Douluo devours all worlds at the beginning and becomes the master

Chapter 11: Successful promotion and breakthrough in skills.

time flies.

I don't know how much time passed, but when the sun was about to set in the western mountains, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and two cold lights containing extremely strong soul power flashed through the air.

Exhaling a breath of turbid air from his mouth, Lin Chen felt that his whole body was in a state of relief that he had never felt before, and his whole body was full of energy as if he had endless strength. He felt that he could easily kill Lian Lian with one punch. Him before the soul ring.

However, before Lin Chen had time to check his specific situation at this time, a familiar smell came into his nose again. However, when he smelled this smell, Lin Chen not only did not feel disgusted, but also felt happy.

Looking down, he found that his clothes had been torn apart when he absorbed the soul ring beyond the limit, and his whole body was covered with red and black blood scabs. These were the blood that he had shed after being injured by the huge soul ring energy when he absorbed the soul ring. It is fused with impurities discharged from the body.

Trying to run "Chaos Immortal Body", although he did not break through to the second level as he expected, he had already skipped the late stage of the first level and reached the peak of the first level. This made Lin Chen couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. Jumping up, he couldn't control his strength and directly hit a tree trunk several meters above the ground.


The tree trunk was directly broken and fell down.

"I guess, with my current physical fitness, I'm afraid I'm a superman, right?"

Feeling the surging power of energy and blood coming from his body, Lin Chen looked at a towering tree next to him.


Amidst a harsh sound breaking through the air, a leg swept away.

Ka Ka Ka!

He saw this big tree, which was as thick as three people hugging each other. In an instant, he easily kicked it into two pieces and fell to the ground.


"The power of my current blow is at least eight to nine thousand kilograms, right?"

Lin Chen murmured.

You must know that in the previous life on earth, there were some strong men or ancient martial arts masters. At most, the force of one strike was only about one or two thousand kilograms, and it was fired after accumulating force.

And this casual blow of his own is only eight or nine thousand kilograms?

What is this concept?You know, eight or nine thousand kilograms is the power of eight or nine tons.

In my previous life, I would have been able to knock out a tank with just one kick!

Lin Chen could feel that he might be able to fight against the Soul King of the Soul Sect in this world with just his physical strength, and he might even be able to kill him instantly.

After all, what he has improved at this time is not only a leap in strength, but also extremely terrifying defense. What excites Lin Chen most is that he is now at the peak of the first level. What will happen when he reaches the second level? scene?

And according to the records of "Chaos Immortal Body", when you reach the second level, you can barely meet the conditions to be able to practice one of the moves to match the martial arts, and this martial arts is a skill that can increase your own strength several times.

Due to his actions just now, a lot of red and black blood scabs fell off his body, which also made the smell even worse. Lin Chen finally couldn't bear it anymore and hurried to the small lake next to him and jumped directly. And down.

After washing his body, he took out a change of clothes from the Qiankun Ring and put them on. Lin Chen really felt refreshed and the world was beautiful.

Looking at the corpses of the two soul beasts on the ground that had turned into ashes due to absorption and refining during the operation of the "Chaos Immortal Body", Lin Chen did not expect that just two and a half thousand years of soul beast power could turn the two soul beasts that were originally only at the mid-level of the first level. The Chaos Immortal Body has been pushed to the peak of the first level, which can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

"Perhaps it's because they are relatively rare and the energy contained in the beast's body is several times stronger than that of ordinary soul beasts!"

Lin Chen could only guess this way.

After calculating the time, I found that I had been delayed here for most of the day. I came here in the early morning, and now the sun has almost disappeared.

Seeing some soul beasts looming nearby, Lin Chen secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, the remaining auras of the two soul beasts were intimidating at that time, so that they did not come this way, otherwise they would have been attacked at the critical moment of Lin Chen's breakthrough. Lin Chen didn't think the outcome of the attacks from other soul beasts would be that good.

Seeing the two soul beasts that had been refined into ashes in front of him, Lin Chen decided to find a slightly secluded position to carefully check his current state. Just now, he was only focused on the breakthrough of his excited body. He didn't know yet. What exactly is his second soul skill? Thinking of this, Lin Chen walked out of the forest.

The next day, early morning.

In the big forest of stars, in an unknown cave.

Lin Chen sat cross-legged, and after completing the operation of the "Saint Secret of Transformation of All Spirits", he summoned his martial spirit again. When he saw that a ball of light appeared in his hand, Lin Chen was also extremely depressed.

Last night, I left the small lake and came here with the intention of checking out my second soul skill, but for some unknown reason, my martial soul "Golden Scaled Snake" was summoned like this as a ball of light. Although Lin Chen could feel that the "Golden Scaled Snake" was not only fine but seemed to be pregnant with even more powerful power.

But this also means that he still doesn't know what his second martial soul is, and based on the current situation, Lin Chen also understands that he will only know after this little guy comes out on his own.

However, Lin Chen did not gain anything this night.

When he carefully checked the results of his breakthrough last night, he found that his soul power at this time was due to awakening the "Chaos Orb". Although he was unable to be promoted without a second soul ring, he still stored a lot of soul power. At the same time, Absorbing the golden double-headed dragon soul ring through leapfrog levels increased his soul power so much that his current soul power directly reached level 25.

Just after breaking through, he reached the 25th level of the great soul master. Not only was his body not damaged at all, but he was also very good. If others knew about this, wouldn't he be able to call his grandma a bear?

And the important point is that due to the particularity of the technique, his soul power is compressed and condensed dozens or hundreds of times stronger than that of ordinary soul masters. According to Lin Chen's speculation, although his level is only a level 25 great soul master.

But his soul power at this time is probably much stronger than that of ordinary soul sects, but he doesn't know exactly how much more.

Moreover, even if an ordinary Soul King were here, I believe he wouldn't be able to get much advantage, because before coming to this cave last night, Lin Chen encountered a powerful Vajra Bear Soul Beast with a strength of about 2 years. The age and strength of this soul beast are almost equivalent to those of human soul kings or even soul emperors.

After seeing that the other party did not want to let him go easily, and he also wanted to try how far the power of the first-level peak "Chaos Immortal Body" could reach at this time, during the battle with him, Lin Chen found that he Its power has been terrifying to the point where it is comparable to it, and it can even surpass it after gradually becoming familiar with the power of the body.

Now when he thinks back to the very human and confused expression of the powerful Vajra Bear last night, Lin Chen can't help but want to laugh, and the doubtful beast is born when he directly fights others.

However, the gains this time are not limited to small breakthroughs in skills and improvements in soul power.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but use his soul power again to activate an invisible soul bone on his forehead.

That's right, it's a soul bone, and it's an external soul bone from the Flying Demonic Tiger!

This external soul bone gradually appeared as Lin Chen's soul power was input, but within a breath, a red and black mask with complex and strange lines appeared on the upper half of Lin Chen's face.

On the surface, there is nothing special about the mask except that the strange lines have an unusual beauty.

But if it is so simple, how can it make someone who just discovered the magic of this mask last night happy for a long time in the middle of the night?

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