Hiding in Hogwarts as a professor

Chapter 92 The Change of Crown

For the next week, except for the occasional trip home, Tver spent time in Diagon Alley studying some of the props he had.

Crowns, Philosopher's Stones, and rings with Resurrection Stones.

These are precious items that are well-known in the wizarding world. If any one of them is sold, the wealth obtained can improve the current situation of the Weasley family.

However, in his eyes, the value of research is more important than pure money.

It's just that he and Malvolio studied for a week and couldn't figure out the reason.

First is the crown.

Tver once again tried to put the crown on his head.


"things in fairy tale are lies!"

Ten minutes later, he once again threw the crown on the table angrily, and was caught by Malvolio on the opposite side.

"If this crown was really useful, my body would not choose to be made into a Horcrux." He said with a smile.

"With your brain, even if you really make the treasure into a Horcrux, it wouldn't be surprising." Tver retorted.

According to Voldemort's temperament, he really made a crown with special magical effects into a Horcrux

"Hey, don't confuse us," Malvolio threw the crown in front of Turville, "That was something Tom Riddle did. What does it have to do with me, Malvolio?"

Tver gave him a speechless look and fumbled with the restored exquisite crown.

Time has not left any traces on it. After the soul fragments inside disappear, the crown is as radiant as it was thousands of years ago.

Of course, he didn't know whether it was like this thousands of years ago.

The writing under the crown is clearly visible——

"Extraordinary wisdom is mankind's greatest wealth."

To put it bluntly, every Ravenclaw student knows this motto, but the problem is that he still doesn't know how to use it.

"Forget it if you can't study it." Malvolio picked up the magic stone and played with it in his hands. "It's better to study this stone. At least the magic power on it actually exists."

He took the small iron spoon placed on the table, and then carefully placed the magic stone on one end of the spoon.


"Pfft," Tver couldn't help laughing, "Then you researched something, but it turns out you can't even drive the life force inside!"

Malvolio blushed and imitated Tver and threw the magic stone on the table, knocking it next to the crown he had put down.

It was also with this movement that a small lifeline was connected to the crown, emitting weak magic waves.

This fluctuation was as subtle as a spring breeze, but Tver and Malvolio who were present were not ordinary wizards, and they immediately focused their attention on the crown.

"It's absorbing life force, but there is still no magic feedback." After observing for a while, Malvolio frowned and said.

In fact, not only did the crown have no magic feedback, but the vitality it absorbed had also disappeared, as if the vitality that had just poured in was their illusion.

The crown is still the same crown.

"This can be regarded as a slight change. It is much better than having no clue before." Tver said.

"I remember that the crown was placed together with the Philosopher's Stone before. Why is there such a change now?"

"Then I have to ask you, what did you just do?"

Malvolio was stunned for a moment, recalling his actions just now.

"I simply activated the life force in the magic stone, just like when I shaped the body, but this time it was not used for absorption."

So, the crown is also absorbing life force and then resurrected? !

Could it be that the soul of Ravenclaw lives in this place? !

Tver was frightened by his suspicion.

Malvolio was also aware of this problem, but as the only wizard currently known to have made a Horcrux, he immediately denied this possibility.

“If there really is a soul inside, it’s impossible for my dead brother before me not to know about it.

And you may not know the feeling of being in a Horcrux. It's like having complete control over this thing. I can feel every inch of it, and there is no blind spot. "

Tver came back to his senses and realized that he had just lost his head.

The diadem couldn't be Ravenclaw's Horcrux, otherwise he would have discovered it long ago.

And judging from Helga's contact, the founders disdain to pursue immortality in such a low way.


"Of course I don't know what a Horcrux feels like, and I don't want to know what it feels like." He stood up angrily.

I swept the things on the table into my wallet. Of course, the crown and magic stone were well placed in a separate bag.

"Hey, that ring is also the container that I have lived in for so long, can't you be gentler?" Malvolio complained.

Tver didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The soul after resurrection was inexplicably hypocritical, always trying to drag him down with all kinds of complaints.

"Let's go get Bock's crystal."

As he moved, the face gradually transformed, becoming Dumbledore's face again.

"After seeing so much magic around you, what I regret most is that I didn't pay enough attention to transformation."

As Tver walked out, he said, "Aren't you shaped by life force? Can't you just give yourself a face?"

"I can only follow the mold of the soul, become younger, or be as bald as the crown."

Bocking Bock Store.

When the two came here, the store had just opened.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Percival, I didn't get enough sleep a while ago and I've been a little sleepy recently." Bock welcomed them in with a smile on his face.

After this period of getting along, he realized that Mr. Percival was still very friendly to him.

At least I'm willing to pay, a lot.

"Are you implying that we are disturbing your sleep?" Following Tver, Malvolio glared at him rudely.

Well, this Mr. Malvolio is not very friendly.

"We were wrong about what happened before. I didn't expect that the protective magic would be weakened by the wall."

"But not anymore." Tver apologized to Bock with a smile.

"I don't mean to blame you," Bock bent down flattered, "As for your commission, I have completed it."

He quickly came to the counter and took out a small bag, "There are two crystals here, you can check them out."

Before Tver stretched out his hand, Malvolio grabbed it first and poured two crystals into his hands.

"Not bad," Malvolio squinted happily as he felt the protective power of the crystal, "It's just that the protective power is a bit poor."

He immediately started talking to Bock.

As for Tver, he was looking at the black cabinet in front of him with interest.

If he read it correctly, this was a disappearing cabinet that was gradually lost in the magical world. 7K妏揩

Through a specific spell, a passage connecting two places is opened.

However, because it is too easy to damage and the popularity of apparation, the disappearing cabinet is now rarely seen by wizards.

Tweel doesn't understand the principle of the Vanishing Cabinet, just like he doesn't understand why Harry Potter appears in it.

"This should be a broken disappearing cabinet, right?" he asked, pointing to the cabinet.

"Of course," Bock immediately stopped arguing with Malvolio, raised his head and said loudly, "I don't even know where the other matching cabinet went."

Feeling the increasingly rapid breathing inside, Tver knocked twice with a smirk.

"It's quite interesting. I wonder if you can sell it?"

He recalled the plot of the movie and instantly understood the reason why Harry was here.

Bock opened his mouth in surprise, but Malvolio helped him speak out: "Why did you buy this thing? It's neither safe nor convenient."

"On a whim," Turville shrugged, "if Mr. Borgin finds another one, even a bad one, I'd be willing to buy it."

"I'll keep an eye out for you." Bock agreed without thinking.

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