"Let's go, I'll take you two to report to the Academic Affairs Office first."

Notting Junior Soul Master Academy is not as big as it looks, it is mainly divided into several areas, the main teaching building, the playground and the dormitory building on the east side of the playground.

Although it is only a junior soul master academy, the requirements for students here are very strict. Even if their homes are next to the academy, students must live in the academy and accept unified management.

The Academic Affairs Office is on the first floor of the main teaching building. The person responsible for receiving new students is a teacher who looks to be in his sixties, and there are two young teachers under thirty who assist him.

The master put the certificates of the two people on the table and said to the older teacher: "Director Su, these are the two children sent from Saint Soul Village this year. I want to include these two children as working-study students. .”

Director Su said with a smile on his face: "Master, why are you here? You are a rare visitor! Sit down for a while. I will handle this matter. Please wait a moment."

The master shook his head and said to Tang Zhe and Tang San: "You two register here by yourself, and these teachers will tell you how to do it. I'm leaving first, and I will find you later."

Tang Zhe and Tang San said respectfully: "Goodbye, master (teacher)."

The master smiled, touched their heads one by one, and turned away.

Director Su seemed to be very interested when he heard the two children calling him Master, "Young man, one of you two calls Master Master? He is not a teacher in our college."

Tang San said: "But he is my teacher."

Tang Zhe added: "Yes, my brother worshiped him as his teacher before."

Director Su was stunned and looked at Tang San, "You two worship the master as your disciple?" His expression was a little strange, an expression that wanted to laugh but was holding back.

At this time, the young teacher on the side walked over and whispered to Director Su: "Director, there is only one place for work-study students in Shenghun Village, what about now?"

"It's okay. No matter how serious the matter is, the master still has to give you face." Director Su just paused and made a decision.

"Okay." The young man was a little surprised, but he still nodded and replied.

The sharp-eyed Tang Zhe saw the change in Director Su's face and asked, "Is there anything wrong? Teacher."

Tang San on the side also looked at Director Su.

Director Su shook his head repeatedly and said with a smile: "No, no. Even small things can still be solved."

"I didn't expect that the master would also accept a disciple. However, you two are still students of this college, and you must abide by the rules and regulations of the college in the future. Do you understand?" Director Su said seriously immediately.

The two brothers nodded at the same time.

Director Su then explained to the two people: "Although the master has a weird personality, from a certain perspective, he is 'invincible' in terms of martial arts. It doesn't matter if he becomes my teacher, hey, Okay, that’s it, the work-study students’ matter has been settled, this is your thing, and the college will distribute it for free. You live in Room 7 of the dormitory building. The teacher in charge there will arrange your work as a working-study student.”

"Thank you," said the two brothers, Director Su, as they handed over the things.

The two brothers saluted Director Su and then turned and walked out of the Academic Affairs Office.

What they have in their hands is a standard Noting Junior Soul Master Academy uniform. The white texture looks very clean.

Now there are only three teachers left in the Academic Affairs Office.

"Director, those two little guys are not simple. They are both innately full of soul power." A young man said to Director Su.

"Oh? Are they all born with full soul power?" Director Su was surprised. The people in the two villages were all born with full soul power.

"Hey, yes, it's just a pity. One of them is Blue Silver Grass, but the other one is a sword." The young man sighed. It's really a pity. He obviously has innate soul power, but his martial soul is not.

"It's really a pity, hey." Director Su also sighed. He remembered correctly that they were two brothers. They were obviously two brothers with innate soul power, but there was only one Blue Silver Grass.

The three teachers in the Academic Affairs Office all shook their heads and sighed in unison, but soon continued the work at hand.

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