Although it is not complicated to break down the series of attacks Zhang San launched against Asri, it only took a few breaths from Zhang San's attack on Asri to kicking him to the ground and spanking him. .

Asri, who was beaten so violently in such a short period of time, had no time to react, and even his companions didn't understand what happened.

"The only martial arts in the world that can't be broken is fast." It is indeed true.

If Zhang San and Asri were fighting back and forth, then Zhang San would definitely be the unlucky one. After all, if Asri's men saw that Asri was at a disadvantage, they would definitely come to help. .

But as long as Zhang San knocks Asri down quickly, so fast that others have no time to help Asri, this problem can be avoided.

However, it is not that simple to knock someone down quickly, especially when Zhang San pushed Asri to the ground and spanked him in three strokes. Obviously, there was a huge gap in strength between the two.

But until now, Asri didn't think that Zhang San's victory was due to his strength. He thought that he was just caught off guard by Zhang San's sudden attack and was in such a mess.

As everyone knows, Zhang San's move was full of humiliation, but it was actually based on the disintegration of Asri's ability to resist.

This actually proves that Zhang San's combat awareness is far superior to his.

However, Asri didn't understand this. He said he was convinced, but in fact he was completely dissatisfied in his heart. After Zhang San let go, he immediately shouted for his three younger brothers to come together.

Even though he was embarrassed to be like this, he had already lost all his face. If he didn't regain his dignity, he would really not be able to hold his head high in front of his younger brothers.

Of course, in making the above judgment, one cannot blame Asri for not being smart enough to distinguish the facts.

Who knows that Asri is still only a six-year-old child. Due to his experience accumulation and physical development, his judgment ability is already lacking compared with adults. What's more, he has to understand what Zhang San said in the fight just now. Dao Dao, even if you are not an experienced warrior, you may not know the truth.

"Ha ha."

Zhang San immediately rebelled when he saw Asri escape. He was not surprised at all. He just smiled. Obviously he had expected this.

In fact, Zhang San had already seen that Asri was duplicity, and the other party's behavior of calling people was completely expected by him.

Zhang San could have just made the four of them retreat by coercing Asri.

However, considering that he would not be convinced by these four people, he might still encounter trouble, and Zhang San also wanted to get more system points, so he put the chicken back in the coop and asked Asri to come back with his companions. Once, these people were completely defeated by the way.

"Why are you still standing there?! Come on! He's alone!"

Even though Asri had shouted loudly, his three companions were not stupid either.

They knew that Asri was powerful, but since Zhang San could beat up Asri, he must be strong.So they just put on a posture to fight, but for a while no one really wanted to be the leader.

"You guys should come quickly?"

Zhang San saw the four boys gathered together like a human wall, but he didn't dare to take action, so he laughed out loud and said:

"If you don't dare to come, then just put your head on top of your head and get out. Otherwise, if you ask me to 'send' you out personally, it won't be that comfortable."


After Zhang San's words, the four people became even more angry. After they checked each other's eyes, the fat boy finally took the lead. The three boys were all roaring towards the thin and thin body while possessed by martial spirits. Zhang San rushed forward with his bare hands.

These three boys are all beast martial spirits. The fat boy is a martial spirit called Shanyanhu, and the two boys on both sides, the taller and the shorter, are the plum leopard and the gray knife jackal respectively. Martial spirits can just form the word "wolf, tiger and leopard", they are all extremely ferocious carnivorous spirit beasts.

However, since their soul power levels are only level 4, even after being possessed by martial spirits, their bodies only show a slight transformation into beasts, and the improvement of their abilities is very limited.

Of course, if an ordinary adult with no martial spirit but a strong body was placed here at this time, he would not be able to please him in the face of the joint attack of these three people.

The look on Zhang San's side also became serious. As the saying goes, "beat the old master to death with random punches." After these three guys were possessed by martial arts spirits, in terms of physical strength alone, Zhang San's side was still in normal condition. Advantageous.

If he is not careful here, he may overturn because of a mistake. Although he will not be beaten up by these boys, it is inevitable that he will not win so beautifully.

The fat boy with yellow markings on his body and a pair of still immature tiger claws was about to come into contact with Zhang San. However, the fat boy did not swing the tiger claws at Zhang San. Instead, he suddenly accelerated and opened his arms to give Zhang San. Three and one "tiger" hug.

Of course, the purpose of this hug was not to say hello to Zhang San, but to trap Zhang San. As long as he successfully restrained Zhang San in his arms, the other two boys could attack Zhang San at will.

And this fat boy is thick-skinned and strong. It would take a lot of effort for ordinary children to break free from his hands. In addition, the two boys would punch and kick the trapped person during this period. , even if that person could escape, he would be covered in injuries and not have much strength to resist.

By that time, that person was like a piece of fish on the chopping board and was completely passive. Even if the fat boy would be injured by him in a struggling state, he would still have to deal with two other opponents who were in good condition. In this way, the opponent's defeat would almost be inevitable.

With such a clear strategy, it is obvious that this is not the first time this trio has collaborated like this.By adopting this fighting method, the trio can deal with enemies stronger than themselves without knowing any boxing and kicking skills. At least among their peers, this technique is indeed invincible.

When Zhang San faced the fat boy who rushed towards his face, he didn't hesitate at all. He directly bent down and faced his crotch like a "monkey stealing peach".

This move cannot but be called a destructive move, but as it is a male's weakness, the impact is quite significant.

As long as you hit it hard enough, not only can the opponent lose consciousness directly with one blow, but it can also have the effect of "cutting off all descendants".

Therefore, if there is a competition in the ring, the person who uses this move will be judged as a loser even if he wins.

But now it's not a competition in the ring, and the opponent has a large number of people. It would be disgraceful to just swarm up and beat Zhang San alone. Zhang San's use of some "special" methods can be regarded as courtesy.


Sure enough, the fat boy's body froze when his vitals were hit, and the hands that were trying to grab Zhang San subconsciously changed to protect his vitals.

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