The rise of greenery

Chapter 136 Is This The Legendary Scud?

"that's terrible."

"I can not believe it."

"We were scored three goals in a row." In the stands, the Wolves fans couldn't believe their eyes.

"It's Luo again."

"Aww, it's really disappointing."

"I don't think we'll be able to score points here."

"I thought we could do it, I was so naive."

"Can we still count on Traore and the others?"

In front of the absolutely powerful Luo Wu, the fans who originally trusted Traore and the others lost their confidence.

But players can't lose confidence.

Moutinho yells: "Come on!"

"We can't just give up and be one goal behind!"

"Before we were two goals ahead, why should we be afraid of falling behind by one goal!"

"We're going to fight them until the last second!"

"We can stand in the Premier League, that means we have the ability to beat any team!"

"We can score more goals as well!"

"We're going to tear their defenses down again! We can all do it!"

"Go to hell..."

Traore and Jota glanced at each other.

"Yes, we can do it!"

"We don't agree!"

"Captain, we can do it!"

Being behind still did not make the Wolves players lose confidence, but inspired greater fighting spirit.

"come on!"

"come on!"

"come on!"

They stood in a circle and let out a loud cheer.

"Those guys..."

"It seems they don't want to surrender yet."

Luo Wu stood beside Smith Luo, squinting and staring at the opposite.

"We're still going to score."

"This war is definitely not over yet."

Smith Luo wiped the sweat from his forehead:

"Yes, as you said, we need to score more goals."

"Go ahead, brother!"

Then Wolves coach Nuno made another substitution adjustment, Gibbs White replaced Conor Cody.

All substitutions are used on the front line, four forwards!

Owen immediately exclaimed:

"It's going to be desperate."

"Crazy Nuno, put on Gibbs White and the formation becomes 334-[-]-[-]."

"It seems that every Portuguese coach has a desperate gene."

"It reminds me of Jose Mourinho, who used to be crazy. But what's the problem? It's a big loss, three points, but if you accidentally win a point? That would be great. "

Nuno's desperate play also made Emery's eyeballs almost fall off.

Four forwards!

Nuno really dared to play.

Isn't this extreme way of playing just a matter of success or benevolence?

He wants to make adjustments, but no one can be replaced. Aubameyang is a sharp knife in defense, Smith Rowe is Luo Wu's most capable assistant, and several midfielders are already the best in Arsenal. Good resources are on the field.

After thinking about it, he can only make substitutions and replace Holding with Mustafi. I hope that Mustafi, who just came up, can rely on his physical advantages to help the team, but Mustafi Not reliable at all...

When the whistle sounded, the Wolves' 334-[-]-[-] formation was really unreserved, and they quickly won the chance to cross from the wing. In Arsenal's big penalty area, there were actually three players fighting for a spot!You must know that there are only four people watching Arsenal, and the defense line is very thin.

Fortunately, Papastathopoulos was still up to the mark and didn't let Gibbs White, who had just come up, grab the spot, but Moutinho from outside the penalty area still intercepted the ball and assigned it to the wing again.Jota's second cross!

At the end, Traore dived over Mkhitafi's head!


The ball went out against the right post.

Just a little bit, the Wolves were about to equalize the score.

"Omega, the Wolves have a bit of bad luck."

"Arsenal's defense may not be able to withstand it."

"I don't like it."

"It felt like something was going to happen."

Merson is blacking Arsenal as always, maybe it is true as Owen said, does the Arsenal club owe him money?

Cech kicked the ball up with his rare big foot, not wanting to cause trouble in the backcourt, but the ball in the frontcourt still easily fell into the feet of Wolves player Cody, but Cody followed Cech's example , The big foot hoisted the ball up.

The Wolves have four forwards. They are not at a disadvantage in front. On the contrary, Mustafi panicked when he was fighting for the ball with Gibbs White.

"Ah, damn it, it was really wrong to replace him!"

As soon as Owen finished speaking, he saw Traore rushing past White and Mustafi. As for Kolasinac who was following him?Was thrown away long ago.

Traore's counter-offside was successful!

He caught up with the ball that was about to fall!

Fortunately, Elneny chased back in time, inserted diagonally from the left wing, and collided with Traore violently. With the advantage of inertia, Traore's body was still shaken, and he staggered Two times, when he fell down, he still swept the ball to the other side of the penalty area!

Half high ball!

The ball almost skimmed the six-yard line.

Diogo Jota decisively chose to dive to the top under the entanglement of Lichtsteiner!Lichtsteiner didn't expect that Jota would choose such an unconventional shooting action, and he couldn't stop it.


Ruota's head was straightened.

The ball flew into the upper left corner of the goal!Cech can only look at the ball and sigh...


"Oh my God, it's a damn 5:5."

"Diogo Jota, the new Portuguese took his chance and leveled the score. It was the Hulk Traore who assisted him."

"This is a completely unimaginable score, and the goals have also become double digits. Both sides contributed five goals each, adding up to ten."

"Nuno's adventure has been a success. This season, he is still the first to be able to play against Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium in a draw."

"He may have taught many coaches a beautiful lesson. It is impossible to try to get even here. The only way to score crazy goals is for him to do it for the time being."

"His substitutions are divine, his tactics are amazing and his players are relentless!"

The Wolves players were celebrating crazily. This deadly goal was so exciting. Except for the goalkeeper Patricio who didn't rush forward, everyone else hugged tightly.

Here, not only Arsenal, Wolves also won the dignity.

"We did it!"

"We did it!"

"We can do better!"

"come on!"

"come on!"

Moutinho shakes the little Portuguese fellow excitedly...

Arsenal fans in the stands at the Emirates Stadium practically pointed at Mustafi's nose.

"It's him again!"

