[Douluo] I have a needle but not a sword

Chapter 2 Previous life. The man came riding a bamboo horse

Time flies by like a white horse, five years have passed in the blink of an eye. In just five years, Tang Xiaoliu grew from a little baby who could only drink milk to a child who could eat a lot of delicacies in the world; from a baby who only whined and screamed to a baby who talked and sounded like milk. The angry little cutie; from a little meat bug that could only crawl around on the bed, to a little dumpling that bounces every step of the way.

In the past five years, Tang Xiaosan and Tang Xiaoliu were like two small sticky cakes, always sticky and making people unbearable to look at them.

Tang Xiaoliu was still a little one at that time. He couldn't eat by himself and needed someone to feed him. Tang Xiaosan, who was less than one meter tall at the time, took over the job.

When Tang Xiaoliu started to stand up, Tang Xiaosan kept half-hugging him, fearing that Tang Xiaoliu would fall to the ground if he lost his balance.

When Tang Xiaoliu started to learn to walk, Tang Xiaosan followed him step by step, fearing that Tang Xiaoliu would accidentally bump into him.

Whenever he wanted to go to bed at night, Tang Xiaoliu had to be by Tang Xiaosan's side. He couldn't fall asleep without being held by Tang Xiaosan.

When Tang Xiaoliu was a child, he didn't have any toys of his own, so he could only play with the public toys with other young disciples of the Tang Sect. He was young and had a cute personality, so he couldn't win over his senior brothers who were older and stronger than him. He could only watch the other brothers and sisters riding small wooden horses and playing.

Tang Xiaoliu was extremely envious, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at the other children playing with the wooden horses with longing eyes.

After Tang Xiaosan, who was only nine years old at the time, saw Tang Xiaoliu's eager eyes, he quietly asked Elder Tang Lan to help chop a few bamboos, and then asked the elder brothers for advice. Finally, he took a knife and cut a few bamboos. A little bit of carving, polishing, and assembling a little bamboo horse.

Tang Xiaosan was very strong, even if his little hands were bruised, he didn't say a word.

Finally, Tang Xiaosan made a cute little wooden horse.

Tang Xiaosan quietly placed the little wooden horse in a place where Tang Xiaoliu could see it as soon as he opened his eyes.

Tang Xiaosan was looking forward to what Xiao Liubao's expression would be when he saw the little wooden horse, and what kind of reaction he would have?

Although Tang Xiaosan knew that Xiao Liubao would hug him and say sweetly: "I love Brother Xiaosan the most."

But Tang Xiaosan is still looking forward to it, after all, this is his first gift to Xiaoliubao.

If that's all, forget it. But what saddens Elder Tang Lan the most is that for the first time in Tang Xiaoliu's life, it was Tang Xiaosan who screamed, not him. (Elder Tang Lan expressed that his heart was broken.)

As the days passed, Tang Xiaosan and Tang Xiaoliu grew up day by day, and Elder Tang Lan's love for them became deeper and deeper.

During this period an unexpected thing happened.

Tang Xiaosan, who was six years old at the time, was already able to start practicing Tang Clan's techniques.

Elder Tang Lan was surprised to find that Tang Xiaosan had the kind of unique bones that were very suitable for physical training.

Elder Tang Lan's mood was very complicated. He never thought that Tang Xiaosan would be a martial arts wizard.

Although he himself doesn't like to fight and kill (so he doesn't pay much attention to the level of martial arts and talent), there is no doubt that people with strong martial arts and outstanding talents can often live a better life.

In order for the mistress to live a better life in the future. He shouldn't let Xiao San's talent be buried. So Elder Tang Lan intensified his training on Tang Xiaosan.

Therefore, Tang Xiaosan had less and less time to accompany Tang Xiaoliu.

Tang Xiaoliu woke up this morning and found himself alone in the bed. Tang Xiaosan had already disappeared. Tang Xiaoliu wrinkled his little fat face into a bun, got up from the bed, and got dressed clumsily. Little by little, I arrived at the martial arts training ground. Among the group of outer disciples who were training, I immediately saw Tang Xiaosan doing horse walking.

