Tang San of Douluo suspects that I am his father

Chapter 8 The famous detective Tang 3 who knows current affairs

It is still the square table, but this time the square table is not a dining table.

Wang Er was sitting on the main seat with a golden sword, A Yin and Tang San were sitting on both sides, and Tang Hao was kneeling on the washboard facing A Yin's direction.

Little Tang San was a little embarrassed. Although he didn't know what was going on, his nominal father Tang Hao was kneeling below and he was sitting on the stool.

Even if it was just his mother who was kneeling, for Tang San, it was enough to cause him inner suffering.

After hesitating again and again, Tang San glanced at his mother and Uncle Wang secretly, only to see that both of them looked unattractive, and looked like the situation was serious.

In the end, the filial piety in his heart defeated his fear, and Tang San moved his buttocks to stand up.

But just when his butt was about to leave the stool, a white but strong hand pressed on his shoulder and pushed him back to the stool.

"Mistress, where are you going?"

Facing Wang Er's questioning look, Tang San decided to tell the truth.

"Uncle Wang, although I don't know what happened, my father is kneeling there and I am sitting here. This is against filial piety. I want to kneel there with my father."

Listen, this is such a heartwarming little cotton-padded jacket style speech. Looking at Tang Hao kneeling over there with tears in his eyes, looking like a macho man crying, Wang Er really wants to kick his ass with his boots. .

Wang Er didn't let go of his hand on Tang San's shoulder, but touched Tang San's head with his other hand, his face filled with relief.

"Xiaosan, you are really filial. Uncle Wang did not misjudge you.

However, although filial piety is a good thing, it also comes with consequences. Do you know why your father is kneeling there? "

Even though Tang San was just out of Xiao Douding's age, this boy's body contained the soul of an adult who had stolen the Tang Sect's special skills.

Observing words and expressions is a basic skill that every adult must have, and Tang San was no exception. He didn't answer immediately, but glanced at his mother A Yin's face.

Her beautiful face was livid, her bulging cheeks were obviously gnashing her teeth, and her eyes were red. After ruling out the possibility that my mother was a rabbit spirit, there was only the possibility that she had cried.

Tang San turned on the Death God's primary school student mode and guessed from A Yin's expression and subtle movements.

Tang San dared to say that he was at least the third person who knew what kind of character his mother was.

The only people in front of him were Uncle Wang and his father Tang Hao.

Gentleness and virtuousness are all my mother's usual behaviors, but in fact, the biggest highlight of my mother's character is her grandeur.

The atmosphere of Mount Tai collapsing in front of him without changing his color.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to tolerate Tang Hao, a sloppy and decadent man who drinks all day long and has no ambition. After living together for so long, at least he has never said a word of dissatisfaction.

With such a grand character, he can be forced to gnash his teeth and cry secretly.

there is only one truth!

What married women care most about is whether their husbands are faithful.

Combined with recent events, Widow Li lost her bellyband that day and he also knew about the scolding in the village.

Piece by piece, piece by piece, in line with today's situation, an astonishing guess took shape in Tang San's mind, and these anomalies became more and more reasonable in his mind, and the context became clearer.


No way, Tang San thought of Widow Li who was particularly enthusiastic about him, with her sturdy appearance. Every time she saw him, she used the excuse of liking children to hug him tightly and cover her under her armpits.

There really is only one word that can describe it, the fragrance of armpits!

Does it taste so strong?

After Tang San deduced the truth, the first thought that came to his mind was the same as that of all the insiders.

The outrageous mother opened the door for outrageousness. When outrageousness reaches home, it belongs to yes.

Looking at Tang Hao's thick eyebrows and big eyes, if it weren't for the embarrassment of his identity, his son wouldn't be able to scold his father. Tang San really wanted to scold him, "I can't see that you, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, can betray the family and play pretty fancy."

Tang San, who saw the truth in an instant, silently sat down on his aroused buttocks.

Just kidding, it’s never too late to be filial, certainly not now.

Why does this layout look so familiar? It turns out that the three halls cannot gather enough three people, so I am trying to make up for it.

"Uncle Wang, my father must have made a serious mistake, otherwise my gentle and virtuous mother would not have punished him to kneel on the washboard.

Although he is my closest flesh and blood relative and biological father, I will not get involved in this matter. I am still a child. You adults can handle your own matters. "

Tang San's words suddenly changed, and he instantly changed sides from the filial son just now. He didn't go against his will at all, he acted very calmly, and his heart was even more magnanimous.

My Tang San's motto has always been to help relatives and not to help others, but the question is not yet sure who will marry.

Tang Hao is indeed his biological father, but on the other hand, he is still his biological mother.

The father may not necessarily be a relative, but the mother is certainly a relative. In Douluo Continent, which is not a popular custom of delivering babies in hospitals, there is no such thing as a wrong baby.

Moreover, whether Uncle Wang is an uncle or a father has always been a question in everyone's mind.

It is correct to help relatives or not, but it is not necessarily which side is more intimate.

In terms of blood relationship, on one side is Tang Hao, the father with a doubtful label, on the other side is the mother who is 100% sure, and there is Uncle Wang, who is extremely suspicious.

Tang San knew how to choose even with his toes. After realizing the seriousness of the situation, Tang San immediately distanced himself from the relationship and turned his head to look aside, completely ignoring the sorrow and pleading in Tang Hao's eyes.

"Cough cough!"

After solving the problem of one of the three halls trying to run away, Wang Er picked up the bricks he had just buckled from the corner and used them as a gavel.


"Sinner Tang Hao, do you know your guilt?"

The old man's voice was restrained and drawn out, he imitated the drama, and with the added bricks and gavel and the atmosphere created by the three-court trial, at first glance, it really looked like that.

Tang Hao, who was kneeling on the washboard, was actually worried inside. After all, after spending many years together, A Yin was really angry, which he could still tell.

It's not like he hasn't tried to explain. Last night, he swore an oath on his Haotian Douluo personality.

But all this is compared to the bloody fact that Ah Yin took out the bellyband from his arms.

Even Haotian Douluo's personality seems to be a little weak.

The explanation was useless, Ah Yin was still angry, how could he not panic.

But the person who spoke now was Wang Er, the old Wang next door who had intervened in their family and made Xiao San more like Xiao San.

I don't know why, but Tang Hao's nameless fire suddenly started to surge up.

Well, who are you? Why should you stand on the moral high ground and condemn me? Who are you?

In addition, sitting next to him was A Yin, who had always been cold and silent, pretending to be an expert, and his son Tang San, who had just rebelled.

The nameless fire in Tang Hao's heart suddenly rushed his emotions to the forefront.

I'm obviously your husband, Ah Yin, and I'm the father of this little bastard, Tang San. Why are you willing to listen to an outsider, but not willing to listen to my explanation?

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