In this way, Leng Feng and Gu Yuena did not enter the master bedroom to see Leng Xuanyu and Lan Mengqin in the next few days.

Shrek Academy, Tang Sect, Spirit Transferring Pagoda and other forces in Shrek City also concealed the battle at Shrek Auction House that day.

Shenyan's handling of the incident was very beautiful, making it seem as if Leng Xuanyu and Lan Mengqin had not fought with Qingtian that day.

"Uncle, is Sister Qin awake?" "Dong Qianqiu came to Leng Xuanyu's villa again and knocked on the door and asked.

Leng Feng looked at the beautiful little girl in front of him. He was a little annoyed. He came to ask once in the morning and once in the evening.

"Lan Mengqin is still asleep. I will let you know when I wake up." ” Leng Feng said kindly.

He knew that Dong Qianqiu was the demon soul Great White Shark who had re-cultivated himself as a human being. After all, he was closely related to Tang Wulin.

"Uncle, can you let me go in and see Sister Qin?" ” Dong Qianqiu asked. She always wanted to go in and see Sister Qin, but Leng Xuanyu's father in front of her wouldn't allow it every time.

Lan Xuanyu once went to his teacher to ask about Lan Mengqin and Leng Xuanyu's situation that day, but the entire Shrek Academy remained silent about the battle above the Shrek Auction House, as if that battle had never happened.

“Okay! Leng Feng agreed. He bothered Dong Qianqiu to come every morning and every night, so why not let Dong Qianqiu take a look at Lan Mengqin now to save him from bothering him every day in the future.

“Well, thank you uncle. ”After Dong Qianqiu finished speaking, he entered the villa and ran directly to the master bedroom.

Naturally, Leng Feng would not stop Dong Qianqiu, but Gu Yuena hid herself. She knew that she could not appear in front of the public.

"Sister Qin, why have you grown so big?" And how come Leng Xuanyu has grown so big? "Dong Qianqiu opened the room and saw Lan Mengqin and Leng Xuanyu hugging each other and sleeping soundly. The two of them were now seventeen or eighteen years old, and they had changed from teenagers and girls to young men and young women. .

"Dong Qianqiu, haven't you felt the surge of power in Lan Mengqin and Xuanyu?" ” Leng Feng reminded Dong Qianqiu.

Dong Qianqiu felt the energy flowing in Lan Mengqin and Leng Xuanyu's bodies. This was not soul power!

"Dong Qianqiu, if you want to know the truth, don't resist next." ” Leng Feng said.

He knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, because Tianyi was here and Leng Xuanyu's experience couldn't escape. He was going to let Lan Mengqin go with Leng Xuanyu.

Lan Mengqin's mind is relatively calm, not as simple as Leng Xuanyu's. With Lan Mengqin accompanying Leng Xuanyu, Leng Feng and Gu Yuena were assured that Leng Xuanyu would not be betrayed and help lose money.

"Well, uncle, I want to know the truth." ”Dong Qianqiu also thinks about the changes that his sister Qin has undergone in recent years.

“Psychicism. ” Leng Feng tapped Dong Qianqiu’s forehead lightly, and Dong Qianqiu entered a world.


“This is the starting point for your sister Qin. ” Leng Feng’s voice rang in Dong Qianqiu’s ears.

Dong Qianqiu looked around at the scene. Isn't this the dormitory where he lives in the Junior College Affiliated to Tiandou Institute of Technology? This scene is -

"Sister Qin, I'm going to Teacher Nana's place." ” Dong Qianqiu said to Lan Mengqin.

“Hmm. ” Lan Mengqin was about to fall asleep after Dong Qianqiu left. Suddenly, the spear mark on Lan Mengqin’s forehead emitted a golden light.

The next moment, Lan Mengqin stood up and took out the golden war spear that Leng Xuanyu had given her before.

The power of the war spear surged, and a beautiful woman with two white dragons on her back and a cold man with two black dragons on her back appeared.


After reading this, Dong Qianqiu, who was watching, felt a little complicated. It turned out that Sister Qin had awakened her divine power that night and became a god. Isn't becoming a god her goal?

That was the night when Leng Xuanyu ran back after being taken away by people from Tianluo Academy. She saw herself coming to find Teacher Nana, and then Teacher Nana took her into the training room to guide her in training, and then Sister Qin was outside with Leng Xuan Yu confessed what he had learned.

Is it that simple to become a god?

Dong Qianqiu watched Lan Mengqin become a member of the Protoss, and even became a disciple of one of the top experts in the Protoss, the True Zen Saint King, and finally solemnly swore to become a god at the foot of the Crystal Mountain, the Holy Land of the Protoss!

After Dong Qianqiu read it, she learned everything about her sister Qin in the past few years. It turned out that sister Qin was already so strong, and Leng Xuanyu was actually the son of the God Clan Emperor.

