“You should all have heard of Shrek Inner Courtyard. It is a place where you can completely transform. But I'm afraid you don't fully know the significance of the inner courtyard, nor do you know where the inner courtyard is. ”

While talking, Xiao Qi suddenly raised his finger and pointed in the air, and said lightly: "Have you seen Poseidon Lake outside?" The Eternal Tree in the center of Poseidon Lake is the life core of the entire mother planet. It was because our ancestors from Shrek Academy and Tang Sect worked so hard to make it take root again, and even swallowed up the entire plane that invaded the home planet before it completely grew into what it is now. The crown of the Eternal Tree is extremely huge, and above it, there is a city called the Eternal Sky City. That's where the real Shrek is and where Shrek's inner courtyard is. Before you become a disciple of the inner court, no amount of meritorious deeds will allow you to go there. Even if you get a high-level badge by accident, it's impossible. Only inner court disciples and above can go there. ”

Eternal Sky City! As soon as these words came out, all the freshmen present except Leng Xuanyu and Lan Mengqin couldn't help but straighten their backs.

For the students here, Eternal Sky City exists in their hearts as a legend. In the legends they had heard since childhood, there was a true god-level powerhouse there.

“Poof! ” Leng Xuanyu laughed out loud. Because he didn't know why Xiao Qi's exciting words, which made the freshmen proud of their school, made him laugh.

"Leng Xuanyu, is it so funny?" ” Xiao Qi asked in a serious tone. He is now very unhappy with Leng Xuanyu. It is precisely because of this boy that Shrek Academy has suffered a humiliation that it has never suffered since the school was founded! And twice!

This is a shame for all Shrek people. Thirty thousand years of Shrek's glory has been shattered in their generation, but they and others are powerless and can only watch the glory and dignity of Shrek Academy being trampled on. And all this is because of Leng Xuanyu!

"Teacher, it's not funny..." Leng Xuanyu just said a few words and started laughing again. He couldn't hold it back!

"Leng Xuanyu!" ” Xiao Qi roared angrily. He now wants to deal with Leng Xuanyu, but his remaining sense tells him that he must not touch Leng Xuanyu. Once Leng Xuanyu is touched, Shrek Academy will face the wrath of the Heaven-defying Xing Xing and the White Lotus Saint King. And the so-called being whom the gods look up to is Leng Xuanyu’s father!

Shrek Academy has been checking Leng Xuanyu's background, but they have not been able to find out. Leng Xuanyu's identity has been confirmed to be a fake one, and he seems to have appeared out of thin air. But that's why Shrek Academy is afraid, because mysterious and unknown things can give people a deeper sense of terror and awe!

Leng Xuanyu was not afraid. Xiao Qizhen fought with him. Sorry, Leng Xuanyu was confident that three moves would be enough to defeat Xiao Qizhen!

Those three moves?

The first move, the divine power of the colorless realm, opens the colorless wall; the second move, possesses the divine power of the diamond realm; the third move, the life weapon enters the soul!

These three tricks are like three axes, simple and crude but absolutely effective! And it’s very easy to use!

Influenced by Leng Xuanyu's father, Leng Xuanyu didn't have a good impression of Shrek Academy, and he didn't want to think about what Leng Feng relied on to make his fortune back then.

According to the school motto of Shrek Academy since its establishment: "Those who dare not cause trouble are mediocre!" ”

To put it bluntly, don’t you think it’s very problematic? Will this increase instability in the world?

What's more, what are the things that Shrek Academy students do based on this school motto that are different from bullying?

Douluo Continent has actually been a super-monopoly and class-rigid continent from the beginning. And it’s a dead end that cannot be solved!

Success is also a martial spirit, failure is also a martial spirit!

In Douluo Continent in Tang San's era, that is, 30,000 years ago, a spirit master's strength almost entirely depended on his family background. Let's talk about talent first. Martial spirit is talent. Without a powerful martial spirit inherited from the family, martial spirit is just blue silver grass and hoe. , If these carrots are similar to invalidating martial souls, then the path of a soul master will be completely blocked. Innate soul power is also a talent, but this kind of innate soul power is strongly related to the strength of the martial soul.

"There are no useless martial arts spirits, only useless soul masters." ”This sentence is the most poisonous chicken soup for the soul in the Douluo plane!

Yu Xiaogang, who said this, doesn't he take a look at himself? If he hadn't met Tang San, if he hadn't accepted Tang San as his disciple, he would probably have spent his entire life at Notting Academy.

In the fantasy training plane, there is no fair starting point at all. The starting lines are all different, and the journey to the end is different! You don’t have to run to get to the finish line. You can go directly by car or even take a rocket!

