The rise of greenery

Chapter 13 Young and Frivolous, the Savior Comes

"Hello, my name is Liu Chuan, and I am the football reporter for the domestic "Sports Weekly" in England."

"Hello, my name is Luo Wu. Ronaldo's Luo, Wu Lei's Wu."

This was Luo Wu's first interview with a media reporter, and he was a little nervous. He stroked the hair on his forehead, trying to relax himself.


"It's a famous combination." Liu Chuan laughed, and pointed the camera of his mobile phone at Luo Wu.Paparazzi these days don't need too much equipment, and a mobile phone can do the interview well.Liu Chuan is not stupid. Luo Wu can appear in the Arsenal first team. He will definitely be a player with great future.

"Could you briefly introduce yourself?"

"Me?" Luo Wu stroked his hair again.

"I was born in China, but I have lived in the UK with my father since I was a child. My nationality is still Chinese. I am 18 years old this year."

"I started playing football at the age of 10. I was fortunate enough to enter the Wolves youth training at the age of 12, but I have not been able to play the ball well. I thought I would have no chance to play professional football. Then it seems that my brain has opened up? I came to Arsenal." Luo Wu To be able to join Arsenal is to say that his brain has opened up.Anyway, he couldn't find any good reason to explain it.

"Like what is said in football novels, did you suddenly get a golden finger?" Liu Chuan laughed, thinking that Luo Wu was really humorous.

"That's what turned out to be."

When Luo Wu heard this, his eyebrows raised, "Haha, it could mean that..."

Isn't it Goldfinger?

"Have you signed a professional contract with Arsenal?"

"Signed." Luo Wu nodded.

"Can you disclose the details of the contract? For example, the contract period, weekly salary, etc.?" Liu Chuan began to gather information.

"Secret." Luo Wu didn't let him go.

"Uh, I don't mean anything else, you know? You're now the hottest player in the country, making headlines in football news, and rushing to the number one search list."

"It can be said that football fans across the country are eager to know everything about you. So, can you satisfy everyone's curiosity?"

"Oh, I see."

"The contract has been signed for 4 years, and the current weekly salary is 5000 euros. There are still many details in the contract, such as rewards for assists and goals, and when the number of games played, the weekly salary will be increased accordingly." Luo Wu still roughly said for a moment.

"The weekly salary is a bit low, isn't it? This is a professional contract, not a youth team contract." Liu Chuan was very disappointed, thinking that Luo Wu had at least a weekly salary of more than [-], but it turned out to be only [-]?It seems that Luo Wu's prospects at Arsenal are not optimistic.

"Dong Fangzhuo's first weekly salary at Manchester United was about £2004 in [-]."

Luo Wu: ...

Can you speak? !

"I speak with my grades, and I don't worry about my weekly salary."

Liu Chuan didn't seem to notice Luo Wu's dissatisfaction, and said again: "The premise is to be able to play. In a club like Arsenal, there must be a lot of competition. Do you feel the pressure?"


"There is no pressure." Luo Wu shook his head.

"If you can't win playing time at Arsenal, have you considered seeking opportunities to play for other clubs? Or, have you considered returning to your country?"

Nima!Luo Wu felt more and more that Liu Chuan's professional level was really bad, what kind of messy questions were he asking?

He shrugged:

"If someone is willing to pay a liquidated damages of 4000 million pounds to buy me, I don't mind."

"What..." Liu Chuan almost lost his footing.

"Liquidated damages... £4000 million liquidated damages?"

Can't figure it out, he really can't figure it out, his mind is in a mess, Luo Wu is a rookie, he hasn't played a game for Arsenal yet, why is the liquidated damages 4000 million?This is too unscientific.A rookie like him, logically speaking, should not even be qualified to set liquidated damages.

And assuming that there is such a high liquidated damages, then the weekly salary shouldn't be only [-]...

No matter how you think about it, it's wrong.

"Yeah." Luo Wu nodded triumphantly, but did not continue to explain why there was such a weird liquidated damages setting, anyway, that's how the contract was signed.

"Then... what is your favorite football club?" Liu Chuan could only continue to ask the next question.


"I lived there for six years and I love that club."

Contrary to Liu Chuan's expectations, Luo Wu didn't say anything about Manchester United, Real Madrid, or Barcelona clubs, but the very ordinary Wolves.

"Who is your football idol?"

"Cristiano Ronaldo, and Leo Messi." This answer made Liu Chuan confused again, is this all right?Both are required, and it really is not a child doing multiple choice questions.This kind of situation is also rare. Under normal circumstances, when players choose their idols, they will choose one of them.

"Then what kind of achievements do you hope to achieve in the future? For example, shoulder to shoulder and double pride?"

"Do not,"

"I'm going to outrun them."

Luo Wu answered calmly, but Liu Chuan's jaw almost dropped from shock. You can't brag like that, can you?Do you want to surpass Melo?In this world, who dares to shout such a big slogan?Why.

Hazard, Griezmann, Neymar, Kane, Lewandowski, and Mbappe dare not!

But you dare!

Well, just bragging, who wouldn't.

But if this is put on the domestic news, you will die!

Children, keep a low profile, or you will make a joke.Liu Chuanzhen wanted to tutor Luo Wu, but he was too embarrassed to say so.

It's not wrong to be young and frivolous, but if you are too crazy, you will be criticized by fans, especially in front of sick Chinese fans...

You have to be successful before you can be arrogant.

"Then you have to win at least 6 Golden Globe Awards before you can surpass them." He reminded Luo Wu tactfully.

"Will do."

"I'm going to take 10."

Liu Chuan: ... Nima!Really sick!If it blows any further, the sky will collapse!It's either an idiot or a lunatic, but it can indeed bring traffic in the country, tsk tsk...

"If one day, the Chinese national team wants to recruit you, will you agree?"


"I will lead the Chinese team to the World Cup." Luo Wu's answer was still very calm, not like an 18-year-old at all!

"Okay," Liu Chuan's body trembled violently, but he still forcibly held back.

"Is there anything you want to say to Chinese fans? I will pass it on to everyone."

Luo Wu stroked his pointed chin, "Your football savior is here."

"Please remember, my name is Luo Wu."

Liu Chuan: ...


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