Tang San of Douluo suspects that I am his father

Chapter 88 Shrek Academy turned into a fire pit

“Welcome to Shrek Academy, starting from today, I will make the rules here.

Now that you have enrolled in school, don't think about running away. I hope you all have a bright future because of your time in Shrek Academy. "

On the high platform, Wang Er was wearing a suit and gold-rimmed glasses. He was extremely elegant and spoke loudly to all the members of Shrek Academy.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji were responsible for maintaining order in the audience, and all students, including Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, were present.

This was a small opening ceremony hosted by Wang Er, not only to welcome Tang San and his group, but also to welcome Oscar and others from the previous years.

Because today's Shrek Academy is the new Shrek Academy, but Wang Er was too lazy to give it a new name, so he just used the previous name of the academy.

"Here, I would like to announce something. From now on, I will personally serve as the teaching director of Shrek Academy. While teaching everyone about their strength, I will also be mainly responsible for helping everyone establish a correct outlook on life.

Of course, this is what I think is correct. If one day someone here can surpass me and express his own correct point of view, then I will be very happy. "

The reason why Wang Er reported this opening ceremony was naturally to give a speech to the leaders. This was not because Wang Er wanted to satisfy his addiction as a leader, but because he wanted to announce it to the students and teachers below.

They had already boarded the pirate ship and had no choice. They could either defeat him as the dean or accept the education of Shrek Academy honestly. There was no other choice.

The conference was very simple. Wang Er also improvised and did not prepare a speech, so it did not take too long.

After the opening ceremony, Wang Er turned around and disappeared from the eyes of everyone. Everyone in the audience had different thoughts. Some were talking at a distance, while others left the scene with a cold face.

For example, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, two unlucky guys who suffered huge trauma, were naturally the type to leave the show with a cold face.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji had to prepare lessons according to Wang Er's arrangements, and since they were teachers, it was impossible for them to discuss with this group of students.

Apart from Tang San and his group, it seems that only Oscar, an old man from Shrek Academy, remains.

"You think we jumped into a pit of fire? Why do you think the new dean looks so scary?" Ning Rongrong looked around guiltily and said carefully after confirming that Wang Er was not present.

She is similar to Dai Mubai. She is a young lady from a rich family who secretly ran away to experience life. Who knew she would encounter such a thing.

But seeing that Dai Mubai, the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, had no choice but to surrender and stay, she didn't dare to step forward and be the thorn in the side.

"Sister Ning, don't worry. My uncle is a good man. With him as our dean, the future will definitely be bright."

As students in the same batch, and both were girls, Xiao Wu had already become close to Ning Rongrong, who was actually relatively gentle. Only Zhu Zhuqing, a cold ice cube, had not integrated into the group.

Hearing Xiao Wu defending Wang Er, Ning Rongrong could only smile bitterly.

nice guy?

bright future?

One student was castrated at the beginning of the school year and another student was severely traumatized. The future is really bright.

But Ning Rongrong didn't say these words. She didn't dare and couldn't.

Xiao Wu and Tang San seem to have an unusual relationship with the new dean. If you say bad things in front of them, you will probably be reported to them, and you won't be likable either.

"I agree with Xiao Wu. Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun are scum. What the new dean did is not wrong." Zhu Zhuqing, who had a cold face and seldom participated in discussions, interrupted unusually, It attracted surprised looks from everyone.

"There are problems with Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, but are the punishments a little more severe? Is the new dean's temper really good?" Oscar, as the only survivor among the old students of Shrek Academy, to be honest, for Wang Er's Whether his temper was good or not, he didn't dare to confirm.

"Cough cough!"

Tang San covered his mouth and coughed, attracting the attention of others, and then he spoke.

"Actually, what Uncle Wang did was right, but the method was a little extreme, but we all have to accept it now, right?

Uncle Wang, uh, no, the new dean has just said that Shrek Academy must now teach according to his correct views. Unless you think you can punch harder than him, you have to obey. "

Tang San has really kept a low profile recently, mainly because after seeing Wang Er's bloody methods, he was a little scared.

You must know that he dared to contradict Wang Er face to face, and he almost fell out with Wang Er because of Yu Xiaogang.

Now after seeing the tragic situation of Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai, Tang San was really scared. He was really young and frivolous back then and was too brave.

Especially what happened to Ma Hongjun made him feel as if his little brother had almost parted ways with him.

Moreover, Dai Mubai's background also gave him some experience, and he was actually the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire.

What surprised him the most was that even with Dai Mubai's powerful background, Wang Er didn't give him any face.

He couldn't help but feel lucky that he had been called Uncle Wang since he was a child. Otherwise, Wang Erqie's rise would have cut off his roots of right and wrong with a single blow, and he would have been doomed.

"Tang San, are you speaking ill of uncle?

Uncle is always right, how could he be wrong! "

Xiao Wu took a step back, distanced herself from Tang San, and then took an aggressive stance, with the intention of taking action if she disagreed.

Unlike Tang San, who sometimes acted like a fool, Xiao Wu now completely followed Wang Er blindly and would not tolerate anyone saying anything bad about Wang Er.

Tang San had a helpless expression on his face and could only smile bitterly.

He never thought that Xiao Wuwu would defend Wang Er so much, which made him feel a little sad. Moreover, he didn't say anything bad about Wang Er, he just made an objective evaluation.

"Xiao Wu, don't be impulsive. I didn't say anything bad about Uncle Wang. I just made an objective evaluation. After all, Uncle Wang has watched me grow up. How could I say something bad about him?"

Tang San was worthy of being a master of character design. As soon as he opened his mouth, he set up a character for himself as a moral supreme person who would help people with affairs but not relatives. Ning Rongrong's eyes changed on the spot.

"That's right, sister Xiaowu, Tang San didn't say anything, he just made an objective evaluation. None of us have any objections to this new dean."

After realizing that she had fallen into a pit of fire, Ning Rongrong felt a little uneasy. Seeing that Tang San was so reliable and had a close relationship with the new dean, she naturally started to help him.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Wu, please don't get me wrong. We are all convinced by the new dean." Oscar also agreed. It is true that Wang Er's current image is too terrifying, and everyone is a little afraid of Xiao Wu. Dance to report.

"Huh, what a bunch of mediocre people."

Before Xiao Wu said anything, Zhu Zhuqing was the first to express his disdain for everyone, and then left without giving anyone a chance to refute.

Judging from the direction he was walking, it seemed that it should be the direction Wang Er had just left.

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