, so it didn't make her happy.

However, even though Bibi Dong complained verbally and mentally, she did not give up channeling the Rakshasa power in Zhang San's body, and continued to do her best to resolve the crisis in Zhang San's body.

Nearly an hour passed like this, Bibi Dong pulled her hand from behind Zhang San, then shook her head and sighed softly, saying:

"No, it seems this method won't work."

Although Bibi Dong did not need to expend much soul power to help Zhang San relax her muscles and veins, it did consume a lot of mental and mental energy, which was also a big burden for her.

However, after working hard for so long, the results were quite weak, especially since Bibi Dong also felt that the Rakshasa power in Zhang San's body was still growing slowly, and this should be related to the Rakshasa Lotus in his sea of ​​consciousness.

As a large collection of Rakshasa divine power, Rakshasa Lotus itself will continuously produce Rakshasa divine power, which can assist the holder in his practice.

But Zhang San's muscles are almost bursting now, and he is not the successor chosen by Rakshasa God. His affinity for Rakshasa's divine power is very low, and his efficiency in converting Rakshasa's divine power into his own soul power is also low.

This led to the fact that no matter how hard Bibi Dong tried to channel the Rakshasa power in Zhang San's veins, Zhang San could not absorb as much as he had grown in his body. Therefore, the precious three-petal Rakshasa Lotus was now ineffective for Zhang San. Words are a deadly poison.

Bibi Dong did not dare to enter Zhang San's sea of ​​consciousness to take out the Rakshasa Lotus, but in this case, Zhang San's body collapse and death would almost become inevitable.

Moreover, the space in Zhang San's tendons is now narrower than before. If it was not possible to clear Zhang San's tendons before, it will be even more impossible now.

Bibi Dong knew that there was nothing she could do to save herself, so after exhaling a breath of turbid breath, she said to Zhang San, who looked increasingly pale:

"Heh...boy, it's not that I won't save you, but that you are destined to not be able to escape this disaster."

She had tried her best to save Zhang San's life, but the situation was beyond her ability.

A person as powerful as Bibi Dong rarely admits that her abilities are limited. After all, it is rare that she feels powerless.

But the black-haired boy in front of him is an example.

Bibi Dong looked at Zhang San, her purple eyes full of complexity and unwillingness, and she thought in her heart:

Am I really about to give up?

Is there really nothing I can do?

It's clear that there are still many secrets in this kid that need to be discovered. Do you really want to let him die like this?

Bibi Dong, who has invested a lot of energy in saving Zhang San, is of course not happy to see Zhang San die, but she knows that Zhang San's body is already very dangerous. If this guy survives for at most an hour and a half, his muscles and veins will be severed and he will explode. The body dies.

And no matter how unwilling she is, there is really nothing she can do. After all, even if she continues to work hard to unblock Zhang San's veins, it will just make Zhang San die a little later.

So, what else can she do next?

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