How is this fair?

(Don’t say that Blue Silver Grass is not a useless martial spirit, and don’t look at the few soul masters of Blue Silver Grass who have become strong? One of the reasons for the decline of Dou Er Tang Sect is that the sect values ​​​​the Blue Silver Grass Spirit too much. Master! Are the later martial spirits of Tang San, Tang Ya, and Tang Wulin still Blue Silver Grass?)

In other words, in terms of talent, if you do not come from a powerful family, you must have top-level talent comparable to winning the first prize in the lottery of Leng Feng's first life!

In terms of hard work the day after tomorrow, the choice of every soul ring is very important! But the soul beast won't give you a choice, and will obediently give you a chance to kill! If there is no help from a powerful soul master or some external help, then this means that unless you are very lucky, preferably like Huo Yuhao, it will be good to get the soul ring of the best age, not to mention the one that matches the characteristics of your own martial soul. Soul ring!

In Tang Wulin's era, that is, ten thousand years ago, there was such a thing as souls. You should be more careful when choosing souls than choosing soul rings. This can be seen in Dou San's supporting character - Wei Xiaofeng. A soul that is highly compatible with one's own martial soul is very important to a soul master!

As for soul bones, heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and fairy grass, these are really not things that ordinary soul masters have the opportunity to touch! And to say the least, even if it were touched, it might be fatal!

In the Douluo plane, the legal society is a joke in a sense. The strong always have privileges!

Of course it is not the Light Douluo plane. In fact, in any plane, as long as the structure of that plane is a pyramid, then there will inevitably be creatures with privileges. It's just that there are differences in privileges. One is a deserved privilege, and the other is obtained by relying on one's own status and strength.

Needless to say, the privileges of Shrek Academy, the identity of Shrek Academy is almost a universal certificate!

In fact, Shrek Academy has been mythologized to a level that shouldn't be achieved! Leng Xuanyu's arrival only broke the myth of Shrek Academy. It's time for Shrek Academy to wake up from the dream full of infinite glory and honor!

"If you don't want to study at Shrek Academy, you can leave at any time." ” Xiao Qi said coldly.

“Why should I leave? Is Shrek History about to leave? Teacher, if I leave like this, my Uncle Bai Lian will not agree, and neither will my teacher! ” Leng Xuanyu retorted unceremoniously.

Last night, not only the Divine Eye came, but also the Holy King White Lotus!

“So much for digression. Classes begin. You should all have a certain understanding of Doukai. Doukai is actually a type of armor. Some people say it is a type of mecha. That is not entirely true, nor is it entirely correct. It depends on the individual's understanding of Doukai. And what I want to say is that Doukai is part of us. part of life. Like your arms, your legs. It will protect our security, enhance our strength, and be your most reliable partner when you need it most. What we have to do is to continuously strengthen this partner and make it stronger and more reliable. Because in this way, we will also become stronger. ”

"Before the energy level of the mother planet evolved thousands of years ago, the highest level of Doukai was level four, which was the four-character Doukai, now known as the four-star Doukai. But now, with the evolution of the mother planet, the refinement method of rare metals has improved to six stars, which is the six-character battle armor. Of course, five-character and six-character battle armor are not what you need to consider now. Even the Five-Word Doukai requires the Ultimate Douluo level to possess. ”

"The one-word battle armor in the early years was independent of the outside of the body, similar to the existence of armor. You even had to put it on yourself when using it." After reaching the two-word battle armor, the battle armor can be integrated with one's own blood and soul power, and completely become a part of the body. But the most advanced method now is to start from the one-word battle armor and make it in a way that can be integrated with your own body. Through research, we found that the longer the battle armor is nourished by the soul master's bloodline and soul power, the higher the compatibility with the soul master will be. If it is cultivated for a long time, it may even evolve on its own. Of course, this requires the soul master's own bloodline and soul power to be strong enough. ”

“So, what do you need to do if you want to build your own battle armor? The production of battle armor is divided into three processes: designing, forging, and engraving the core array. ”

“These three processes are extremely important. It also involves three auxiliary professions of three battle armor masters. In addition to these three, there is also armor repair. There are a total of four auxiliary professions, which have been inherited for more than ten thousand years. ”

"In our Shrek Academy, there was a genius who learned these four professions at the same time, and finally created a battle armor that perfectly suited him, and its power far exceeded other battle armors of the same level." This is because of his familiarity with Doukai. However, the academy does not recommend this approach because it consumes too much time and experience, making it impossible to practice. However, if you want to become a Doukai master, you must at least choose one of the auxiliary professions to learn. Without participating in Doukai yourself, you simply cannot grasp its essence. ”

