On this day, petals from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect floated in from nowhere, and slowly gathered more and more petals, dancing with the wind.

If you look carefully, you will find that the petals are all floating in the same direction. Looking in that direction, it is the yard of Yu Yuanzhen, the current leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Everyone was very curious, but they didn't dare to disturb him, because the sect leader had previously told him not to disturb him no matter what happened today.

In the back garden of the sect master's mansion, those petals floating from nowhere were spinning in circles around a towering tree in the center of the garden. It was a peach tree that had lived for who knows how long. Its petals were fiery red, and its trunk could not be hugged by four or five people.

Yu Yuanzhen was standing in the garden watching this magical phenomenon. Behind him were two boys of about ten years old. The two boys looked very similar.

"Grandpa, are we going to start?" A little boy pulled the corner of Yu Yuanzhen's clothes and asked.

Yu Yuanzhen did not answer his question, but raised the index finger of his right hand to his mouth to signal them to be silent.

At this time, a person suddenly appeared in the garden. The person had silver hair and golden eyes. He was dressed in white clothes and was not stained by dust.

He/she floated directly to the branches of the peach tree and landed.

He/she stretched out a hand and touched the trunk of the peach tree, and a warm white light emitted from the palm of his/her hand. White light spreads from his/her palm until it spreads to the entire tree.

The entire peach tree was covered in white light. Under the white light, the peach tree became smaller and smaller, and gradually turned into a human-shaped outline.

There was no shadow of the peach tree in the original place, leaving only a very large pothole.

The white light dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was an exquisite young man.

The boy looked about ten years old, with half-long black hair hanging casually on his shoulders. He was dressed in white clothes, with the hem fluttering in the wind and peach blossom patterns embroidered on the cuffs and collar.

The young man opened his eyes, and golden light flashed past like a burning flame, and his eyes turned reddish brown. The young man's eyes were filled with stars, just like the stars in the night sky.


The young man shouted in surprise and flew towards him.

The man in white patted the young man's shoulder in disgust and said, "Okay, okay, you are so old and you still cry."

The young man's eyes were a little red, and he said angrily: "Where can I have it?"

"Okay, okay, no, no." The man in white patted his head, "Speaking of which, why didn't you inherit some of my European spirit? The chances of you being struck by lightning are even small."

It is said that only those who are related by blood are called inheritance. Master, you have used the wrong word.

The young man complained in his heart.

"Master, is this...?" The young man looked around, and when he turned around, he saw the three people, one large and two small, "They are..."

Seeing that the young man had noticed him, Yu Yuanzhen coughed slightly, but before he could speak, the voice of the man in white rang out——

"Don't worry about them."

Yu Yuanzhen: ...

"I know them." The boy said. In the past few years as a tree, he also had his own consciousness, although he couldn't move. But he knew who cared for him, who visited him every day, and who picked the ripe peaches from his tree.

Because he listened to them talking every day, he naturally learned the language here.

"Don't worry about them for now. Aren't you worried about your Pokémon?" the man in white said.

"Yes, yes! Lizard King! I don't even know what happened to them."

"Look." The man in white gently touched his hand in front of the boy, and a white halo appeared around him. Small red and white balls appeared from the aperture one by one. These small balls were elf balls.

The Poke Ball grows larger and opens at the same time.

White lights fell on the ground, revealing their figures.

Various Pokémon appeared in front of everyone. Lizard King, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Pidgeot, Bad Butterfly, Owl, Pikachu, Waterleaf, Eevee, M'kol, Sun Elf, Swimming Weasel, Roentgen Cat...

Thunder type, grass type, water type, fire type, insect type, flying type, super power type...

The big and small people over there looked shocked. Why did a group of spirit beasts suddenly appear? And these soul beasts have never been seen before?

The Pokémon were very surprised to see the boy. They cheered happily and jumped on him, throwing him to the ground.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I miss you too..." The young man lovingly caressed Eevee, who was licking his cheek. As soon as he got Eevee off his face, Bulbasaur pounced on him again. Full face.

After a while, the boy struggled to get up from the enthusiastic Pokémon.

"Okay, you guys have finished renewing your friendship and finish what you need to do first." The man in white came to the young man.

"Qiali!" The Lizard King flashed in front of the young man with a vigilant look on his face, protecting his trainer behind him.

"It doesn't matter Lizard King, she is my master and will not hurt me." The young man patted the Lizard King on the shoulder and said.

"Qiali?" The Lizard King glanced at his trainer, and after receiving the other's affirmative answer, he moved a few steps to the side.

The man in white chuckled, glanced at the Lizard King next to him who still didn't let down his guard, and said, "This Lizard King will protect you very closely."

The boy helplessly turned into half-moon eyes: "Don't come here, you obviously like the Lizard King too."

"Okay, let's stop arguing with you and let's get down to business." The man in white retracted his evil intention of teasing his apprentice, "In the past few years you have been here, you have filled this backyard with aura. Now you have transformed into a human again. If we just leave like this and leave it alone, the spiritual energy in this courtyard will soon disappear, which would be a pity."

"What should we do?" the boy asked.

"As a peach tree, you are the source of these auras, and the richest aura is the hole formed when you took root and absorbed underground nutrients as a peach tree. So I plan to extract some of your energy to fill this hole."

"I have no problem extracting energy, but what I'm curious about is, master, you should have a better way to solve it. Why do you have to extract the energy from me?"

"It's not because of your unlucky physique that problems will arise in the formerly peaceful world, let alone this continent full of crises now? In addition to filling the potholes, I will extract the energy from you and turn it into peaches. The tree is your avatar. If you are in any danger, you will be informed immediately. What's more, the sudden disappearance of such a towering tree will also arouse the suspicion of others. Not to mention that when the big tree disappears, Suddenly there was an extra person." The man in white said.

"Wait, so Master, aren't you going to send me back to my original world?" The young man opened his eyes wide.

"Send it, but not now."

"Why?" Wouldn't it be better to just send him and the Pokémon back?

"In order for you to have a good exercise, you are obviously an immortal flame peach, but your body is so weak. How can you do it if you are so weak? I will send you back when you meet my requirements."

"Ah? Why is this so..." The young man shrugged his shoulders in disappointment.

He originally planned to go to the Unova region to find Ash after accompanying the Pokémon, and then travel with Ash to the Kalos region to see the mega evolution there.

He also wants to see how handsome the Mega-evolved Lizard King, Charizard, and Pidgeot are.

As a result, plans have not kept pace with the changes.

Unexpectedly, a bolt of lightning struck him directly to another world.

"Okay, stop complaining, I'm going to start." The man in white extracted some energy from the boy's body. As the energy was extracted, the boy's figure also became smaller little by little. Until the energy was extracted, the original The boy turned into a child of five or six years old.

The boy's energy was crimson, and the man in white dragged the energy ball in his hand to the pothole. White light glowed in his hand, and the energy ball turned into mist, slowly filling the hole.

Only part of the energy was used to fill up the pothole, and the remaining energy was transformed into a peach tree by the man in white. The peach tree was almost the same as before the boy transformed.

I am afraid that except for the man in white and the young man himself, no one can tell that the towering tree in front of him is an "imitation".

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