Hiding in Hogwarts as a professor

Chapter 71 Harry’s Ass


Professor Foley has changed.

This is the biggest thought among students in third grade and below.

The professor still looks gentle and elegant, but underneath this handsome face, there is actually an evil heart!

Because after returning from Christmas, Tver successfully launched an advanced version of the light ball game in three grades, which received unanimous praise from the students.

Of course, the level of difficulty varies from grade to grade.

The third grade had only two squares correct at a time, the second grade had four, and the first grade had six.

When these correct grids light up, different levels of magic fluctuations will appear, making it easier for students to identify right and wrong by induction without having to keep looking down.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the invisible clip that appears instantly when you guess the wrong grid!

It's okay to pinch once, and it lasts only one second, which is about the same as pinching it with your hands, but it can't stand up to so many times!

Students' ankles will usually start to hurt after being pinched five or six times. If they are pinched more than ten times, they will definitely swell.

Especially the more pain your feet have, the more mistakes you make and the more times you get pinched. It’s a vicious cycle.

The most important thing is that the professor's chocolate is still so effective. After eating one piece, their ankles will be completely healed before the next class comes!

Of course, their complaints were seen as showing off in the eyes of the senior students, and after experiencing the pre-Christmas class, they fell in love with Professor Welfare even more.

During the Christmas reunion, students from wizarding families took the opportunity to ask their parents and relatives about the professor's magic. As a result, they all praised the snowball game and spoke highly of the professor.

In particular, most adult wizards may not be able to retain magic for a short period of time, let alone fuse magic.

It also makes students realize the value of that lesson, probably the most valuable lesson they will ever learn in school.

Unless the professor can give them another class!

It is said that Harry and Ron are now hated by the entire school, mainly because they actually tried to break into Professor Foley's office.

And he hasn’t broken in yet!

However, after their experiences were spread, several students who were not afraid of death tried to break the professor's magic and see the secrets in the professor's office.

Of course, the result was that they were hung up for a whole night without exception, and then the scores of the four colleges unexpectedly dropped to the same level in a tacit agreement.

The originally angry Gryffindors were dumbfounded and complained less about Harry and Ron.

But the trio wasn't much happy about it. , even if they found information about the magic stone.

After adding positioning, Hermione's weak actual combat ability was exposed. Although her score was still among the best, she was surpassed by several talented students such as Malfoy.

Now she is anxious all day long about how to increase her strength and has borrowed a lot of books for herself.

Ron has made some progress. The private lessons that Tweel gave him for a month are not without effect, but the wand is still holding him back, so he is quite satisfactory. 7K妏揩

Harry was the most tired of the three.

Not only do I have to attend classes, but I also have to take care of Quidditch training.

"Can't you just ask Wood for a day off because of your ankle pain?" Ron suggested.

Harry had just returned from training. He was soaked and slumped on the chair exhausted. He didn't even have the strength to pour water.

Hermione put down the tome in her hand and thoughtfully poured him a glass of pumpkin juice.

Ever since they learned that the professor liked to drink pumpkin juice, they always had this drink on hand.

"Thank you." Harry took a long sip before he recovered.

"The problem is, George and the others have used this excuse a long time ago, but Wood said that after riding a broom, you don't need to use your feet. Unless our butts are cracked one day, we have to go to training!"

"Then I'd rather you have a cracked butt." George suddenly came over. He and Fred were both wet.

Compared with this, the solemn look on their faces attracted everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" Harry stopped drinking the pumpkin juice and looked at them in confusion.

"It's Snape."

"He'll be the referee for our game against Hufflepuff!"

The twins poured themselves pumpkin juice with a look of despair. Now, this is the only thing that can comfort their hearts.

"But, does Snape know the rules of Quidditch?!" Ron's eyes widened in shock, and the quill he held dropped.

Hearing this, Harry said helplessly: "He doesn't need to know the rules, he just needs to keep punishing us."

Everyone sighed for a while, and after the twins drank the pumpkin juice and went back to take a shower, Hermione suddenly looked at Harry worriedly. She was more worried about his safety than the score of the game.

"Snape wanted to throw you to death last time, wouldn't it be easier to do it now that he's a referee?"

"Why don't we say Harry's butt is cracked and he can't play?" Ron had a bad idea.

"Then you might as well really crack Harry's ass!" Hermione said angrily.

Ron's eyes lit up, "It's not impossible!"

Harry shook his head firmly. This was his second game and he couldn't back down because of something that didn't happen.

"Don't think about it. Snape may not be able to hurt me, but if I don't play, the game will definitely be lost!"

Hermione thought in silence for a while, and suddenly thought of something.

"Professor Foley!"

"What's wrong, Professor?" Ron asked.

"The professor must not want anything to happen to Harry. Can we just ask him to uncurse Snape's magic?"

"No!" Harry frowned and retorted.

"We shouldn't know about the professor and Snape, and we should even pretend not to know about the Philosopher's Stone. Otherwise, if we implicate the professor, he will probably be hurt by Snape!"

Hermione and Ron also thought about this possibility - compared to Harry getting hurt, they didn't want the professor to be embarrassed more?

The three of them looked at each other, guessing what the other was thinking, and couldn't help laughing.

"Haha," Ron burped with laughter, and kept patting Harry's shoulders with his hand, "I don't hate your brother, at least we can't let the professor be implicated by us, right?"

"It's not certain that something will happen to Harry!" Hermione retorted with a smile, "And we can also secretly cast spells on Snape like we did last time!"

The more she talked, the more excited she became. She took out the tome she had just read and began to recite the magic that might come in handy——

"Tickling spell, leg locking spell, dance step spell..."

However, she didn't talk for long before she was interrupted by Neville who came over.

"Harry, and Ron, Professor McGonagall asked me to give this to you." He handed a note to each of them.

Harry took it and took a look.

"Your confinement begins at eleven o'clock tonight. Find Mr. Filch in the foyer. - Professor McGonagall."

"I almost forgot about it," Ron muttered dissatisfiedly, "I would rather be hung from the ceiling by Professor Welfare than stay with Filch in solitary confinement."

Hermione closed the book helplessly and comforted them.

"At least after tonight, you don't have to worry about confinement anymore."

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