[Douluo] I have a needle but not a sword

Chapter 24 Previous Life. The God of Cooking Arrives

"Huh? You said I am..."

"Lord God, thank you for coming!"

"Thank you for your contribution to us! Thank you for rescuing us regardless of past grudges, and for imparting to us priceless treasures without reservation..."

(Tang Xiaoliu later learned that the gorilla that abducted him was actually raised by local indigenous people.)

"I, these are actually what I should do..." Tang Xiaoliu was not being polite, he really felt that he should do this.

In the world of the previous life, there were no purebred Indians anymore.

In previous lives, the Indians' homes were invaded by Western imperialist colonists just like China. The invaders burned, killed, and looted wantonly.

They did not regard the local indigenous people as human beings. In order to better rule and occupy South America, they even enacted an inhumane genocide plan.

The Indians are constantly struggling to survive, and some of them marry foreigners in order not to be killed.

The last purebred Indian in the world has lived alone in the mountains and forests for thirty years in order to avoid being hunted. After being discovered by the invaders, he was regarded as a rare animal for everyone to watch. After his death, the shameless invaders even made him a specimen...

From then on, there were no purebred Indians on Blue Star.

Since he has come to this parallel world and is determined to change history, his life is destined to be extraordinary.

Since he can change the history of one country, why can't he change the history of two countries?

He can change the destiny of the Chinese nation, so why can't he change the destiny of the Indians?

Tang Xiaoliu was undeniably moved. He received recognition, no one except Third Brother; he received recognition, the recognition of an entire tribe; he also received gratitude, the gratitude of an entire nation;

Tang Xiaoliu couldn't help but blush, he felt that everything he had done was worth it.

Despite his young age, he always orders other people to do his work. In fact, Tang Xiaoliu also put in a lot of effort. He started planning the project when he was seven years old.

The chess game was huge, and he planned the whole world. He made every move carefully, for fear of making the wrong move. He didn't dare to make the slightest deviation because he was afraid that one careless move would destroy the future of the entire Chinese nation.

Changing history is easier said than done. You can neither act too hastily or rush for success, nor allow him to develop as he pleases, or his life will be in vain.

He must do every step to achieve steady victory and pave the solidest path for the development and growth of the Chinese nation.

Tang Xiaoliu was an ambitious man. He set a small goal: to be ahead of other countries for a thousand years!

In order to achieve his goal, Tang Xiaoliu is constantly working hard.


Before leaving, Tang Xiaoliu saw it. A scene that made him laugh or cry.

Li Bai put his arms around Du Fu's waist and spoke to a half-year-old child in a rude tone.

"Brother, let me tell you! I built this house for my wife and I. Because I am a man who wants to do big things! So I can't live here for a long time."

"After brother leaves, you will live in this house first. You have to cherish it and don't let me damage it. When brother comes back from Datang to see you next time, you have to give this house to me. The house is clean! Brother, but I still want to live here..."

The half-year-old child's eyes were filled with starlight. He nodded obediently, and promised Li Bai in non-standard Tang Dynasty dialect, "I will be neat, waiting for you, and, Wife, go home!"

When Li Bai heard that the child actually called Du Fu his wife, he exploded instantly, "That's my wife, what are you talking about? You've grown so big, you can't even speak clearly..."

Li Bai took out a book from his sleeve. Judging from his skillful look, he had obviously been prepared for a long time, "Hey! This book is for you. When you have time, let the adults in your clan teach you how to speak beautiful Tang Dynasty dialect..."

After going through the process of saying goodbye, everyone who originally got along well had conflicts again.

The source of the conflict is Tang Xiaoliu. The reason for the conflict is fun to say because Tang Xiaoliu often showed off his cooking skills on the ship, and all the ministers who had eaten his cooking were full of praise.

They vigorously promoted that Tang Xiaoliu was the new generation god of food. They knew that as long as they took a boat with Tang Xiaoliu, they could taste fresh and delicious food, so the ministers rushed to take a boat with him.

Tang Xiaoliu ignored the quarrels of the ministers.