"Dong Qianqiu, how about I make a deal with you?" Leng Feng said to Dong Qianqiu. When he showed this to Dong Qianqiu, he definitely didn't want Dong Qianqiu to spread the word.

"Uncle, what's the deal?" "Dong Qianqiu said timidly. She now knows the identity of Leng Xuanyu's father. He is the great emperor of the Gods!"

The Protoss she saw from Lan Mengqin's memory was definitely an extremely powerful race. Even the legendary Douluo God Realm was not as strong as the Protoss!

"Uncle knows why you want to become an adult again." You are a good and filial child. As long as you agree to my three requests, I will not only resurrect your parents, but also make you and your relatives a glorious member of the Gods and become eternal gods. ” Leng Feng said in a seductive tone.

He knew that there was no way Dong Qianqiu could resist his conditions.

Dong Qianqiu's eyes glowed when he heard Leng Feng's words. It was the light of hope, and even more of the light of greed. After all, Dong Qianqiu is just a child and has no plans. In front of Leng Feng's huge temptation, she didn't even think anymore.

"Dong Qianqiu, let me tell you that according to the Douluo God System, the god level in this world is just that the power has reached the god level. It is not a true god at all!" Even if you cultivate to the god level in this world, you still won't be able to resurrect your parents! ”

"There are not many opportunities in one's life to change one's own destiny!" The opportunity to realize your biggest dream is even more so, it may only happen once in a lifetime! ” Leng Feng continued to confuse him.

"Uncle, I promise you, what are the three requirements?" As long as I can do it, I will do everything I can to do it. ” Dong Qianqiu said somewhat enthusiastically. She couldn't refuse this generous offer.

Leng Feng looked at Dong Qianqiu in front of him, and it turned out that the saying was true, "People die for money, and birds die for food." In the face of sufficiently generous profits, no creature can refuse.

"The first request is that everything is kept confidential like your sister Qin. You cannot reveal anything without the permission of the Gods." ”Leng Feng made his first request.

He didn't want the forces like Shrek in this world to learn any information. He also had a big game to play, but he couldn't ruin it.

Dong Qianqiu nodded obediently, she could definitely do this. I have to say that Lan Mengqin did a good job of keeping it secret, but Dong Qianqiu had been with Lan Mengqin for so long without knowing anything about Lan Mengqin.

"Second request, I hope you will always stand on Xuanyu's side and become Xuanyu's supporter." ”Leng Feng’s words are very interesting.

Dong Qianqiu is not of much use to him, but it may be useful to Leng Xuanyu.

"Uncle, I promise you that I will always stand behind Leng Xuanyu." ” Dong Qianqiu swore.

In her opinion, she didn't know what she could do to help Leng Xuanyu or what Leng Xuanyu needed from her.

"The third requirement is to always be loyal to Xuan Yu unconditionally. Even if Xuan Yu betrays everything, even if Xuan Yu becomes the enemy of all realms, even if Xuan Yu treats you badly, you must stand firmly on Xuan Yu's side, even if it takes At the cost of your life. ”Leng Feng didn’t know the third requirement either. Then he thought that the second requirement had too much room for maneuver and the concept was confusing, so he simply added more details to the third requirement.

After hearing the third request, Dong Qianqiu hesitated for a while, and then said firmly: "Uncle, I agree!" As long as you can help me resurrect my parents. ”

“Okay! Leng Feng said happily, "I like a cheerful person like you." This is just like doing business, we are mutually beneficial. As long as you comply with these three requirements, I will definitely not treat you badly! ”

“Thank you, uncle. ” Dong Qianqiu said.

"I know that Lan Mengqin gave Lan Xuanyu the colorful gem Xuanyu gave her, and I even know that the gem reminds you of some memories." The name Bai Xiuxiu is not as high-level and connotative as Dong Qianqiu. So your name in the Protoss will be Dong Qianqiu from now on, do you understand? ” Leng Feng said calmly.

“I know, uncle. "For Dong Qianqiu, as long as she can resurrect her parents, it doesn't matter what her name is."

“Very good, come with me! ”Leng Feng took Dong Qianqiu to God’s Domain.


"Uncle, this is..." Dong Qianqiu found herself in the sea of ​​divine energy that she had seen in Lan Mengqin's memory!

"Yes, this is the Sea of ​​Divine Origin!" Leng Feng said, "I'm curious, so I'll take you here!" The reason is very simple. Since it is similar to doing business, then I, the customer, must pay a deposit according to the rules. Now is the time for me to pay you a deposit. ”

The next moment, the divine essence in the sea of ​​divine essence wrapped Dong Qianqiu's whole body.

Dong Qianqiu felt that her whole body was filled with divine power. This divine power was so powerful that she felt that she was undergoing a transformation.

