Hiding in Hogwarts as a professor

Chapter 44 Troll Teacher

"Bah, bang, bang," Tver clapped as he stepped into the toilet. "It's a great pressure spell. It's hard to imagine that you just learned this spell in the afternoon."

"Professor Foley!"

Hermione's face lit up with joy, and her hand that outputted magic power couldn't help but relax. She could no longer maintain the effect of the pressure spell.

Feeling his feet loosen, the troll stumbled suddenly.

I had used too much force just now, but now I feel relaxed but still a bit unaccustomed.

Turning its little head around, the giant monster thought about it in confusion, but to no avail. Its small brain capacity only left one feeling——

Tear these two people in front of you to pieces!

The joy on Hermione's face disappeared instantly, her eyes widened helplessly, and she watched helplessly as the troll swung its giant stick and smashed it down on her.


Before she finished speaking, the troll seemed to be frozen. It still maintained the posture of waving the stick, but it was motionless ten feet above her head.

"what happened?"

Tver walked out from behind the troll, but there was an extra bubble on his nose.

If you are careless, the stink on the troll's body is a hundred times worse than the toilet...

"No... nothing," Hermione lowered her head shyly, "How did you know I was here?"

"Two of your friends told me."

Twil "blowed" the troll out while pulling Hermione up.

The little witch's feet were still a little weak and she could hardly stand firmly.

"How can there be such a friend?" She pursed her lips and whispered.

"Don't be harsh. Treat everyone who cares about you as your friends, and you will have more friends."

On the way out, he repaired the toilet and then let go of Hermione's hand, letting her stand with her classmates.

The students arrived, and there were a few worried professors standing not far away.

The corridor was bustling with people, and Percy struggled to maintain order. It was not easy to get the little wizards to obey.

"Stand according to your own college and grade. First graders stand in the front, third graders stand in the back, and second graders? Of course the second graders are in the middle!"

Suddenly everyone fell silent and looked behind him expectantly.

Percy turned around and looked, "Professor! I have brought here all the students from the first to third years of the four colleges!"

Tver nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you very much, Percy. Please stay here for a while. As a reward, you can finally practice magic on the troll."

Percy immediately beamed, "It's my honor to serve you."

Tver then faced the little wizards and pointed at the giant monster further away in the corridor.

"As you can see, there is a Mr. Troll here, and he will conduct the extra lessons tonight."

He placed the troll's body in a large font shape so that the students could see every part of its body clearly.

"So first of all, what is a troll?"

Hermione raised her hand, standing out among the third-year students.

"Hermione," Turville pointed his wand, "to digress, Miss Granger just blocked the troll for at least twenty minutes, using the magic she just learned in the afternoon, so ten points from Gryffindor!"

Hermione, who was instantly the center of attention, turned red with embarrassment, but she still mustered up the courage to answer loudly.

"Trolls are magical creatures with amazing strength but very low intelligence. Therefore, they are very violent and often attack for no reason."

"Yes, trolls are generally divided into three categories, namely mountain trolls, forest trolls and river trolls, and the one we have here is a mountain troll."

"Professor, do all trolls smell so bad?" asked a first-year wizard.

They stood in front, closest to the troll, which meant they could smell it the most.

"Except for the river troll, the other two smell not very good. After all, it is difficult for this kind of creature to understand the meaning of bathing."

Considering the endurance of the little wizards, Tver added a bubble to the troll to lock the smell inside.

The students breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think you have also noticed that the troll's head is very small. The Muggle world likes to use brain capacity to measure the intelligence of a creature. In fact, we in the wizarding world do the same."

"But please note that some magical creatures may not have small brains, but their intelligence may not be small, so don't underestimate any magical creatures, they may be smarter than you."

"Of course, this rule still applies to trolls, so even though they have thick feet and slender hands, their small heads are actually their fatal weakness."

"This is also another principle of biology - no living thing is perfect. As long as you find the weaknesses, you can easily defeat this giant monster."

"Next, I will allow some outstanding little wizards to come up and demonstrate how to deal with trolls."

As soon as the words fell, the little wizards shouted excitedly, as if having a loud voice could prove their excellence.

Tver pulled out a jingling pocket, which was the first batch of Iron Armor badges he had ordered from Devis and Bans.

Of course, if there is any little magic in it, only he knows about it.

"Remember the light ball game? Invite the top ten in each grade to come and receive badges."

Along with the disappointed sighs of the students, the thirty top students walked out with their heads held high and took out a badge from their pockets one after another.

"This is a protective badge that can protect you when you encounter danger, so try to pin it to the middle of your body, such as your waist and abdomen——

Mr. Malfoy, I know wearing it on your chest looks better on your handsome face, but please do as you are told. "

There was a hint of blush on Malfoy's fair face, and he hurriedly pinned the badge in the center of his abdomen.

Harry looked at this scene in amusement. He wanted to pin it on his chest at first, but when he saw Malfoy doing this, he gave up the idea.

"Very good, then let's invite the ten first-year students to come closer." 7K妏婩

Tver lifted the freezing spell on the troll, but then released a slowing spell, allowing him to burst through the bubble he had imposed as if in slow motion.

The stench spread and made the ten students shed tears.

"Stink is also the troll's attack method. In addition, have you noticed its slender arms? This is also its not-so-subtle attack method. Some unlucky wizards were beaten to death because they ignored the length of its arms. "

The students were immediately frightened and took a step back, even though they were still far away.

"Then the question is, as first-year students, how do you deal with this giant monster? All first-year students can think about this question."

It was Hermione who raised her hand first: "Use the pressure spell to slow down the troll's movements!"

"Yes, this is also the method Miss Granger used to deal with the troll just now. Its feet are particularly large, so it is extremely simple and effective to release the pressure spell."

"What about other than that? Pay attention, the troll's weak point is its head."

In order to make up for the image just now, Malfoy guessed loudly: "Twink its eyes?"

"Exactly right!" Tver snapped his fingers excitedly, and the torches in the corridor flickered.

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