Hearing Tang San's praise, Oscar's heart suddenly became even more joyful.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but turn his attention to Lin Chen again. For this guy who for the first time let him not care about worldly judgments and gave himself confidence, he was the one Oscar wanted to hear most at the moment, to evaluate him.

"Very good. As the dean said, your talent is unparalleled by most people."

Lin Chen also roughly guessed what Oscar was thinking. He looked at Oscar with a serious look in his eyes and said: "So, no matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, you must believe in yourself. As long as you go all out and use your talent, No one can stop you!"

"Everything you want to achieve can be achieved through your own efforts! Although there will be many ups and downs in this process, you have to remember one sentence, the edge of a sword is sharpened, The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold, this is the truth.”

Lin Chen looked into Oscar's eyes, which seemed to be aroused by his own words, and his nameless faith was as dazzling as flames, and continued:

"A person will experience many setbacks in his life, but only by experiencing setbacks and overcoming all difficulties and hardships can a person become stronger and better achieve the goals he has in mind!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, not only Oscar, but also Tang San on the side seemed to have some understanding, and both of them seemed to have a strange light shining in their eyes.

Moreover, what Lin Chen didn't know was that there was some ideological deviation between the Oscar at this moment and the Oscar in the original plot.

Originally, in the original work, he wanted to become an auxiliary soul master with combat capabilities because he liked Ning Rongrong and wanted to protect Ning Rongrong, so he went out alone to look for opportunities to achieve this goal.

However, at this moment, although he also wanted to become an auxiliary soul master with combat capabilities in his heart, he actually wanted to become a qualified auxiliary soul master as defined by Lin Chen.

An auxiliary soul master who not only possesses powerful auxiliary abilities, but also has unparalleled combat prowess!

It was Lin Chen's words that unknowingly planted the seed of faith in Oscar's heart to become a strong man. Many years later, he carried Lin Chen's definition to the extreme.

Moreover, Oscar also used this to create a faction of all-powerful auxiliary soul masters. Although the staff was sparse, these auxiliary soul masters taught by him once became the most powerful professional faction in the entire Douluo Continent. Of course, this was all That's something to talk about later.

At this moment, after Lin Chen chatted with Tang San and Oscar for a while again, he heard the assembly bell.

Seeing this, the three of them immediately ran towards the college playground.

When Lin Chen and the others arrived at the playground, they saw that Dai Mubai and others were almost there.

"Brother Chen, Xiao San, this way." When Xiao Wu saw Lin Chen and Tang San, she watched them waving their hands continuously.

When Lin Chen and the others came over, Xiao Wu originally wanted to say something to Tang San, but she seemed to feel something. She couldn't help but look at Oscar, and asked with some uncertainty: "Oscar, have you made a breakthrough? I Why does it feel like your soul power has reached level [-]?"

In response, Oscar just smiled slightly and nodded to Xiao Wu, but it was as he said, and he didn't say much else.

Because not far away, Flender's figure had slowly walked towards the playground.

When his sharp gaze swept across Lin Chen and the others, when his gaze came to Oscar, he paused, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a hint of joy in his expression.

Afterwards, Flanders looked at Oscar with a smile and said softly: "Oscar, have you made a breakthrough?"

After hearing Flender's question, Oscar felt a little proud. He immediately raised his chest and raised his head and said to Flender, "Yes, principal. Not long ago, I luckily broke through and reached level [-]."

After receiving Oscar's affirmative reply, not only Flanders couldn't help but smile happily and say "hello" three times in a row, but Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai and others also looked at Oscar with surprised faces.

Dai Mubai looked at Oscar and smiled sincerely happy for him: "Xiao Ao, you can do it! You actually broke through to level [-] without saying a word!"

"Let me tell you, brother, what inspired your potential and made you reach level [-]? You know, you are the second one among us to reach level [-], earlier than Tang San and Lin Chen ! (PS: Dai Mubai didn’t know that Lin Chen had reached level [-])”

Ma Hongjun also ran over with a smile on his face, gave Oscar a light blow, and said with a smile: "You little Oscar, you actually hid and left me, and you broke through level [-] so quickly."

When Ning Rongrong saw this, he looked at Oscar with some confusion. Although he also sent his congratulations, he felt somewhat disappointed in his heart.

When Ning Rongrong glanced at Oscar again, she secretly thought in her heart: "To have level [-] soul power at such a young age, and to be a food-type auxiliary soul master, am I really so unbearable?"

It's no wonder that Ning Rongrong has such thoughts. In the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, she has always been a person like a beautiful girl from heaven. She is the best among her peers in terms of talent and ability.

But after arriving at this school, the school that he looked down on before has suffered several blows.

After feeling Lin Chen's strength, Ning Rongrong had already consciously classified him as a pervert, reminding herself that he was a pervert and that she would not compare with him.

But now, in addition to herself, another auxiliary soul master was also better than herself. This made her feel uncomfortable and at the same time, she began to doubt herself.

Because she knew that food-type martial souls were relatively rare in the entire Douluo Continent, because it was very difficult for auxiliary-type soul masters to practice, and the food-type soul masters were even better among them.

However, at Oscar's age, there are even fewer food-type auxiliary soul masters whose soul power has reached level [-].

The most important thing is that Oscar is a food-type martial soul with an innate full soul power that she has never heard of before. This is the most painful thing for her!

Because, in terms of innate soul power talent, although Ning Rongrong is only one level behind Oscar, with nine levels of innate soul power, the actual gap is actually better than Oscar's. .

"Okay, now let's start today's lesson." Flender's voice brought everyone back to their thoughts.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Flanders said again: "Today's lesson is very simple, that is, each of you must eat two types of sausages made by Oscar, and eat at least one of each type! "

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