Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 136 Offsite Rescue

Although Zhang San almost risked his life but still failed to interrupt the trial, his efforts were not without effect.

When Zhang San used a grenade to blow up the shell of the "Lotus of Rakshasa", the illusion of the inner demon trial had already undergone considerable changes.


Qianxun, the inner demon who was still attacking Bibi Dong, looked at the sky above his head in shock, which suddenly changed from clear sky to lightning and thunder. Before he could react, a thunder suddenly struck down, directly hitting him high in the air. The seraphim covered in holy light was chopped to pieces.


Have the opportunity.

Bibi Dong, on the other hand, was not disturbed by this sudden situation. After all, she knew that this was a battle that she could not afford to lose.

So Bibi Dong naturally paid attention to Qian Xunji's movements all the time, intending to seize an opportunity to counterattack.

That opportunity seems to have arrived now.

The moment Qianxunji was struck by the sudden thunder, her body dropped to a position where she could touch it.

Flying martial spirits dominate the battlefield most of the time. After all, flying martial spirits move quickly, dodge, and can hit and run. They can often cause damage to you outside your attack range. And if you want to escape but the opponent can't fly as fast as the opponent, if the terrain is still on an open plain and you don't have any long-range attack methods, it is usually unsolvable.

Especially Qian Xunji, a god-given seraph with martial souls. Under normal circumstances, as long as he doesn't make any crazy moves to accept other people's tricks, he is basically in an invincible position.

And Bibi Dong fell into complete passivity. In addition to his own lack of soul power, more importantly, Qian Xunji was now high in the sky, and the surrounding area was quite empty. He could not use the walls and stone pillars to weave a net in the Pope's Palace like before. She closed the distance between her and Qian Xunji, and even in a place where there was nothing to hide her own position, her position was clearly visible to Qian Xunji from high in the sky.

Therefore, the only strategy Bibi Dong can adopt is to constantly dodge Qian Xunji's attacks on the ground. Although her martial spirit Death Spider Emperor is huge, it is still a spider with eight long legs. Plus Bibi Dong herself She has also received quite rigorous combat training. Her mobility is extremely agile, and Qianxunji's attack trajectory is relatively obvious, so she can persist for such a long time under Qianxunji's fierce offensive. By the way, It can also restore a certain amount of soul power.

Although Bibi Dong has the ability to fly with the six-winged purple light wing attached to the soul bone, it is undoubtedly extremely stupid for God to engage in an aerial battle with the god-given martial spirit Seraphim.

Using the six-winged purple light wing to fly high in the sky is not only unlikely to give her an advantage, but will also cause her to lose her flexibility on the ground. Therefore, whether she is inside or outside the palace, Bibi Dong will fly at low altitude when she summons the six-winged purple light wing. In order to cooperate with the eight legs, it can speed up the movement speed and increase the probability of dodge.

Of course, just dodging blindly is useless, and not all attacks can be avoided. Bibi Dong's injuries are getting more and more serious, and defeat is almost inevitable.

Just when Bibi Dong became more and more desperate, the situation of the battle turned for the better.

He has been defeated by Qian Xunji, and finally the time has come for him to fight back. Of course, Bibi Dong will not be polite. He raises his hand and is restrained by a death spider web. The spewed spider silk ball has already spread out before it touches Qian Xunji. The giant... The poisonous spider web completely wrapped Qian Xunji in the air and also connected it to the ground.

Bibi Dong took advantage of this and immediately climbed up the spider web. With the help of the six purple light wings, she quickly moved towards Qian Xunji who was bound by the spider web like a black and purple lightning.Although Bibi Dong has many long-range attack methods, these methods are mainly for control and consumption. Her real strength is in close combat.

Qianxun Ji, who holds the spirit of Seraph, is strong because of his unparalleled aerial dominance. However, if the battle is transformed into melee combat, although Seraph is still powerful, it is relatively inferior to the Death Spider Emperor who specializes in melee combat. Tired.

"Do you think you can beat me just now?"

Qianxunji, who was bound by the spider web, had already recovered from the lightning attack. Although the corrosive toxins in the spider web had corroded the seraph transformed by Qianxunji into holes, but after all, it was just It's just a skin injury.

Looking at Bibi Dong who was about to get close to her, he sneered and said:

"I taught you all those skills of yours!"

Then when Bibi Dong was about to approach him, the holy light all over Qian Xunji's body burned like a golden flame, burning away the cobwebs on his body in an instant.

Bibi Dong immediately activated the Thorn Spider Armor. Under the defense bonus of the spider armor, she controlled the poisonous thorns at close range to stab Qian Xunji.

"Are you still doing meaningless things?"

However, Qian Xunji waved his hand and a golden sword light directly blocked Bibi Dong's attack.

"You are just a moth flying into a flame, seeking your own destruction!"


Bibi Dong let out a stunned sound. She knew that Qian Xunji was still powerful, but if she continued to fight Qian Xunji, the only loser would be herself, so she would never let go of the opportunity in front of her.

Even if Qian Xunji blocked her first attack, she still had more deadly fangs.

