Douluo: My martial spirit can summon the heavens

Chapter 74 Merged into Tiandou Royal Academy

Hearing the respect and praise in Qin Ming's words, Yu Xiaogang felt relieved. At the same time, his favorability towards Qin Ming also skyrocketed, and an ugly smile appeared on his stiff face.

"Excellent." Yu Xiaogang said modestly.

"By the way, Xiao Ming, which force are you working for now?" Flanders asked.

For soul masters without prominent family backgrounds, after graduating from the soul master academy, they must join a force, just like modern college students looking for a job after graduation. After all, they have to live.

Of course, there are also loners like Flanders who are unwilling to be inferior to others, so even at such an old age, they are still miserable.

"I have now become a teacher, teaching at Tiandou Royal Academy." Qin Ming said with a smile.

"Tian Dou Royal Academy! That's a great place. It's the number one soul master academy in the entire Tian Dou Empire. If you can become a teacher there, you'll have a bright future."

Friend is very happy that the students he trained can find a good home.

After hearing Qin Ming's words, Yu Xiaogang's eyes suddenly changed, and other thoughts arose in his heart.

"President, thank you very much. In my heart, Shrek Academy is the number one soul master academy in the Tiandou Empire. I am proud to be a member of Shrek." Qin Ming said from the bottom of his heart.

Qin Ming was born into a poor family, but his talent was astonishing. When Flanders and Zhao Wuji founded Shrek Academy, they happened to discover him. He was considered one of the first batch of students of Shrek Academy.

Qin Ming is a kind-hearted person who repays his kindness. Although he is now a teacher and knows that Flanders and others did not train him well back then, he still believes that he can achieve what he has today thanks to Shi Two deans at Lake College.

Flender's original intention in founding Shrek Academy was indeed to cultivate outstanding students, but gradually, he and Zhao Wuji discovered that they had shortcomings and were not suitable for teaching students.

In addition, the recruitment standards for students are too high, and it has been unable to recruit students. Failure to recruit students means no income, so Shrek Academy is getting worse and worse.

The most important thing is that after students who graduate from Shrek Academy enter the society, many people will find that they have been cheated by Shrek Academy.

So much so that although many powerful people have come out of Shrek Academy, almost no one mentioned that they graduated from Shrek Academy, as if it was a dark history.

People like Qin Ming who still want to study well in the academy are really rare in the world.

"Dean, when I came in just now, I saw a few children exercising outside. Are they the juniors and juniors of this year?" Qin Ming asked.

"Yes, they are all your junior students. There are seven of them in total. I will take you to meet them later." Flender said with a smile.

"Flender, I still have some things to say, so let's let Zhao Wuji show Qin Ming around." Yu Xiaogang said suddenly.

"Huh? Oh, okay, I'll call Lao Zhao over."

Without thinking much, Flanders took out a white dove from the birdcage nearby and threw it out of the window.

After a while, the white dove flew back, and the door of the office was knocked open by Zhao Wuji.

"Boss Fu, why are you calling me so urgently?"

Zhao Wuji's short and fat body burst in. Although his appearance was a little older than Qin Ming remembered, there was generally no difference. The only difference was that Zhao Wuji now only had one left arm.

"Teacher Zhao, you..."

Looking at Zhao Wuji's empty right shoulder, Qin Ming was extremely horrified.

Zhao Wuji looked Qin Ming up and down, then his face was full of surprise, and he hugged Qin Ming with his left arm: "Huh? You are Qin Ming, right? I haven't seen you in so many years, and you have grown so big, hahaha..."

"Teacher Zhao, what's wrong with your arm..." Qin Ming had an ugly expression and hesitated to speak.

"Oh, someone dumped me. Forget it, let's not mention it. Your kid hasn't come back to see us for so many years. Where did he go to be happy?"

Zhao Wuji pretended not to care, but losing a right arm and a waist was a lifelong pain for him.

"Old Zhao, take Xiao Ming to get to know Mubai and the others. Xiao Gang and I still have something to discuss," Flender said.

"Okay, Boss Fu." Zhao Wuji took Qin Ming's hand and ran out. After not seeing each other for so many years, he was ready to catch up with Qin Ming.

"Xiao Gang, what do you want to say?" Flanders asked.

"Boss Fu, I thought of a way to qualify for the competition." Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of excitement on his face.

Flanders was stunned for a moment, and then immediately thought of Qin Ming who had just ran out.

"You mean Xiao Ming?"

"Yes, as far as I know, the Royal Academies of the two empires, Tiandou and Xingluo, each have two places to participate. One of the main teams will be directly sent to the semi-finals, while the other team will enter the finals.

If we join the Tiandou Royal Academy, then with the strength of Xiaosan Mubai and the others, we will definitely get another place in the competition. "Yu Xiaogang said.


Upon hearing this, Flanders immediately refused sternly, with a look of displeasure on his face.

Yu Xiaogang was also startled by Flanders' sudden roar. Seeing Flanders's uncertain face, he felt a little angry, but soon he understood what his old friend was thinking.

"Are you worried that Shrek Academy will disappear after the children join Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Flanders' eyes flickered: "Shrek is my hard work."

"I understand, Brother Fu, but don't you want to see the kids place well in elite competitions and bring glory to us?

You should know that these children are very kind and know how to be grateful. Even if they compete in the name of Tiandou Royal Academy, after they get the ranking, the one they are really grateful to is us. "Yu Xiaogang persuaded.

Flanders remained silent, he understood the reason, but he just couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

This is like a small start-up company that was eventually acquired by a big company. Although the people are still the same group of people, they are completely different from the original company.

Or to be more direct, everything has nothing to do with Flanders.

In Shrek, he is the dean, but in Tiandou Royal Academy, who is he?

"Boss Fu, even if you don't think about the children, why don't Li Yusong, Shao Xin and the others think about it instead?

They are all old friends who have been with you for more than ten years. They are all old now. Don’t you hope that they can live a happy and peaceful old age?

In Shrek, they couldn't even get a good meal. "

"Besides, Shrek Academy may not really disappear. As long as we negotiate terms with Tiandou Academy and replace them in the battle, but retain the name of Shrek Academy, I believe they will agree to us because of the talents of these children. condition."

Yu Xiaogang eagerly hopes that Flender can agree, because this is the only way to qualify for the competition at the moment. He can't wait to show his educational achievements to the world.

If you miss this time, you have to wait another five years, but there are so many five years in life. No one knows which will come first, tomorrow or the accident. If something happens to him or his children in these five years, all his hard work will be lost. It's all wasted.

Seeing Flender's hesitant look, Yu Xiaogang really wanted to scold him for not being so selfish and only thinking about himself, but he didn't realize that all he did was just in the name of doing good for others. Just in name, to satisfy one's own desires.

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