"Ah, it's him again! This guy should really find a job in an electronics factory."

"I haven't seen him play a good game."

"Does Emery still have a long memory? Why do you still trust him? He doesn't deserve to be in the first team!"

"Ah, what the hell..."

There was a lot of scolding and artillery fire.

Mustafi deserved to be scolded. At such an important time, he made such a low-level mistake. Although his teammates didn't say anything, everything was written on every black face.

Papastathopoulos stared at him for several seconds, then finally shrugged and said nothing.

Teammate Torreira shook his head and silently returned to his area.

Xhaka was cursing, not knowing what he was cursing.

It was only then that Luo Wu realized that the awesomeness he had boasted seemed to be getting colder. He silently walked to the middle circle and stared at the opponent's goal. For the first time, he felt that he couldn't move his teammates.

His performance is already at an inhuman level, but his teammates are really pitiful.

Conceding as many goals as you score. This is not the level that a championship team should have. Arsenal still lacks too much.

But what's the use of rambling on now, we still have to find a way to score more goals.

There is still time!

Luo Wu quickly cleared away the bad emotions in his mind, and became focused again.

"There is still time, but the balance of victory may not be on Arsenal's side."

"Maybe the Wolves are more lucky?"

"This game is too difficult to guess."

The coaches of both sides were very excited, roaring from their respective benches.They may be more nervous than the players on the field...

Aubameyang kicked the ball to Luo Wu, Luo Wu knocked back to Xhaka, and quickly pulled the side.

The Wolves player came up too fast, Traore and Neves both blocked his way, Xhaka passed the ball to Smith Rowe, but Smith Rowe was also posted in time by Diogo Jota on.

Smith Roe smashed the ball back to Torreira, but Torreira was quickly entangled by Gibbs White.

The Wolves are all soldiers, and they press the whole court. It is not easy for Arsenal to play the ball.Now the Wolves have too many forwards, and the forwards have to come back to defend.

This does not require mobilization.

The time has come to fight for the team, fight for physical strength, and fight for will.

In the end, the Wolves players forced Arsenal to drive the ball forward, and then the Wolves regained the ball!

Emery's roar was clearly visible at the Emirates Stadium, and there was no rush.

The Wolves transitioned from defense to offense very quickly, and the running ability of the players is obviously stronger than Arsenal!The four forwards who were defending suddenly rushed forward together.

The teammates also sent the ball forward in time.

This time Raúl Jimenez and Gibbs White ran in the middle of the net at the same time, Jimenez covered White, he blocked Papastathopoulos and Moutinho, and White easily ferryed the header To Moutinho!

After Moutinho took a step forward, he immediately stuffed the ball to Traore on the right!

Seeing that Traore is going to surpass Kolasinac again!Kolasinac couldn't care less about it anymore, and just fell to the ground and put the shovel!


The whistle sounded so timely that Traore fell on the turf in an instant and rolled all the way outside the boundary line.

The foul is [-] percent.

And the referee also took out a red card from his pocket!

A direct red card expelled Kolasinac.

After all, Kolasinac chose to sacrifice himself. Although his teammates fought for him and appealed around the referee, they still did not escape the end.

Traore is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. After standing up again, nothing happened.

"It's over."


"Arsenal had to play with ten men."

"If Emery doesn't make adjustments, he will concede a goal."

"But can Kolasinac do it better?"

Owen sighed.

Paul Merson said: "Let me just say, this line of defense is just paper, and it cannot withstand the destruction of the opponent at all."


Wolves set the ball in the frontcourt, and Arsenal's big penalty area was like a big enemy. Everyone would go to the penalty area, including Luo Wu, who stood at the familiar right post again.

Moutinho's ball went straight into the middle of the penalty area!

Teenager Diogo Jota hits the ball!

Cech made a side throw and caught the ball!

But the ball was still in the right corner of the penalty area. Luo Wu rushed out with a stride, but he didn't have a big foot to clear the siege, but took it to the sideline!

Calmly, he did not forget to observe the running position of his teammates, but he did not run forward, he could only lead to the sideline, Traore was the first to rush over, Luo Wu chose to protect the ball with his back, but Traore Aole's entire huge body pressed against his back, and Luo Wu staggered twice before lying on the turf.

Traore fouled, but he also achieved his goal.

After getting up, Luo Wu poked the ball to Elneny immediately, and soon returned the ball.

Perhaps at this time, many people feel that the ball is hot...

At this time, Luo Wu saw Smith Rowe go up from the right, and Xhaka and Torreira were also moving forward, but the Wolves' defense was doing too well, and it was not easy to pass the ball to them.

Luo Wu still chose to go it alone.

Facing Neves and Moutinho again, he played a trick of oxtail and then pulled out a Marseille maneuver!Neves and Moutinho closed the net at the same time.

Misjudgment, I thought Luo Wu would play a fried ball to break through the middle, so I double-teamed. Who would have thought that Luo Wu would play a Marseille maneuver?

This unexpected breakthrough also disrupted the Wolves' midfield defense in an instant, and there was no one in front of Luo Wu!

"Stop him!"


Nuno only shouted a sentence and a half before seeing Luo Wu kicking his feet.

The moment Luo Wu got rid of Neves and Moutinho, he caught a glimpse of Patricio's position.


He lobs.

under all eyes,

A wonderful arc crossed the sky and flew towards the Wolves goal.

There are no angles to speak of!

But the ball easily passed over the head of Patricio who was standing near the penalty spot, and then fell gracefully!

Although Patricio retreated all the way, jumped back and stretched his arms, he still couldn't touch the ball.

"Buy Karma!"

"Buy Karma!"

"Buy Karma!!!"




"Is this the legendary Scud?"

"Crazy! It's crazy!"

"This kind of shooting is unparalleled in the world."

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