Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 121 The Queen’s Cruelty

"Although you are just an impostor, I admit that you are really difficult to deal with."

Bibi Dong's expression became more and more gloomy after fighting the mirror Bibi Dong for more than ten or twenty rounds without a clear winner.

"But it's quite unwise of you to wear down my patience like this."

As soon as she finished speaking, the black seventh soul ring behind Bibi Dong lit up, and the soul skill, the martial soul avatar, unique to those above the Soul Saint level, was activated!

The seventh soul skill of all soul masters is the spirit avatar. This is a fixed skill and will not be affected by the soul-absorbing beast and turn into other soul skills.

This special soul skill certainly has abilities that other soul skills cannot match.

After activating the martial soul's true form, the soul master's own martial soul will be integrated with the body in a true sense. In addition to greatly enhancing all attributes, the power of soul skills will also be greatly improved and the consumption of soul power and soul energy will be reduced. Skill release cooldown.

In particular, Bibi Dong's martial spirit is a top-notch martial spirit like the Death Spider Emperor. The amplification effect she receives after using her martial spirit avatar is far superior to that of ordinary soul masters, and her martial soul avatar's soul skills also come from 7 years of experience. The Demonic Mantis, under the influence of the soul power provided by this soul ring, will further increase the growth rate of its martial soul avatar.

However, after using this powerful soul skill, the soul master will enter a period of weakness, and even the whole body's ability will be weakened by up to 50.00%. Therefore, if they fail to defeat the opponent within the duration of the soul skill, it also means that they will have no chance. Won.

Although Bibi Dong has shown her true feelings, the expression of the mirror image Bibi Dong has not changed much. She is not a real life in the first place. She has no normal emotions and does not know what fear is. It is precisely this characteristic that Let her exert her full strength without being affected no matter what.

"Is this Bibi Dong's true martial soul?"

Bibi Dong, who used the martial soul's true form in front of Zhang San, had transformed into the Death Spider King, but it was not accurate to say so.

To be precise, she has become a half-human, half-spider being. Her upper body is that of a human body and she still has the slim curves of a woman. However, her skin color has changed to dark purple, and she has a nail plate on her forehead. There are four armor plates on it. Eyes like small light bulbs, a spider body underneath, eight thick black legs, a round and huge abdomen, and the markings on it that represent danger and aggression, it is a perfect combination of the Death Spider King and a human. .

It is this highly integrated posture with one's own martial soul that allows the soul master to return to his true nature and display his true strength.

The mirror image Bibi Dong also made the same move, her seventh soul ring also lit up, and she also activated her martial soul avatar just like Bibi Dong.


However, the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth suddenly raised. After the previous confrontation, she had already seen through the weakness of this mirror image.

Although this mirror image has the same abilities as her, it only imitates her in action. How she responds and releases attacks, the opponent will also use the same method, and will also learn by analogy and combine what she has learned to double it. Give it back to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong has no doubt that if he fights with this mirror image for too long, the mirror image will completely acquire the fighting consciousness of the original image, making it more terrifying and more difficult to win.

However, this mirror image has no mind after all. In fact, this form is not her true martial soul, but the appearance of her true martial soul possessed.

In other words, Bibi Dong actually did not use her full strength from the beginning, but fought with the mirror image in a state where her martial soul was released. As for "external martial soul", it is another way to use the martial soul when the martial soul is possessed by the body. .

The martial soul of a weapon soul master is born with the characteristic of releasing the martial soul. After all, generally speaking, people cannot integrate with utensils such as pots and pans.

Unless the beast soul master has a mutated martial spirit, he usually uses a martial spirit to possess him. However, they can also use specific training methods to release their own martial spirit to the outside, so that the body cannot accept it. Use martial spirits and soul skills under various blessing conditions after being possessed by martial spirits.

However, for ordinary beast soul masters, specializing in the technique of "discharging martial souls" is a bit useless. Not only is it not stronger than possessing martial souls, but it will cause them to lose the various beneficial effects of possessing martial souls. Not only does it make them He is more vulnerable, and at the same time, releasing his martial soul will aggravate the loss of his soul power.

There are three reasons why Bibi Dong did not possess Wuhun before: first, because she sensed the presence of Zhang San. She did not fully trust Zhang San, so she naturally did not intend to use her full strength as soon as he arrived; second, Bibi Dong was against Zhang San. Highly confident in her own strength, she believed that she could defeat or tie this mirror image even if she kept her hands. The third was... some personal factors. Her daily fighting habit was to choose to release her martial soul instead of releasing it. Possessed by a martial spirit, unless the enemy is really strong, she will not show this attitude easily.

However, the mirror image of Bibi Dong is just a creation of divine power. It simply imitates Bibi Dong's behavior and uses the optimal combination to fight back. It does not suddenly think deeply about why Bibi Dong does what he does. It will only continue to imitate and learn. .

Therefore, after seeing Bibi Dong using the seventh soul skill, its power suddenly increased, so it activated the seventh soul skill in a really impressive way.

However, when the martial spirit avatar is activated, it is not an instant transformation, but a pause of several seconds is required before the true integration of the body and the martial spirit can be completed.

So now, before it releases and completes the martial soul's true form, it will be completely unable to use any soul skills, and will not be able to effectively resist the next attack. It can be said that it is trapped in a cocoon.


At this opportunity, another Bibi Dong suddenly appeared behind the mirror Bibi Dong. This newly appeared Bibi Dong's eyes were slightly dull, but like the original one, he was in a state of complete possession of the martial spirit, and his aura power was as strong as the original one. two.

And when this clone Bibi Dong appeared, the eighth soul ring behind Bibi Dong lit up. This was Bibi Dong's 9-year-old soul skill, the Spider King clone.

When the soul skill is released, she can immediately create a clone that is the same as herself. The clone's physical body and soul skills are the same as the original body. It is not weakened, has [-]% power, and has all the soul skills within the seventh ring of the main body, but does not have a self. The will can only be controlled by the deity.

It can be said that this clone Bibi Dong is a weakened version of the mirror image Bibi Dong.

Then the spider's lower body of Bibi Dong, the clone behind the mirror image, spit out hundreds of dark purple silk threads. These purple silk threads that broke through the air stabbed the temporarily immobile mirror image Bibi Dong into a hornet's nest in an instant. The body wound up and turned into a human-shaped purple cocoon.

"Okay! Just accept your death!"

At the same time that the clone was successful, Bibi Dong himself was also flapping the six purple wings behind him and rushing toward the mirror image of Bibi Dong who was struggling in the purple cocoon with numerous phantoms.

At this moment, she was like a strong wind, like a shadow, and even more like death.

Although most of Bibi Dong's attack methods focus on remote consumption and control, I believe everyone knows that the most deadly thing on a spider is its fangs.


The Death Spider Emperor, who was Bibi Dong's lower body, opened his huge mouth and bit into the purple cocoon that trapped the mirror image Bibi Dong. After the pair of half-foot-long fangs penetrated his body, he began to inject fatal dissolved toxins while taking a big mouthful. Chewing the piece of meat in your mouth is like a hungry child chewing a piece of bread.

But within a moment, the human-shaped purple cocoon completely disappeared, leaving only a small amount of bloody purple spider silk around the spider's huge mouth.

Zhang San, who had been watching from a distance, was completely stunned. He never expected it.

Bibi Dong, she actually turned this divine power into a mirror image——

Eaten alive.

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