"In the next two years, in the first year, all you need to do is to choose the auxiliary profession you want to learn and study to a certain level, at least to the level of being able to make a one-word battle armor." At the same time, during this year, you also have to think about the direction of your own battle armor. Don't ignore it just because it is a one-word battle armor. In fact, even if it can be changed later, once the direction of the one-word battle armor is wrong, then any subsequent changes will lose the previous accumulation, and the gain will not be worth the loss. The earlier you fix your future direction, the more time you can save. For soul masters, the golden period of cultivation is before the age of forty. After the age of forty, the speed of improvement will drop significantly, resulting in twice the result with half the effort. ”

“In the second year, you will have to work with each other and find partners to make the Doukai together until the Doukai takes shape. Do you understand what I'm saying? If you don’t understand anything, you can ask now. "Xiao Qi doesn't plan to deal with Leng Xuanyu anymore. If he does, he will probably be pissed to death."

“Teacher. ” Lan Xuanyu raised his hand without hesitation.

Xiao Qi nodded to him and said, "Say." ”

Lan Xuanyu said: "Teacher Xiao, if this is the case, then should the auxiliary professions studied by me and other students be separated?" This will help us help each other when the time comes. ”

“That’s right, that’s usually the way it is done. Relatively speaking, among the four major auxiliary professions. The most difficult thing is forging, and then the design. Engraving the core array is relatively the easiest. Because there are many previous experiences and drawings to draw on. While forging requires talent, design requires inspiration. As for repair, you need to dabble in all these, which is relatively complicated. We Shrek students generally don't learn repair. There are specialized schools for repairs. ”

“I understand. ”Lan Xuanyu sat down.

Xiao Qidao: "Does anyone else have questions?" correct. I almost forgot something. Since it is a class and a group. Then, there is still a need for class cadres. Our Shrek development after so many years is relatively simple. There are only two class cadres, the monitor and the deputy monitor. The squad leader is responsible for commanding the entire class when it takes unified actions, including communicating with teachers on behalf of the students. The deputy squad leader is responsible for some daily affairs and assists the squad leader in leading the class. ”

“Our class cadres implement a rotation system. Replace every month. In the first month, the top two in the previous comprehensive assessment will be in charge. Leng Xuanyu is the squad leader, and Ye Lingtong is the deputy squad leader. After all the rotations are completed, it will take more than a year. Everyone holds a referendum to elect the official squad leader and deputy squad leader. Anyone who thinks he or she is capable should show off his or her capabilities as much as possible when taking on the responsibility. Let everyone see it. Remember my words, a monitor who can secure benefits and resources for his classmates is qualified. ”

When he said the last sentence, he looked specifically at Lan Xuanyu.

Lan Xuanyu's commanding ability has been fully demonstrated in the comprehensive assessment, and among the thirty-eight students in the class, including Li Han, Li Bin and Jiayu, there are probably more than ten people who will support him. He actually deserves to be the squad leader. The only problem is that his personal strength is too poor, with only level 23 soul power. This is actually somewhat difficult to convince the public. Furthermore, Leng Xuanyu was there, although it was very irritating, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The rotation system is a tradition of Shrek Academy, which fairly allows every student to have a chance to express themselves.

"Teacher, I don't want to be the monitor!" "Leng Xuanyu refused decisively. He didn't want to be dragged down by others. He was about to attend the Conferring Gods Conference. He probably wouldn't be able to stay for long."

"You can voluntarily give up the position of squad leader, but I remind you that the squad leader can receive three white badges every month as labor service." Two for the deputy squad leader. The amount of labor will increase each academic year. ” Xiao Qi said lightly without looking at Leng Xuanyu.

"Teacher, I choose to give up the position of monitor." ” Leng Xuanyu said without hesitation, without any hesitation.

"In this case, Ye Lingtong will take over as squad leader, and Lan Mengqin will take over as deputy squad leader." ” Xiao Qi announced. It's better if you don't want to be the squad leader, so that I don't have to look for you often in the future.

Lan Mengqin suddenly said: "Teacher, this is unfair." According to you, students who previously ranked in even numbers in the comprehensive examination can only be deputy monitors. Little labor! ”

Xiao Qi smiled slightly and said, "This is simple. If the deputy squad leader feels that he is better than the squad leader, he can raise a challenge. The challenge is successful and the two people switch places. In Shrek, strength is still very important after all. ”

Xiao Qi began to continue his lecture. What he talked about today was all about the basic knowledge about Doukai.

His class lasted the whole morning, with a half-hour break in the middle, and the lecture was divided into two parts.

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