Hiding in Hogwarts as a professor

Chapter 2 Your Arsenic, My Honey

Tver finally felt relieved.

Yes, he plans to return to the UK and serve as an assistant teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, the only and best magic school in the UK.

Speaking of which, this is not an easy or comfortable job. It can even be said to be the second most dangerous occupation.

Second only to the time traveler parents.

If I remember correctly, of the seven Defense Against the Dark Arts professors in the plot over the past seven years, one stayed at St. Mungo's forever, two went to jail, and five died.

Yes, five.

The extra Moody finally went to see Merlin because he was disguised with Polyjuice Potion.

Accidents occur so frequently that it's hard not to doubt the dangers of this course.

But for Tver, this was already a debt too great to worry about, it was just a little more added to his death.

At the age of eleven, he came across a ring by accident.

Unfortunately, the ring contained strong black magic that could destroy his young life in an instant.

Fortunately, he traveled through time at that time and still had his own golden finger.

That's a badge.

This badge was a peripheral product he purchased in his previous life, and it bears the emblem of Hogwarts, the most famous wizarding school in the UK.

A big H is in the middle, surrounded by four animals: lion, snake, eagle, and badger, and there is a line of slogans below. .seven


[Don't mess with Draco who is sleeping (wrong). 】

The translation is, don’t disturb the sleeping dragon.

He didn't know why the badge traveled through time with him, but as his life force passed away, the badge suddenly emerged with a force that resisted the erosion of black magic.

It's just that this power is not strong, and it can only barely keep him alive. The black magic still lingers on his body, sucking his life like gangrene attached to his bones.

But when he saw the ring, he knew what it was.

One of Voldemort's Horcruxes!

Having watched the movie, he knew that even Dumbledore and Snape, two of the top wizards in the wizarding world, could not crack the black magic on it.

Dumbledore, known as the first white wizard, ultimately chose to die precisely because the black magic on it was difficult to remove.

He made a prompt decision, abandoned the admission notice sent to Hogwarts, and begged his parents to send him to Durmstrang, a school famous for the study of dark magic.

Fortunately, his family was quite prominent and he enrolled in Durmstrang easily.

During these seven years, he continued to rely on his research on black magic and the protection of the power of the badge, successfully delaying his death date.

Also discovered the biggest secret of the badge.

As long as your understanding of magic becomes stronger, you can increase the power of the badge to make up for the life damage caused by black magic.

It's like a swimming pool, with water in and out, but the water inside is its own life.

But last year, his strength reached a bottleneck and no longer grew as rapidly as before. As a result, the power of the badge gradually faded. After half a year, the power completely disappeared.

The black magic instantly extended its tentacles to his life, and the swimming pool became a place where he could only get in and out.

Facing the life disappearing like running water, Tver relied on seven years of black magic knowledge and a little help to temporarily condense this black magic into a small point.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and looked at his right wrist. There was a small black dot on it, and an ever-expanding thin line extended from both ends of the black dot.

When the thin lines overlap, it's when his life ends.

At this rate, he still has two years left.

This is why he desperately wants to apply to teach at Hogwarts, because this year, a magical stone will be stored in this school.

The stone that makes people immortal.

As for why it is Defense Against the Dark Arts, it is entirely because this is the only course that recruits teachers from outside every year.

Even so, Tveldmstrang's identity as a student still made that person worried.

If he hadn't changed his mind and only served as an assistant coach, he would have wasted three years.

Therefore, the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts assistant teacher is your arsenic and my honey to Tver.

Recalling the past seven years, I felt like I was racing against death. I was trying my best to absorb all kinds of magic knowledge every day, and I was formulating more efficient learning methods in my mind every night.

This also gave him an indescribable reputation in Durmstrang.

Panda God of War...

After leaving here, no one should call me this shameful name anymore, right?

Tver happily took out a brand new piece of parchment and left a reply on it. In a moment, the letter was folded without any unnecessary wrinkles.

However, Mr. Owl didn't like this neatness. He twisted it twice when it was tied to his leg, and then pecked his hand as if complaining, before waving his wings and flying towards the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Sorry, I will make it up to you next time I get the chance.

Tver's good mood was not ruined. He waved his wand briskly, and the two neatly packed suitcases on the ground became light, and then floated to the open wallet in his hand like feathers.

When it came into contact with the wallet, the suitcase seemed to be compressed instantly and flew in neatly.

The wallet was secretly cast with a traceless expansion spell, and the space inside was larger than this dormitory.

Regardless of the country's wizarding laws, it is illegal to use this spell on personal items.

However, if you don’t break some laws, can you still be considered a wizard?

Tver looked back at this room with nostalgia again, and after shutting himself in it for seven years, he left here easily.

"Is this graduation?" the old man in the portrait at the top of the stairs suddenly said.

This was the second principal of Durmstrang, and he was also the principal who introduced dueling and war magic into the curriculum. The arena in front of the castle was his masterpiece, and even in the picture frame, he still had to sit on the stone steps.

"Yes, Mr. Monte, thank you very much for your help over the past seven years."

Tver stopped. Although Mr. Monte sometimes reported to the principal, he would also help him every night.

"This idiot Karkaroff failed to keep you, which is Durmstrang's biggest loss!"

Even the portrait, even the old appearance, can't hide the old man's fiery temper.

"It's my problem. I need to study my magic skills more and explore more different magic knowledge in order to reach a higher level."

Only in this way can he survive, Tver's subtext was not spoken out.

"I heard that you went to that school to be a teacher?" The old man's emotions came and went quickly.

"Yes, but just a teaching assistant."

"Well, all I can wish you is not to be too tired. Sometimes stopping can help you see more clearly." Monte winked at Tver meaningfully.

Since last year, Monte has said this to Tver every time, but if he continues to ask, he will remain silent again.

So Tver just shook his head and said goodbye to him and this school.

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