As a qualified leader, he knew that he could not interfere too much with his subordinates, not to mention that he did not have the spare time to take care of them because he was about to start a new recipe.

(Because during these days of sailing at sea, Tang Xiaoliu fully played his role and successfully became the leader of this group of people. The ministers also unknowingly formed the consciousness of obeying Tang Xiaoliu's orders. .)

Since they successfully found chili peppers in South America, they added another condiment to their repertoire.

During the few months at sea, everyone tasted a variety of dishes "invented" by Tang Xiaoliu.

That was Tang Xiaoliu's first time using chili pepper as a seasoning, and the appetizing aroma floated ten miles away.

Everyone on the same boat as Tang Xiaoliu smelled this unparalleled fragrance. When they smelled the fragrance, their saliva began to secrete uncontrollably.

Their stomachs kept clamoring for delicious food.

Almost spontaneously, everyone on the boat arrived at their fixed dining table, waiting for Tang Xiaoliu to serve freshly baked delicacies.

Under the gaze of everyone, Tang Xiaoliu brought out a plate of spicy boiled fish.

The moment the spicy boiled fish appeared in front of everyone, an extremely alluring and unfamiliar fragrance invaded the nostrils of everyone sitting there.

The moment Tang Xiaoliu put down the dishes, everyone started grabbing them without caring about their own image.

Li Bai grabs food the fastest among all the people.

He quickly picked up a few pieces of fish and put them into his bowl. After carefully picking out the fish bones, he happily fed them into Du Fu's mouth.

"Afu, come on, try the fish Xiaoliu cooked..."

"Well, you should eat quickly..." Du Fu smiled and kissed Li Bai.

The officials who were snatching fish and meat all saw this scene of dog abuse. They stopped grabbing food in synchronization, "Ouch..." They suddenly felt that they were not so hungry.

Tang Xiaosan seized the opportunity to twist away a few pieces of fish meat, quickly picked out the thorns and handed them to Tang Xiaoliu's mouth.

"Liubao, come here, I have picked out all the thorns..."

"Thank you, Third Brother!" Tang Xiaoliu also gave a big smack on Tang Xiaosan's face.

Ministers who still want to eat...

Damn it, I won’t let anyone eat!

Du Fu ate the fish that Li Bai fed him, and his eyes suddenly widened.

A strange and overwhelming taste was like a blazing fire, pressing directly into Du Fu's throat and irritating the base of his tongue.

Du Fu opened his mouth and exhaled loudly, "Well, what does this smell like? It's so strange!"

Li Bai was a little confused, "Afu, what's wrong?"

He saw Du Fu panting with his mouth wide open, so he quickly poured him a cup of warm tea.

The ministers who were originally fighting for the fish stopped fighting when they saw Du Fu like this. Even the ministers who had already grabbed the fish stopped eating the fish.

"My tongue is numb and painful, but I think this dish tastes so delicious!" Du Fu's face turned red, and a splash of water unconsciously overflowed from his eyes.

Li Bai suddenly became curious about this dish, "Huh? Let me try it too..." As he said that, he picked up a piece of fish fillet and stuffed it into his mouth.


A strange and unfamiliar taste entered the mouth, and there was a slight tingling sensation on the tongue.

His tongue began to become numb and saliva was secreted unconsciously. The slight tingling sensation did not make Li Bai disgusted, but instead made him like the smell even more.

Li Bai quickly picked up several pieces of fish, nervously, as if someone else would snatch them all away.

When others saw Li Bai like this, they immediately realized that this dish must be delicious.

A person of Li Bai's status has never eaten anything. If this dish tastes average, Li Bai will definitely not have such a big reaction.

After a fierce fight, every minister sitting on the ground tasted the aroma of spicy boiled fish.

This spicy smell tortured several ministers to death and forced them to cry.

They rinsed their mouths and vomited, all of them were so hot that their faces turned red and their ears were red, and they shed tears. They were so hot that they kept drinking water...

But most officials are addicted to this taste!

They had never eaten such exciting food, and they fell deeply in love with this wonderful aroma and numbing feeling.