Half an hour later, Dong Qianqiu appeared in front of Leng Feng again. At this moment, Dong Qianqiu looked similar to before, but powerful divine power was flowing in her body at this moment.

Leng Feng looked at Dong Qianqiu and sighed. Dong Qianqiu awakened the divine power of the Vientiane Realm, which was quite pure.

No, not enough!

A snowflake appeared on the palm of Leng Feng's right hand. This was the treasure of the Ice and Snow Divine Kingdom - the Holy Crystal of Ice and Snow, which was very rare. There are only three pieces in the entire Kingdom of Light! These three films are the legacy of Leng Feng’s father!

I can't bear to have a child without a wolf!

The next moment, Leng Feng integrated the Ice and Snow Holy Crystal into Dong Qianqiu's body!

“Thank you, uncle. "Dong Qianqiu felt the strong divine power in her body. At this moment, she was already a powerful god!

"No need to thank me, just like I told you before, we each get what we need!" Sign this! ”Leng Feng sent a golden contract to Dong Qianqiu.

"Uncle, this is..." Dong Qianqiu looked at the contract in her hand. The content of the contract was that she must comply with those three requirements. If she does not comply, she will be destroyed!

“This is a sacred contract! To sign it, you need to use your soul sign. Don’t worry, as long as you don’t violate the three requirements, you’ll be fine. ” Leng Feng said.

According to business rules, he has paid a deposit, so there must be a contract to protect his rights! Otherwise, what should Dong Qianqiu do if he takes the deposit and runs away?

"I understand, uncle, I'll sign it!" ”Dong Qianqiu signed the contract after finishing speaking.

"Very good, as long as you don't violate the three requirements, I will do what I promised you!" "After Leng Feng finished speaking, he sent a golden divine power to Dong Qianqiu's hand.

Dong Qianqiu watched as a golden trident appeared in his hand, and then a set of gorgeous golden armor appeared on his body. There was also a gorgeous crown on his head with a blue gem engraved on it!

"You are not strong enough to do things for Xuanyu, so I give you this set of equipment." The golden trident allows you to control the ocean, the golden armor on your body can improve your defense, and the crown on your head is a multi-functional weapon. The quality of these three weapons is far superior to the super artifacts from your world. ”Leng Feng naturally had his own considerations in giving Dong Qianqiu these three things.

“Thank you uncle. "Dong Qianqiu thanked Leng Feng. She has so much without doing anything, and I wonder if she can resurrect her parents with her own power.

Leng Feng could see Dong Qianqiu's thoughts at a glance and said, "If you want to rely on your current strength to resurrect your parents, I advise you to give up!" God is not omnipotent. ”

Dong Qianqiu looked at Leng Xuanyu's father in front of him and said solemnly: "Uncle, I will do everything you ask for." ”

"It's not about doing everything I ask, it's everything Xuanyu asks. Do you understand?" That contract was not signed by me and you, but by Xuan Yu and you. If you want to terminate the contract, you have to find Xuanyu. ” Leng Feng reminded.

What does he want to do with Dong Qianqiu? What can Dong Qianqiu do for her?

If Dong Qianqiu was doing business with Leng Feng, then Leng Feng really used the money from buying top-quality bird's nests to buy cheap sugar water from Dong Qianqiu! Use the gold money to buy brass with Dong Qianqiu!

“I understand, uncle. From today on, I will protect Xuanyu at any cost. ” Dong Qianqiu swore.

“Okay, we can go back. ”Leng Feng brings Dong Qianqiu back to the ultimate plane.


The ultimate plane, Shrek City, Leng Xuanyu Villa.

“Go back first! Lan Mengqin and Xuanyu probably can sleep for a few more days. ” Leng Feng said calmly.

Dong Qianqiu glanced at Lan Mengqin and Leng Xuanyu before gently closing the door and going out.

"Leng Feng, why are you doing this?" ” Gu Yuena didn’t understand at this moment why Leng Feng laid such heavy bets on Dong Qianqiu.

"Nana, you can't put all your eggs in one basket, and Xuanyu can't hang himself on a tree." ” Leng Feng explained.

In this way, even if you lose money, you can still stop a certain amount of losses!

"One result of stepping on two boats is that you can't step on either boat, and then you can only fall into the water." ” Gu Yuena retorted.

"Nana, do you believe this?" Leng Feng asked with a smile.

Gu Yuena couldn't hear the pride in Leng Feng's words. Isn't this guy in front of her the kind of person who can still stand on more than a dozen ships!

“Are you very proud? Gu Yuena asked calmly, "Would you like to take a few more steps?" ”

Leng Feng directly hugged Gu Yuena and walked to the guest bedroom. He lowered his head and kissed Gu Yuena, and said with a smile: "I am very satisfied to have you on my boat." ”

Gu Yuena looked at Leng Feng and remained silent, haha!

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