Douluo Zhang San's counterattack life

Chapter 105 Remaining life after catastrophe

"What is this..."

Looking at the messy ruins in front of them, the Rakshasa cultists present were stunned and at a loss.

"what happened?"

After everyone looked at each other in a daze for a while, a senior deacon wearing a black robe with gold trim showed his five dazzling soul rings to attract everyone's attention, and then stood up and said to everyone :

"Everyone, take action! Find out if Lord Leon and the intruder are inside!"


However, the warehouse area is not small to begin with. It is still full of broken walls and crushed grain bags. These miscellaneous things can be piled several feet high. Where can I find people in a short while?

However, not long after the Rakshasa cultists began to search the warehouse, a broken wall in the corner was lifted up by a force and thrown two feet away.

Then Leon, who was dying, crawled out of the pit below. As soon as he came out of the ground, he released the possession of his martial spirit and sat on the ground. At this time, his body was half gray and half meter, and there were a lot of blood stains. , as embarrassed as you want to be.

"It's the priest!"

The Rakshasa cultists who heard the noise noticed Leon sitting on the ruins and ran towards him one after another. When Leon was being carried by two guards, Leon pushed the two guards down. On the ground, he stared at a certain place in front of him with bloodshot eyes and said:


Then Leon suddenly rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth and fell down.

"Master Priest!"

The Rakshasa cultists immediately supported Leon, who was unconscious, and someone checked his pulse.

"My lord, he fainted."

Hearing this sentence, everyone took a breath.

They all heard that the intruder this time was a little devil and only had one level of strength. However, how did he make a Soul Emperor exhausted to the point of coma?

And the aftermath of a battle between a sixth-ring soul emperor and a first-ring soul master could actually collapse a warehouse whose structure was strong enough to withstand heavy artillery?

Who is that intruder?

No one in the Rakshasa cult knew what happened. After all, the only insider, Leon, had entered a coma and was quickly carried on a stretcher to the healing priest for treatment.

As for the intruder, the Rakshasa cultists present could only dig three feet into the ruins, trying to find traces of the intruder, at least to see the person dead or the corpse.

But it was too much work.

Even with the help of a group of soul masters, it would be impossible to completely clear away these ruins and other scattered debris in just three days and two nights. There was really little hope of finding the mysterious intruder in a short time.

"Cough! Cough! Cough..."

While the Rakshasa cultists were searching for traces of Zhang San like archaeologists, Zhang San, who felt like he had choked on a jar of ash, was holding his chest and coughing violently. He felt like he almost coughed out his lungs.

After finally regaining his composure, Zhang San had to dust off his head and wipe his face before he could open his eyes.

But it's so dark...I can't see anything.

In order to make sure that he was not blind, Zhang San activated the Purple Demon Eye, and then he finally saw a rough and thick wall in front of him, a broken wall to be precise.

This wall is supposed to smash him into pieces, but it obviously has an arc when it falls. When it finally falls, it rests on the stone wall on one side, forming a triangular stable structure, which is where Zhang San is now. space.

"I remember after that guy caused the explosion, the ground collapsed, and then..."

Zhang San squeezed his temples and gradually picked up the previous memories.

The warehouse was not directly destroyed by the explosion, but the ground collapsed first, and then the surrounding walls that had lost their foundation fell one after another, taking the entire warehouse with them.

At the moment of the explosion, Leon, who caused the explosion and was at the center of the explosion, realized that the crisis was coming and directly activated his fifth soul skill, Ghost Bodyguard. His whole body was wrapped in a cold evil spirit and formed a A unique soul shield protected him from the fatal explosion damage.

However, because when Leon launched his previous attack, the target of the fireball was in the direction of Zhang San, so although Zhang San was not the center of the explosion, the damage he received was actually quite terrifying.


At this time, the Barefoot Beast immediately shouted to Zhang San to get down from under him and avoid the energy wave that was about to sweep over him.

As soon as Zhang San jumped down, the Barbarian Foot blocked his huge body in front of Zhang San, resisting the hot and impactful energy wave like a solid wall.

Even when the Barefoot beast took a lot of frontal damage, Zhang San still felt as if his whole body was on fire, and the internal organs in his body seemed to be being ruthlessly stirred back and forth by a stick, and another mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.


At this time, Zhang San, who was weak, heard something moving under his feet. He looked down and found that the ground seemed to be sinking. He thought it was his hallucination. It was only when he actually fell that he realized that it was real. .

The ground actually collapsed?

Zhang San wanted to leave this dangerous area, but it was already too late. His feet were empty and he fell directly below where he couldn't even see his fingers.

When Zhang San fell, the Barefoot beast also fell with him, and in the incoming shock wave, the man and the beast were separated.

Zhang San originally thought that he would be thrown to death. At this time, there was a falling wall beside him. Zhang San didn't think much about it and directly used the "attachment" ability of the Ghost Dragon Martial Spirit to grab onto the wall, and used this He used a broken wall as a springboard, jumped to another wooden stake, and then jumped to a nearby rice bag in the air... With this method, Zhang San, who had a lot of buffers, fell from a height of 30 meters to the ground and was not affected. It was a huge injury, but then a larger wall fell down near him, and Zhang San lost consciousness after receiving a huge impact.

He doesn't know how much time has passed when he wakes up now.

"Daman! Daman! Are you there?"

Although Zhang San was not very clear-headed at this time, he still remembered that the Barefoot beast also fell down with him.

And when falling from this height, even a strong Barefoot beast would not be able to survive a direct fall.

Zhang San, who was worried about the safety of the Barbarian Foot beast, did not care about his own injuries. He shouted "Da Man", a name he chose at random, while looking for traces of the Barbarian Foot beast.

"Daman! Where are you?!"

Zhang San's voice was very weak. Every time he shouted, he couldn't help but cough twice. And when he wiped the corners of his mouth, he would find bright red blood on his hands.

It seemed that I was lucky enough to have a brush with death, but in fact, half of my life was taken away by death.

Although Zhang San can still barely move with his injuries, his life will be in danger if he does not receive medical treatment.

However, the resentment points had been exhausted. He could not exchange any items from the system, nor could he activate any functions. He could only grit his teeth and move forward slowly while touching the surrounding stone walls.

The whole environment was dark, and it could be said that you couldn't see your fingers. It was all because of Zhang San's purple magic eyes, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see the road clearly.

The surrounding space was very narrow. After the warehouse collapsed, the space below was also affected. Many fragile rocks also fell down, leaving an irregular but passable passage for Zhang San.

Zhang San could not push the rock above his head. It seemed that he was trapped under the rock.

But in Zhang San's mind, these are secondary.

The top priority now is of course to find Daman.

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