Tang Xiaoliu didn't call Tang Xiaosan. He just obediently found a place with shade. He took out the small cloth Tang Xiaosan prepared for him and spread it on the ground. He then arranged it clumsily with his little hands and waited until he looked up. Without a single wrinkle, he slowly sat down. (Today’s Liubao is also an exquisite baby)

Tang Xiaoliu sat aside obediently, dragging his little chin with his chubby hands, watching Tang Xiaosan training in the sun. That concentration looks so cute!

But if someone observes carefully, they will find that Tang Xiaoliu's pair of originally beautiful and sparkling cat eyes are now as if they were covered with a layer of gauze, somewhat hollow and dull.

At this time, Tang Xiaoliu had entered a closed space, which was very spacious and magical. There were many strange things placed inside, including bottles and jars made of unknown materials; There are particularly sharp knives; there are some strange tools; and there are many books.

Tang Xiaoliu has been very smart since he was a child and has many truths, as if he is born with them.

Tang Xiaoliu, who was born with knowledge, has been having some strange dreams since he was a child, but if you ask him what the dream is about? Tang Xiaoliu couldn't answer.

Because every time Tang Xiaoliu woke up from his sleep, those dreams seemed to be covered by an invisible and intangible veil, and the dreams turned from clear to blurry.

And Tang Xiaoliu always felt that he was not from this world, but that he belonged to another world. But he doesn't even know what the world means, so how can he feel this way? Tang Xiaoliu doubted whether he was hysterical every day.

These problems that had been bothering him were not solved until his fourth birthday.

That day, Tang Xiaoliu finally turned four. The lovely Tang Xiaoliu received many gifts and spent the day playing around with his senior brothers. Finally, he hugged Tang Xiaosan tiredly and fell asleep deeply.

In the dream, Tang Xiaoliu entered a strange space. It was the first time he entered this space.

There is also a handsome man in white clothes in this space. Moreover, the handsome man actually had short hair and something on his face.

Tang Xiaoliu was frightened at the time and came to this place inexplicably. He thought he had been captured by bad guys.

Afraid that he would never see Brother Xiaosan again, he became sad and cried in fear.

That strange handsome man looked straight at him crying, his cold face still looked unchanged, and he didn't care about Tang Xiaoliu's mood at all.

The handsome uncle waited for a long time, but Tang Xiaoliu didn't stop crying. Finally, the handsome uncle couldn't bear it anymore, and walked towards Tang Xiaoliu with his slender legs.

Tang Xiaoliu thought that this handsome uncle would come to comfort him. Unexpectedly, after the handsome uncle approached him, without saying a word, he stretched out a slender white hand and slapped his little head without hesitation.

The force of the slap was neither heavy nor light, but Tang Xiaoliu was knocked unconscious on the spot. (Don’t ask me why I fainted in my dream, Xiaoliu just fainted anyway.)

Tang Xiaoliu, who fainted, seemed to be reborn again.

In the dream, Tang Xiaoliu was born in a country called Hua.

It is a country with thousands of years of cultural heritage.

That was an era thousands of years more advanced than the Tang Dynasty.

It was an era of rapid technological development.

Tang Xiaoliu has loved his country very much since he was a child. He hopes that when he grows up, he can make some contributions to the motherland.

Tang Xiaoliu was especially loved by God, who gave him a handsome face and a genius brain.

Therefore, when Tang Xiaoliu was still a little breast dumpling, he showed wisdom that was different from ordinary people.

Tang Xiaoliu has been interested in books related to medicine, agriculture, and chemistry since he was a child. After I went to school, I even liked to pester the teacher with questions. He also relied on his clever little brain to keep jumping up and down the level. At the age of fourteen, he was admitted to the best university in China.

After being admitted to college, Tang Liu was like a long-dried sponge, constantly absorbing seawater from the vast ocean. It's like a person who has been without water for three days in the desert sees an oasis and is addicted to learning and unable to extricate himself.

