
The Flaming Tang Sword and the Barbarian Bull Soul Master's right fist hit each other hard, and a collapse instantly appeared behind Jiang Xuan, showing the terrifying power.

However, despite such an exaggerated collision, the boy's feet actually remained motionless, and he was able to withstand the opponent's attack just by holding the knife in his right hand.

The seemingly weak flaming sword did not scatter instantly as expected. Instead, it resisted the bull's fist with its "weak" and slender blade.

No, it's said to be the blade, but in fact it's also transformed by Qinglian's inner fire.

The biggest advantage of becoming a disciple of Ju Douluo is that Jiang Xuan has been exploring the issue of how to use martial souls to form a solid body. Compared with slowly groping by himself, it is undoubtedly the best to have a super Douluo who has made his own way as a teacher. Shortcut, this is definitely a lot better than before when he could simply use his first soul skill to create tangible objects.

Just like the battle with Shrek and the others last night, as long as Jiang Xuan is willing, let alone the flame spears or the flame arrows, it is not impossible to use Qinglian to transform into the appearance of Blue Silver Grass. It is nothing more than a "Flame Blue" Silver Grass" difference.

I have to say that for Qinglian Earth Core Fire, my main spirit, it really has all the shapes I want.

It is more appropriate to describe it as the change in the nature of the martial spirit, just like Master Ju Douluo's strange velvet giant chrysanthemum can easily transfer among the changes in the petals of flowers.

Since the green lotus flame can form a lotus, it is not impossible to turn it into props of various shapes.

Compared with the gentleman's long sword, Jiang Xuan undoubtedly loves the Tang sword more. He thinks that he is not a gentleman.

Different from Jiang Xuan's relaxed and freehand attitude, Manniu Soul Master Liu Yan's forehead was covered with sweat. He looked at the scene in disbelief. Just now, he could have explained that he was not able to exert much force due to the influence of the venom, but now the three souls With the superposition of skills, there is also a side impact effect. How could the elemental soul master in front of him take it hard?

Shouldn't you be using your body skills to dodge, and then you're relying on your martial soul's advantage to engage in a tug-of-war with me?

Don't play according to the script!

A weapon soul master used his body to withstand the attack of a beast soul master. It seemed like a fantasy no matter how you looked at it.

"Is it difficult for Mr. Soul Sect to accept it?"

"Oh, yes, after all, very few people on the Douluo Continent consciously exercise their bodies without being possessed by a martial spirit. As long as the beast martial spirit is possessed, the strength of the body will naturally increase, let alone the weapon spirit soul master. , no one will even try a thankless thing.”

"But why many people can't understand it? If the spirit master is powerful, the spirit master is powerful. If the spirit master himself is powerful, won't the ability of the spirit master be stronger as well?"

"For example, in terms of absorbing soul rings, the number of soul rings that a strong body can endure is different from that of a thin person."

The young man's relaxed and freehand words rang in his ears, but no matter how hard he tried, it seemed like everything was lost in the ocean.

The Tang Dao held in one hand did not change at all. Except for the trembling caused by the force of the fist transmitted to the flame blade, no fluctuation could be seen.

"Hey, you two siblings are too perverted," Dugu Yan poked Meng Yiran, whose expression showed no change, as if she wasn't surprised at all by this scene.

Forget it that the elder sister had just unleashed her power to kill everyone like a Valkyrie descending to earth, but the younger brother was clearly an elemental soul master and his physical strength was not his strong point, but he was actually competing with a beast soul master?

Just tell me how exaggerated your perverted body is, okay?

Faced with Dugu Yan's surprise, Meng Yiran just responded with a smile. Did she tell him that her exaggerated body strength was all trained with the help of her younger brother?

She originally wanted to go in the direction of agile attack, but now she chose the power attack style. Although it was not very elegant during battle, the inexplicable pleasure she felt when hitting people with a big stick made her subconsciously accept this style.

Manniu Liu Yan was speechless.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan stopped teasing the other party, and after testing his own physical strength that had been trained by the alien fire, he stopped holding back.

The soul power of his right arm was used to knock the opponent back a few steps. The use of Qinglian's burning was quite consuming of soul power.

After being repulsed by pure strength, Liu Yan could only see the indifferent expression of the young man in his pupils, holding his right wrist with his left hand.

Jiang Xuan said: "Wrap your fist with soul power to avoid contact with Qinglian's flames. I have to say that you are really a person!"

"If it weren't for unfair fate"

"In a world without the restrictions of martial arts, I think you will go further!" Jiang Xuan mobilized the soul power in his body, and the temperature of Qinglian's core fire suddenly rose. Immediately, green fire waves wrapped around his body from the flame coat, like a statue. Flame King.

He is clearly a weakling White Ring Soul Sect. It is clear that the thousand-year soul ring is just a low-quality product with a yellow tint, but the other party's methods and ruthlessness, as well as his not-so-sloppy style, can't help but remind him of a person from his previous life. A monk named Han Tianzun.

A famous figure in the spiritual world!

If the Manniu Soul Master were born in such a fantasy world, his achievements would certainly not be low. Unfortunately, this is a sad world where birth basically determines a person's destiny!

"Stop joking!"

"How do you geniuses know what I've been through?"

"Why should we, the innately deficient people, be trampled under your feet!"


Under the huge body, the man was still unable to withstand the nerve damage caused by the green phosphorus and purple poison. His mood was no longer as calm as before, but he was humiliating and insulting him hysterically.

"Is your sanity almost swallowed up?"

"The poison of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor is indeed terrifying!"

From the beginning to the end, the man did not show any timidity in his eyes. Even the absolute difference in strength gave him the feeling that the other party was frantically looking for an opportunity to escape. No, it cannot be said to be a feeling but that this was the other party's plan.

Seeing Liu Yan going crazy because of the green phosphorus and purple poison, Jiang Xuan silently pointed the tip of the Flame Tang Sword at him.

"Let's send you on your way, Mr. Soul Sect!"

Jiang Xuan never thought that he was a good person. Whether he went to study with Shrek, or later used the plot prophet to trade the Ice and Fire Eyes and Fairy Grass, including later helping Dugu Bo evolve his martial soul with selfish motives, didn't the other party know?

I know, but everyone is exchanging interests, and that's enough.

He doesn't like to do things that benefit himself and harm others, and at the same time excuse himself. That's too much of a double standard.

Were the Manniu Soul Master and his soul hunting team in front of him at fault? Or was the unknown person they killed wrong?

From their point of view, it is definitely correct, they are just struggling for their own survival, struggling in a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong.

The scarred man in front of me is much stronger than the protagonists of some Long Aotian's novels.

What a pity the world is so unfair!

These people want to kill themselves because they are stronger than them, so they die and they live!

This is the truth of the world, there is nothing to complain about.

The young man spat softly in his mouth and said: "A thousand kills in one instant!"

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