They sailed at sea for more than six months again and finally arrived in Europe.

Europe is also different from the historical development of previous generations. Europe was still in a peaceful period around the tenth century in this world.

The people live a relatively peaceful and contented life. Although it is not very easy, at least I can eat full every day.

They received a warm welcome in Europe, where local rulers and nobles entertained them warmly.

After some exchanges, both parties happily confirmed the goods to be traded.

Tang Xiaoliu and the others also decided to return home after staying in Europe for a month.

The silks, porcelain, folding fans and other items they brought from the Tang Dynasty were loved by local nobles and royal families.

For a time, it was popular throughout Europe to wear silk skirts, fan Tang Dynasty fans, and drink Chinese tea.

The European rulers were very happy when they learned that Tang Xiaoliu and the others would be renovating in Europe for a month. They enthusiastically helped them arrange accommodation and waived the accommodation fee.

Who doesn't love a free lunch? Tang Xiaoliu's people immediately agreed, and in order to express their gratitude, they presented several bottles of spirits and perfume to the ruler.

The problem of accommodation was solved, but the problem of food arose again.

The customs and habits of the people in the two places are different, and their living habits are even different.

People from the Tang Dynasty were not used to Western food, and even the bread could only be eaten for a day or two.

After eating Western food for several days, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Tang Xiaoliu found the kitchen that provided them with food, and after talking to the chefs there, he successfully got the right to cook for himself.

After Tang Xiaoliu took control of his meals, the first thing he wanted to do was braised pork.

Because there was no fresh pork belly in the kitchen, Tang Xiaoliu and Tang Xiaosan had no choice but to go out and buy it themselves.

While buying meat, Tang Xiaoliu accidentally saw the butcher shop owner throwing the pig's offal into a bucket nearby.

By the time Du Fu and Li Bai entered the kitchen, Tang Xiaoliu and Tang Xiaosan had already finished processing a bucket of pig waste and pig hooves.

"These things are so dirty, can they be eaten?" Li Bai was full of disgust at pigs peeing in water.

Tang Xiaoliu was full of confidence in his and Tang Xiaosan's cooking skills, "Eatable chef! Don't think they smell bad, we will make you salivate after we make them."

"Haha, then I'll wait to see what you do."


Two hours later, a strange fragrance flowed from Tang Xiaoliu's kitchen to the street, and the fragrance continued to spread under the influence of the breeze.

"Ah! It smells so good. What is this?"

"I don't know, my God! It smells so good, it must be meat!"

"This aroma is coming from those Tang people's kitchens! Oh my god, what delicious food are they cooking?"


Li Bai opened his eyes wide. He couldn't believe that the sewers that exuded a disgusting smell could be so fragrant. ! !

He had to admit that his apprentice's cooking skills were indeed incredible.

Li Bai picked up a piece of pork belly and stuffed it into his mouth.


He didn't expect that the sesame made by Tang Xiaoliu not only smelled good, but also tasted even better.

"Daughter-in-law, I've tasted it for you. It doesn't stink at all, but it's delicious. Come and try it!" Li Bai wagged his tail like a big wolf dog to ask Du Fu for credit.

When he saw Du Fu's bright smile, he felt as sweet as if he had eaten a piece of honey, and he couldn't help but smile happily.

Tang Xiaoliu turned his head dissatisfied. He didn't want to watch his master spreading dog food in front of him anymore.

snort! Do you have a wife? Show affection in front of me every day, who doesn’t have a lover?

I am a man who has a lot of love, do you have one?

Tang Xiaoliu complained in his heart and turned around to look for Tang Xiaosan next door.

"Why are you angry with your master again?"

"He shows off his affection in front of me every day. On the left, he says "grandfather" and on the right, he says "daughter-in-law!"

"You are shameless every day, and you do whatever you want as an adult!"

"Hmph! He has his wife, and I have my Lao Gong."

"Third brother, Lao Gong, come and kiss me!"

Tang Xiaosan's eyes darkened, and he pulled Tang Xiaoliu into his arms, grabbed his chin and kissed him.

"Ugh...gently...don't bite..."

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