Douluo: I am the Sun Girl

Chapter 59 Good Sister, I'm Sorry

Tang San was very happy to see his sister. He couldn't sleep all the time, but also had to go out for a walk often.

"Ah, I've eaten, and I brought you food, just in case you didn't eat, but I didn't expect you to bring it with me." Tang Qingchen shook the food in his hand with a smile.

Tang San took the lunch box, feeling warm in his heart. My sister still has me in her heart, so happy.

"Why did you go in the morning, I just said, I have to go out for a walk more, and I can't sleep all the time." Tang San helped his sister wipe his mouth, this little guy didn't know how to wipe his mouth after eating .

"I didn't do anything, and I felt that sleeping was quite boring, so I went to the classroom to have a look." Tang Qingchen curled her lips while talking, and she remembered that the shocking encounters with those guys were too outrageous.

"What's wrong? You look so unhappy?" Tang San rubbed his little cute little head. It's so cute. Even when he's angry, he's so cute, and he's so considerate. He knows how to bring food to his brother. Eat, it’s awesome.

[Should I tell my brother? But it didn't seem necessary, and it wasn't a big deal. I just didn't go next time. That class was in conflict with me. 】

Tang San narrowed his eyes, what happened to my sister, wronged?Who dares to bully my sister, see if I don't kill him.

"It's nothing. It's just that I met a strange person. It's not a big problem. Brother, go in and eat. The food is cold." Tang Qingchen said haha. It's really nothing, but she doesn't like being too much. focus on.

Tang San squinted his eyes, feeling that there was indeed something, no, he had to investigate clearly.

Pushing open the door of the dormitory, Wang Sheng and the others haven't come back, Xiao Wu is still sleeping, looking at the big bulge on the bed, this guy probably slept on his stomach again, and he didn't sleep honestly.

Tang San went in and found a seat to unpack his lunch. It looked really good, at least it was better than what he was eating. His sister was indeed a rich little woman, and she even bought food for her brother.

"By the way, what did you listen to in class early in the morning?" Tang San moved his index finger, this was not only delicious, but also contained his sister's love for him.

Tang Qingchen stretched his waist, "Actually, it's nothing. I feel that I don't need what the teacher said. I feel sleepy after listening to it."

Tang San picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. It was delicious. Is this the taste of happiness?

"The teacher said that we have already reached the first ring. The knowledge of the Junior Soul Master Academy is actually not very useful to us. If you want to attend a class next time, you can come to me. The teacher has a lot of knowledge."

Tang San didn't forget to advertise to his teacher. Recently, the teacher often mentioned his sister, and it seemed that he liked her very much.

"I know, I know, I'll go when I have time." Tang Qingchen yawned and got into his bed. It's time to discuss it with Little Yang. We can't keep doing this. She doesn't want to be like a pig and eat too much. Go to sleep.

【Who wants to go to class? Just ask you if there is anything I don't understand. My brother is really narcissistic. 】

Tang San could only smile when he heard this. What could he say to his lovely sister?

I have to say that the food in my hand is really delicious, but it always feels a bit weird. Why is there only half of the meatball?

The delicious food also disturbed another little greedy cat.

I saw Xiao Wu's nose moving, and then without opening her eyes, she followed the scent and crawled to Tang San's side, her little head rubbed against Tang San's body, Tang San frowned when she saw Xiao Wu coming, this crazy woman What is this for?

Looking at this appearance, it seems like a delicious food, Tang San's mouth curled into a smile, telling you to occupy my bed and see how I deal with you.

Tang San picked and picked, found a big piece of ginger, this thing was very spicy, Tang San himself didn't like to eat it, he purposely found a big piece, and put it in Xiao Wu's mouth.

Xiao Wu's nose twitched, as if she smelled something fragrant, she opened her mouth naturally, and naturally ate a large piece of ginger handed over by Tang San.

Xiao Wu chewed it carefully, but the more she chewed, the more she felt something was wrong. What did it taste like? A spicy feeling and a bit nauseating.

Xiao Wu suddenly opened her eyes and found Tang San with a smirk on his face.

"Bah, bah, bah." Xiao Wu ran to the bed and started to vomit. What does this smell like? It's so unpleasant.

"What did you feed me?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San angrily.

But what was a little strange was why she got close to this guy, no, she remembered that she was going to Qingchen's sister, why did this guy smell like Qingchen's sister?This is unreasonable, if this guy hadn't smelled like Qingchen's sister, how could he be so easily fooled.

What did this guy eat for me? It's really unpalatable.

"Hey, who asked you to come here? I don't care about your business when I eat. Did you see that my sister bought this meal for me? It's not your share, so just be envious." Tang San looked proud, this little Rabbit also wants to steal his sister from me. Do you know what I am doing? He doesn't even look at himself.

What Xiao Wu didn't know was that Tang San was seriously injured and dying. In fact, Tang San might have died at that time. It was Tang Qingchen's power that pulled him back. Among them, Tang San also underwent special changes, and some Tang San remained in his body. Her strength naturally also has her aura.

But this breath is very weak, and it is almost imperceptible under normal circumstances. Xiao Wu often sleeps with Tang Qingchen and is very sensitive to the breath of early morning. Half asleep and half awake, he felt two breaths of sister Qingchen, but one of them was there. With the smell of fragrant food, there was no need to choose. It was natural for him to come to Tang San.

No one noticed this special change. After all, no one saw this episode, and even Tang San didn't remember it.

Although Xiao Wu noticed something abnormal, she didn't really care about it. What she cared about was that her sister didn't bring Tang San the meal in the early morning.

"I don't believe it, sister Qingchen couldn't have brought this to you, you lied to me, didn't you?" Xiao Wu was sad, very hungry, and her stomach was still getting mixed up at this time, gurgling, so angry.

Tang San raised his eyebrows, "Why would I lie to you? I would lie to you, a little girl? If you don't believe me, ask Qingchen, this is the love lunch my sister brought me, it is full of love."

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu with a smile on his face, and kept yelling in his heart, 'Go, go, go quickly, wake up my sister, she just fell asleep, go and wake her now, and see if she doesn't beat you to death. '

But it's strange to say that now I can't hear my sister's voice after she falls asleep. I don't know what's going on. Is my sister sleeping so hard? That's not right either. It was possible before.

Although he was a little sad, he was not discouraged. He just wanted to understand his sister better and make her happier. As long as she was happy, it didn't matter whether he listened or not, and it didn't affect his sister when she was awake.

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