When Tang was sixty-eight years old, he won several world-class awards, all related to medicine, chemistry and agriculture.

Tang Liu had great blessings in these aspects, and his blessings in medicine were the most remarkable.

Twenty-year-old Tang Liu decided to major in medicine. Although he is majoring in medicine, he does not intend to give up his studies in several other academic disciplines.

Finally, when Tang Liu was twenty-five years old, he became the youngest great player in Chinese history. At the same time, he is also a globally recognized chemist, agronomist and scientist.

In the dream, when Tang Liu was twenty-eight years old, he was invited by several world-class scientific research leaders. Big bosses invited him to join an experiment on time travel, the four-dimensional world, and holographic technology.

(Don’t ask me if I have such an experiment? If you ask, I’m just making it up.) This is a very novel and unscientific experiment. At least given the technological level at the time, this kind of experiment was impossible to succeed. But what if? What if the experiment succeeds?

Who doesn’t want to leave his name in history and have his deeds praised by future generations?

Who doesn’t want his great achievements to appear in the history books of all mankind, so that everyone regardless of age, country, or race, as long as they live in this world, can know their name!

What a tempting result! It captures the vanity that all humans share.

There was no doubt that Tang Liu agreed.

The experiment went very smoothly at first, but then there seemed to be some accident and he unfortunately died in that experiment...

Tang Xiaoliu opened his eyes in a daze. He couldn't tell whether it was reality or fantasy.

Tang Xiaoliu was dazed for a long time before his distracted eyes gathered together again.

Tang Xiaoliu looked up and found that he was still in the dream space. He saw the handsome uncle standing in front of him. He knew that this handsome uncle was himself in the previous life.

Tang Xiaoliu, who was completely awake, tried hard to recall the memories of his previous life, but those memories seemed to be covered by something.

At first, Tang Xiaoliu felt that his memories of his previous life were very clear, but when Tang Xiaoliu wanted to recall some details carefully, they became very blurry.

For this reason, Tang Xiaoliu asked his past self many questions, but his past self rarely answered him. Tang Xiaoliu discovered that he had lost consciousness in his previous life, just like a set program that could only teach him how to use the knowledge in his mind, but could not chat with him. To use a modern term, my past life was like a system...

Now, Tang Xiaoliu is relearning the knowledge he learned in his previous life with his previous self in the space.

Time passed unconsciously.

"Boom" "Boom"

Finally it was time for lunch. Tang Xiaosan, who had been training all morning, slowly walked towards Tang Xiaoliu with his tired and sore body.

He saw Tang Xiaoliu sitting under the shade of a tree, waiting for him obediently. He suddenly felt that all his fatigue was swept away, and he couldn't help but smile brightly.

At this time, Tang Xiaoliu had already slipped his consciousness out of the space.

As soon as Tang Xiaoliu came to his senses, he saw Tang Xiaosan walking in his direction with a bright smile on his face.

Tang Xiaoliu stood up immediately, not forgetting to take the small cloth Tang Xiaosan had prepared for him, and ran up to Tang Xiaosan, reaching out to support him.

"Brother Xiaosan, how do you feel? Training must be very tiring! Look at you sweating so much." With that said, Tang Xiaoliu picked up the small cloth he had been sitting on just now and wanted to face Tang Xiaosan with a smirk on his face. Wipe it off your face.

"Xiao Liubao." Tang Xiaosan smiled helplessly and touched Tang Xiaoliu's furry little head. "You are such a little rascal."

"Huh, that's not what you're used to, Brother Xiao San!" Tang Xiaoliu smiled and hugged Tang San, giving him a good nudge.

"Okay, Xiao Liubao... I really can't do anything to you, let's go eat!" Tang Xiaosan pretended to be disgusted, but in fact he was extremely happy in his heart.

He clamped Tang Xiaoliu's armpits with both hands, suddenly lifted Tang Xiaoliu up, held him in his arms, kissed Tang Xiaoliu's plump little face, and went to eat with a smile.

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