Hiding in Hogwarts as a professor

Chapter 78 Horcrux Research Diary

The same steps were repeated in the seventh-grade classroom because of the preparation for NEWTs.

However, there are relatively few seventh-grade students, and their grades in advanced classes are not bad, so it is relatively easy.

But fourth and sixth grade were much more interesting.

Tver brought them the light ball game as usual, but it was an advanced version.

Not only did the ball of light move faster, but the students were also required to use magic to attack the ball of light.

Of course, unlike what he demonstrated before, students only need to be proficient in the stun spell, obstacle spell and disarming spell.

Otherwise, given the knowledge reserves of the students, few would be able to play this game well.

In addition to the normal classroom content, Tver also brought several small creatures he raised to the classroom to teach students how to deal with less dangerous creatures such as Grindylow, Kabbah, and Red Hat.

Compared with Quirrell's boring class before, the students instantly realized——

The difference between professors may be greater than the difference between them and pigs!


After finishing the weekly Dumbledore ideological education class, Turville spent some extra time taking out the treasures in the Room of Requirement.

After doing all this, he walked slowly to the office.

To be honest, he regretted agreeing to Dumbledore and taking over the seventh grade classroom.

Now he has to spend at least seven hours a day teaching students. Excluding breaks, he doesn't even have much time to study magic stones and Horcruxes.

Next school year, the principal must find another Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to share his work, otherwise the Dark Lord will be too tired to conquer the world!

Complaining loudly in his mind, Tver entered the brightly lit office, which was filled with the rustle of writing quickly.

These sounds were made by the quills in the hands of two dummies who were so rough that they had no facial features. They sat in the corner of the room, constantly reviewing the test papers.

However, they review more questions of choice and judgment type, and Tver still has to answer the questions himself.

Because it is much harder to distinguish the text content than I thought. After all, the dummy has no real intelligence and can only identify the meaning of a complete sentence. If you change the word, you will not be able to distinguish it.

Unless he personally controls the dummy and controls it with all his concentration, but what is the difference between that and grading the test paper himself? !

Throwing the crown on the table, Tver checked the test paper for the dummy review for a while, and after confirming that it was correct, he concentrated on dealing with the Horcruxes.

He decided to follow the teacher's instructions and adopt the method of survival of the fittest, leaving only the Horcruxes that could be controlled by him.

Now before him were three magic items: a crown, a ring, and a magic stone.

The magic stone vaguely exudes a trace of vitality, bringing a little vitality to the few evil souls in the office.

The crown looks old and simple. If you hadn't noticed that it was absorbing life force, you would have thought it was an ordinary crown.

But the ring was different. He seemed to feel the breath of the magic stone, and he couldn't help but jump out.

"Tver, my good friend, I knew you wouldn't forget me!" Ring said in a nauseous voice, "Actually, there's no need to be in such a hurry. You're so busy during this period. It won't be too late when you have some free time."

"You're right!" Tver suddenly realized that he picked up the ring and threw it into the drawer. "Then I'll deal with you when I'm free~"

"Tver, you%¥#——!"

After closing the drawer and the world returned to calm, Tver picked up the crown and observed it carefully.

The most eye-catching thing is the green gem set in the center, which looks like a penetrating eye in the arms of an eagle.

The bright golden color on the crown seemed to have been oxidized and became dull.

But what remains unchanged is the famous Ravenclaw motto engraved on the bottom edge - "Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind."

The traces of decay on the crown are not left by time, but are caused by the erosion of the dark magic aura left behind when Voldemort made the Horcruxes.

Legend has it that Ravenclaw enchanted it to increase the wisdom of the wearer.

I don't know if it's because of the Horcrux, but Tver didn't feel the slightest bit of it, which can be called positive magic.

Or do you have to wear it to feel it?

Tver gently placed the crown on his head.


The smile disappears...

The face is dull...

"I believed you!"

Ten minutes later, he took off the crown, threw it on the table, and bounced it twice.

After hanging out with Horcruxes too much, I feel like my IQ is starting to drop, which is really scary!

But with such a fall, Voldemort's soul in the crown was angered.

"Child, put me on your head again. This time I will let you experience the feeling of increased wisdom!"

Twil solemnly placed the crown in front of him, then took out his wand.

"I heard this saying seven years ago. Next time, remember to think of something new."

"Have you heard it?"

Twil did not answer, but pressed his wand against the emerald of the diadem.

"Wait, what are you doing? Ah——"

As the magic power poured out from the tip of the wand, a small strand of Voldemort's soul was pulled away, floating in the air like a black thread.

The already broken soul was stripped off again, and the crown kept making piercing screams, with traces of black magic, trying to affect Tver's heart.

He was indeed affected.

"Let your friend teach you what Professor Welfare's rules are."

Stuffing the crown into the drawer, Tver concentrated on dealing with this fragment of soul.

As if he had experienced it countless times, he skillfully took out a small dish, filled it with magic power, created a hollow environment, and then put the soul fragments into it.

Voldemort's face immediately appeared on the plate.

It is more mature and evil than the one with the ring. Without the bookishness of the ring, it already has a faint look of madness caused by the split soul.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to dare to study souls!"

Voldemort's voice was somewhat distorted, and there were too few soul fragments to allow him to think independently like a complete Horcrux.

This is a bit like a portrait in a frame, which can only repeat the words that have been memorized.

So, Tver has heard these words countless times.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Dark Lord, I have no interest in learning more about black magic, nor am I interested in splitting souls and achieving immortality."

Twil answered nonchalantly, although Voldemort hadn't asked yet.

Then, when he fell into a memory disorder that he didn't know what to do, he put his fingers in and mixed them with his soul.

"Mr. Tom Riddle," a ray of blue-purple flame danced at the fingertips, "are you willing to offer your loyalty to me?"

Voldemort's soul suddenly began to churn. Although the flames kept giving him a hot and stinging feeling, he still gathered all his strength and roared angrily.



Squashed by Tver.

He shook his hand in disgust. He had expected this. Voldemort was so arrogant and would not give in in a short while.

But it doesn't matter, he has plenty of time to slowly experiment.

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