Hiding in Hogwarts as a professor

Chapter 37 Duel Preparation

Professor Flitwick couldn't sit still.

He had also studied in Durmstrang as an exchange student back then, and knew that the students there had their own way of fighting.

Tver was able to reach this level in Durmstrang, so one can imagine what kind of strength he has in combat.

"Tver, how about we demonstrate a duel to the little wizards? Only use simple magic."

It's said to be a demonstration, but it's actually technical.

Professor Flitwick felt that after many years of teaching, his desire for a duel, which had been dormant, was beginning to stir!

Tver's eyes lit up even more.

He had long wanted to play with Professor Flitwick, but when he first came to Hogwarts, he challenged the professor to a fight. This behavior seemed more like provocation.

Since it was Professor Flitwick who brought it up, there is no problem.

"Just simple magic?"

With such a rare opportunity, Tver was not satisfied with just having fun.

Professor Flitwick glanced at Professor McGonagall sympathetically, and said with a smile: "'Simple' transfiguration is also possible."

Tver finally agreed with satisfaction: "In this case, I have no problem."

Professor McGonagall, who paid close attention to the two of them throughout the whole process, took over the preparation work with approval and set rules for them.

"Without further delay, let's tidy up the auditorium at eight o'clock tonight and a large space will be freed up."

She pointed to the middle of the auditorium, where the academy's long table was placed, but they were wizards and could easily arrange it.

"But you also need to be careful. Just use simple spells and transformation techniques. The key point is to let the students observe the subtleties of combat!"

Professor McGonagall is not a stickler for rules. In fact, she graduated from Hogwarts with the top grade in Charms and was promoted to the Ministry of Magic in two years.

As a capable witch, she is clearly aware of the importance of this duel to the students.

Things about the faculty bench cannot be hidden from the Hogwarts students with keen sense of smell. Of course, the professors have no intention of hiding it either.

So students came over and asked immediately.

After receiving confirmation from the person involved and the approval of the vice-principal, Penello turned around and told the students the news.

Following the best traditions of Hogwarts, the news instantly spread from the Great Hall to the entire castle.

Some students who were not eating dinner in the auditorium were found by their classmates and friends and were pulled into the auditorium.

As a result, before seven o'clock, the auditorium was filled with expectant students - no one wanted to miss such an opportunity.

But five minutes later, they were kicked out of the auditorium - "The auditorium still needs to be decorated, so don't get in the way!" Professor McGonagall closed the doors to the auditorium.

The little wizards were dissatisfied and did not dare to say anything. Professor McGonagall had always been strict. Not only Gryffindor, but also the other three houses did not dare to offend the vice-principal.

In the eyes of students, she is more dignified than Principal Dumbledore.

But they did not leave. Instead, they crowded together at the entrance of the auditorium, discussing enthusiastically.

Time passed in their expectation, and at eight o'clock, the door of the auditorium opened on time.

The students immediately rushed forward, but stopped when they approached the door.

Professor McGonagall was standing there.

"Where are the prefects? Hurry and maintain order. First-year students are in front, seventh-year students are in the back. They come in regardless of the house!"

Harry and Ron immediately beamed with joy, followed Percy, and looked at the decorated auditorium.

The tables and chairs disappeared, and a rectangular high platform appeared in the middle of the auditorium. Professor Foley and Professor Flitwick were holding wands in their hands, standing on the high platform and looking at them with smiles.

"Everyone gathered around the high platform. The first graders stood in the front row, and the seventh graders stood at the back."

After Professor Flitwick gave some instructions, the students became more behaved and stood up according to his instructions.

It's just that most students like to line up on both sides, exactly on the right hands of the two professors, as if this can increase the strength of the professors they support.

The first to third grade students stood behind Professor Foley without hesitation, as well as a small number of senior students.

They had more or less seen the professor's spellcasting methods and had no doubts about his strength.

"Professor Flitwick can release a spell in one second, and the number alone can overwhelm Professor Flitwick!"

Other students gathered on the other side. Except for those who had confidence in Professor Flitwick, they were mostly venting their dissatisfaction.

Yes, dissatisfied.

Especially the senior students, they are very dissatisfied that their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is the shrinking Quirrell. They are dissatisfied that Professor Welfare refuses to teach them despite repeated requests!

"Professor Flitwick was the duel champion, so how could he lose in such a small battle?!"

Under the protection of the prefects, the discussions among the students in the auditorium turned from heated discussions to whispers, creating an enthusiastic buzz.

"Look, Professor Dumbledore is here too!"

The sudden sound was particularly abrupt in the auditorium. Harry turned his head and saw that Dumbledore and other professors were standing behind the staff table, including his least favorite Professor Snape.

Dumbledore waved at them.

"Don't pay attention to us. The protagonists tonight are the two professors on the stage. All you have to do is pay attention and observe. This demonstration will benefit everyone."

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly conveyed to the ears of every little wizard.

"Did you hear that? This is a battle that even Principal Dumbledore will gain something from!" Ron shouted excitedly.

Hermione, who was supporting Professor Welfare, couldn't stand hearing these words, "The principal is emphasizing on us, this is just a demonstration shown to us."

Ron's interest suddenly dropped a bit.

"Can't you stop pouring cold water on me?"

However, their discussion did not last long as Professor Flitwick took over Dumbledore's words with a smile.

"Tonight's battle is just a demonstration, so we will only use simple magic and transfiguration."

"However, simple magic also has exquisite effects." He paused, allowing the students to recover from their disappointment. "Our demonstration is to let you little wizards who don't know the heights of the world see that the simple magic that you look down on still has some effects." Huge power!"

Without further explanation, Professor Flitwick turned around and faced Tver with a gesture of preparation for a duel.

"Let's get started, Professor Foley."

Twil raised his wand neatly, bowed to each other, and then they held their wands in front of their chests like arrows.

Professor McGonagall made a guest appearance as the host and explained the actions of the two people.

"This is a standard duel posture. After I count three times, they will officially start the duel."

The students below held their breath, and Hermione held their hands together tightly, not even noticing the pain as her nails dug into her skin.

"three two……"

All the students craned their necks in anticipation, fearing that they might have missed some details. The discussion that was still unfinished stopped instantly, which was completely opposite to the lively discussion outside the door.


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