Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 130 Zhang 3’s choice

"how come……"

Bibi Dong raised her head and looked at the bloody angel in the sky, who had lost all the meaning of holiness, and her upright body began to tremble slightly.

Now the power radiating from Qianxunji is still so aggressive and suppressive. Obviously, even if he suffered a killing that he carefully concocted, he has not lost his fighting power. In a sense, Qianxunji in this crazy state is even more powerful than Qianxunji. It turned out to be even more terrifying.

Does this mean that this guy is so strong, does it mean that my heart is not strong enough?

Although Bibi Dong did not expect this unexpected situation, while she was gritting her teeth about Qian Xunji's survival, she also stayed awake to analyze the current situation.

Qian Xunji's own strength should not be underestimated. Bibi Dong, who has always regarded the opponent as his lifelong enemy, naturally knows the opponent's details very well, and also knows his own weight.

Although this inner demon is also a fake like her previous mirror image, this thing was born based on her memory and knowledge.

It is precisely because she knows Qian Xunji very well that this inner demon almost perfectly replicates Qian Xunji's power.

She had no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation with Qian Xunji. This was something she knew very well in her heart.

However, perhaps it was his own thoughts that made this inner demon Qian Xunji extremely powerful.

After all, Bibi Dong didn't actually have positive thoughts about her victory over Qian Xunji.

It was the lack of confidence and weakness in her heart that made the demon in front of her so powerful.

However, this does not mean that Bibi Dong is really a fragile person.

Be afraid of unknown and powerful things and avoid blind confidence.

In other words, be cautious, and this is Bibi Dong's way of life.

However, from another perspective, it can indeed be regarded as a flaw in her soul.

After all, her personality is to be cautious and calm, which leads to her basically not being blindly confident.

Moreover, Bibi Dong cherished her life. Although she hated Qian Xunji for ruining her ideal life, she never thought about dying together with Qian Xunji.

As a proud daughter of heaven, Bibi Dong still has greater goals and ambitions than revenge waiting for her to complete.

Since she can't give up her life, she will inevitably have a certain fear of Qian Xunji, who is actually stronger than herself. While she is eager to win the duel with Qian Xunji, she is also afraid of failure.

The inner demon Qian Xunji said it right at the beginning: "Your attack is very powerful, but you are already confused."

When she saw Qian Xunji, she looked extremely angry, but was she actually using anger to cover up her inner tension and fear?

What's more, Qianxunji's relationship with her and his past experience are destined to not be an ordinary opponent in her heart. After becoming a demonic obstacle in her heart, this problem will become more obvious.

It was precisely for the above reasons that her inner demons became extremely powerful, so powerful that she was almost helpless.

But even if she knew the reason, Bibi Dong still couldn't come up with a solution now.

Facing the reappearance of the crazy Qian Xunji, Bibi Dong, who was already close to exhaustion, was not sure of winning again no matter how unwilling she was.

Now that she knew her winning rate was extremely low, it was time for her to retreat.

So Bibi Dong immediately conveyed her thoughts to her body. She believed that her body's reaction should be enough for the kid outside to see and understand what she meant.


"Haha! Suffer!"

Qian Xunji, who activated his martial spirit true form and controlled the giant seraph phantom, was launching giant lightsabers to stab Bibi Dong on the ground, who had been forced into the spirit-possessed state again.


After trying her best to avoid three lightsabers that directly knocked away more than ten stone steps, Bibi Dong, who always paid attention to her image, was still disgraced by the sand, gravel and gravel brought up by the aftermath.

It was rare for Bibi Dong to be so embarrassed this time, instead of scolding Qian Xunji, she directed her anger towards another person.

"What on earth is that guy named Zhang San doing?"

The trial was still going on, but the young man outside did not shake the bell to end the trial as she asked.

Now that Bibi Dong had lost too much soul power in the previous battle, it was difficult to organize an effective counterattack.

The terrain at this time is an open area, which is extremely suitable for the use of flying martial arts spirits like Seraphim.

In addition, the inner demon Qian Xunji became stronger and stronger due to the growing uneasiness in her heart. Qian Xunji's various soul skills were released at will as if there was no consumption, leaving Bibi Dong with only the strength to dodge.

In this situation, no matter how smart Bibi Dong is, she can only rely on her computing power to predict Qian Xunji's attack trajectory, and her flexible body movements to keep herself alive for a while.

But of course this is not a solution, she will lose sooner or later.

"You brat! Wait, I will definitely settle the score with you!"

After barely escaping Qian Xunji's sword attack again, Bibi Dong no longer had the dignified posture of her original strategist. Instead, she was cursing in her mouth while thinking about how to survive Qian Xunji's next fierce attack. curse someone.


Zhang San felt a resentment directed at him. This resentment was like a cold wind blowing through his body, making Zhang San sneeze heavily.

"Who is it? Who is talking bad about me? Uh...could it be you, old man?"

Zhang San glanced at the painful-looking Bibi Dong below, and then looked at the system interface where the points had inexplicably increased by a thousand, and he suddenly felt dumbfounded.

If something happened on Bibi Dong's side, why should it happen on his side?

Regardless of whether Zhang San is willing or not, the heavy responsibility of saving Bibi Dong now falls on his shoulders.Moreover, this matter was so important that he could not shirk it, let alone fail.

Since Zhang San could not use martial arts and soul power now, he had to change to a set of rock climbing tools and climbed up the wall with the two iron pickaxes in his hands and the spikes with hooks on his feet.


With a cry, Zhang San successfully climbed to the top of the wall and was now only five to six steps away from the "Lotus of Rakshasa".

However, around the "Lotus of Rakshasa", Zhang San felt the existence of a strange position, which not only hindered his progress, but also made his emotions become more and more restless. Everything was warning him not to continue moving forward.

"Is it possible that there is some kind of magic circle here?"

With this conjecture in mind, Zhang San opened the Purple Demon Eye, and indeed saw a complex and mysterious magic circle protecting this "Lotus of Rakshasa".

There are also four Rakshasa ghosts holding different weapons, located in the four directions of the "Lotus of Rakshasa", the southeast, northwest, and they are currently floating in the air with their eyes closed and their legs crossed, like heretical statues.

Although he didn't take any action, he still exuded a fierce aura.

These four Rakshasa ghosts seem to be the eyes of this magic circle. Under their influence, the power of the "Lotus of Rakshasa" is effectively controlled.

"Isn't this thing not easy to mess with at first glance?"

Zhang San estimates that these Rakshasa ghosts are the servants of the Rakshasa God, and they will guard the "Lotus of Rakshasa" as the core of the secret realm in this secret realm. And since these guys can become servants of the gods, their strength is definitely not It will be bad.

Now there are four Rakshasa ghosts guarding this place. I'm afraid even if the titled Douluo really comes, he might die, right?

But now, does Zhang San have any choice?

Since Bibi Dong had to be rescued, he had to rush forward even if there was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead.

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