Bibi Dong's incarnation of the Death Spider Emperor bit directly on the Seraph's arm, and the poison quickly spread on the Seraph's body.

"It's useless. Do you think I will be afraid of your poison?"

The holy light all over Qian Xunji's body became even stronger, and the dazzling golden holy fire spread everywhere with high temperature. In addition to burning away the toxins released by Bibi Dong, it also completely burned Bibi Dong's cobwebs.

Even Bibi Dong herself was enveloped by the golden holy fire. The heat that hit her soul made Bibi Dong groan in pain. She had no choice but to jump off the huge Seraphim and gave up the attack.

"Suffer to death!"

However, Qian Xunji did not let go of Bibi Dong. He fired fifteen lightsabers directly at Bibi Dong who was still in the air and unable to turn.

As a titled Douluo of the power attack system, Qian Xunji's attacks cannot be underestimated. Bibi Dong had already been seriously injured before, and these lightsabers were something that the already weak Bibi Dong could not afford. of.

But Bibi Dong did not lose an inch. Even though her whole body was roasted by the golden holy fire, she still concentrated on spitting out the spider silk to connect with the ground, and then directly pulled the spider silk out of the original attack trajectory of the lightsaber.



Fifteen lightsabers exploded after landing. Although Bibi Dong avoided the center of the explosion, she was not able to completely escape the explosion range. Coupled with the golden holy fire burning all over her body, she could not hold on any longer and was unexpectedly killed by someone from behind. The heat wave blew him to the ground.

Bibi Dong rolled around awkwardly on the ground, and at the same time spit out a bunch of sticky silk threads to wrap himself up, and then barely extinguished the golden holy fire.

"Haha! There's no way you can beat me."

Qian Xunji once again came to the high sky outside Bibi Dong's attack range. At this time, the light radiating from his body was as bright as the sun, and his strength was also so unquestionably powerful.


Bibi Dong, who was covered in burns, gritted her teeth to maintain her consciousness. Now, even though she was as stubborn as she was, she began to feel despair when she looked at Qian Xunji, who still seemed invincible in the sky.

The previous rash behavior made Bibi Dong's injuries even more serious. The soul power she had just recovered was not only used up, but also wasted more of her physical and soul power. If this continues, she may even be possessed by the martial spirit. The status cannot be maintained.

Am I really going to die here?

Bibi Dong understood that the more desperate she felt now, the less likely she was to defeat Qian Xunji, but the balance of victory seemed to have never tipped her way from the beginning, and even if she tried her best, she could not defeat her inner demon.

But Bibi Dong didn't intend to surrender. Even if there was no chance of winning, even if she was going to die at the hands of her opponent, she would fight until she died of exhaustion and fight to the end!

However, the reality is cruel. Even if Bibi Dong uses the remaining power to continue to deal with Qian Xunji, no miracle will come.

Due to the rapid consumption of physical, soul and mental power, Bibi Dong, who was already seriously injured, was unable to dodge an attack from Qian Xunji and was hit by several lightsabers.


Now Bibi Dong couldn't hold on any longer. She spit out a mouthful of blood. Exhausted, she directly released her martial spirit and returned to her human body.

"I said, why are you bothering?"

Qian Xunji, who had put away his martial spirit avatar, flapped his six wings and came to the bruised Bibi Dong.

"You didn't have to work so hard if you had surrendered earlier."

"You kill me here, and I will kill you too when you go back!"

The extremely weak Bibi Dong used her scarred arms to support her trembling shoulders, and looked up at Qian Xunji with eyes full of resentment and unwillingness.

"I'm going to destroy your bloodline and cut off your inheritance! I'll make your family of angels doomed!"

"Then, just die first!"

Facing Bibi Dong's threat, the inner demon Qian Xunji just sneered, then used his mind to control Bibi Dong's body, making her float in the air, and then reached out to grab her slender neck.


Bibi Dong was unable to resist at all now. Just when she was about to close her eyes and end it all, the inner demon Qian Xunji suddenly let out a scream.


Bibi Dong opened her eyes and saw that a large number of cracks suddenly appeared in Qian Xunji's body. At the same time, a large number of cracks appeared in the surrounding environment like glass about to break, as if the world was about to collapse.

Although Bibi Dong didn't know what was going on now, she knew this was an opportunity.

Qian Xunji's power was greatly weakened in front of her, and she could finally do something.

"go to hell!"

Bibi Dong gritted her teeth and used the last of her strength to stab Qian Xunji's chest with her right hand.

Then he used all his strength to crush the beating heart into pieces.

"Ugh!! You!"

Qian Xunji looked at Bibi Dong's bloody hand that stabbed into his chest with a shocked face, feeling that his power was gradually disappearing, and finally he smiled bitterly and said:

"Good job..."

After saying that, the inner demon Qian Xunji turned into a little bit of light and disappeared.

At this time, a majestic voice came from the illusionary sky:

"Congratulations to the tester! The Rakshasa God Test, the first test, and the second item, the inner demon test, passed!"

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