Tang San of Douluo suspects that I am his father

Chapter 38 Adults don’t tell right from wrong

"The dean, the city lord, the doctor named Zhang San and the little girl Xiao Wu are all missing, but we found the master in the city gate tower!"

Yu Xiaogang was not forcibly brought here by this group of soldiers. Although there were many soldiers among the soldiers who were a bit stronger than Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang still had a background after all.

The name "Master" resounds throughout the Douluo Continent almost like those titled Douluo.

Not only because of the ridiculous mutant martial soul Luo Sanpao, but also because of Yu Xiaogang's powerful background. With such a powerful background, Yu Xiaogang appeared to be such a loser, like a clown.

There are many powerful families in Douluo Continent, which can even be superior to the empire, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is one of them.

And Yu Xiaogang is one of the heirs to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Although he has been removed from the list, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No one knows whether touching Yu Xiaogang will offend the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. .

"Dean, come with me. After all, the master is your best friend!"

Lord Noting sent out an invitation like the dean with a dark face. Not only did the culprit run away, but the culprit's father and the little girl were also missing. Lord Noting's anger burned again.

The dean sighed. He was really unlucky to encounter this kind of thing.

When Lord Noting and the dean arrived at the city gate, Yu Xiaogang stood proudly with his hands behind his back, just like before.

"Master, hand over the culprit. For the sake of the dean and your family, don't appear in Notting City again."

Yu Xiaogang's proud posture was like pouring a bucket of gasoline on Lord Noting's anger, but Lord Noting could only suppress his anger and make concessions.

Even if his biological son died tragically, and he wanted to let everyone be buried with him, he could only expel Yu Xiaogang, a loser with a background.

This way of dealing with it was already very honorable, and even the dean felt a little relieved in his heart. Although he was annoyed that Yu Xiaogang let Tang San go without consulting him, they were friends for many years after all.

But obviously, Yu Xiaogang was not prepared to accept the kindness of Lord Noting. Although everyone present could brutally torture him, he was inexplicably confident. Perhaps this was the confidence he came from the big family.

Slightly arching his hands, this is the lowest gesture Yu Xiaogang can make.

"Lord City Lord, I'm sorry. The bad disciple is stubborn by nature. He made a mistake and caused the death of the City Lord's son. It's the teacher's laziness who failed to teach strictly. Yu Xiaogang is willing to bear this matter."

After apologizing, Yu Xiaogang spread his hands and looked like he was surrendering. The angry Lord Noting almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot.

You're a piece of trash who hasn't even broken through to level [-]. Don't you think it's ridiculous to act like you're surrendering? It's like you can escape if you resist.

"Master, please don't realize it. This city lord will give you enough face to only kill the first culprit and hand over your disciple."

The Lord of Noting City was no less a city lord. He was very well-mannered and patient. He was still trying to persuade Yu Xiaogang's rogue words.

But in the face of another kindness from Lord Noting, Yu Xiaogang ignored it and still looked like he was letting it be dealt with. He didn't even say anything, just stared at the sky with indifferent eyes, as if he could see Like flowers.

"Master, are you really determined not to hand over the culprit?"

"Yu Xiaogang shouldered the responsibility."

He is decisive and has integrity.

The one who forcibly connected with his moral integrity was the angry and irrational Lord of Notting City who threw a big hand at him.


There is no doubt about the strength of the Lord of Noting City. When Yu Xiaogang reacted, he was slapped and spun 360 degrees in the air. The blood spit out from his mouth was accompanied by several teeth.

Yu Xiaogang, who was thrown over by a big rival, was a little confused. He raised his head and looked at the Lord Noting in disbelief.

To be honest, this is the first time he has been beaten in public. After all, he was one of the heirs of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Although he is a loser, the power of the family cannot be underestimated.

There has been constant cynicism over the years, but this experience of eating Dabi Dou in front of everyone was really the first time for a big girl to enter the bridal chamber.

"City Lord, you..."

The stunned Yu Xiaogang couldn't think of any suitable words for a moment.

He didn't expect that the Lord of Notting City had a lot to say to him. He really had been putting up with him for a long time.

"One shoulder to shoulder?

You resist?

You resist, you ****, you pee and take pictures of yourself, you are the one resisting, can you resist?

Everyone calls you "Master" to give face to the family behind you. Can't you tell whether "Master" is a compliment or a criticism?

If you can't hand over the culprit, I will chop you up alive! "

Noting that the city lord was not scolding enough, he spat on Yu Xiaogang's face after a round of output. A mouthful of old phlegm that had been held in for a long time covered Yu Xiaogang's face.

"Brother, please stop holding on and hand over that disciple of yours. The Lord of Notting City is suffering from the loss of his son, but he can still spare your life. Just be satisfied.

Do you really think that your former family still cares about the life and death of a good-for-nothing who was removed from the family? If he was really chopped up alive, no one would know about it. "

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's miserable situation, the dean couldn't bear it and quickly offered words of persuasion.

But Yu Xiaogang, who had just been humiliated, obviously couldn't accept this. This persuasion was harsh in his ears after he had just been beaten and spat on.

"Dean, we have been old friends for so many years!"

How could the dean not hear what Yu Xiaogang meant? This old boy was very strong-willed and had a very strong self-esteem. He got beaten up in public and had his face covered with spit. This was because of his years of friendship that allowed him to give to him. Looking for face.

Regarding Yu Xiaogang's thoughts, the dean could only sigh helplessly again. How old is this old boy, and he is still so naive.

You got a big beating and your face was covered in foam, but your own son died.

I just want to leave you a way to survive for the sake of the title of master, just make a disciple. Why are you so stubborn?

Seeing that the dean didn't respond at all, Yu Xiaogang became anxious and blurted out the words he had been holding back just now.

"Dean, that is not only my disciple, but also a student of Notting College. That Xiao Chenyu bullies men, dominates women, and does all kinds of evil. In this matter, my disciple is doing justice for heaven!"

By the time he yelled these words, the dean was already in despair. He glanced at the city lord from the corner of his eye. The trembling city lord had already pulled out more than half of his sword.

This old boy was so naive when he was young. I didn't expect that he would still be so naive after so many years.

How could he, the dean, not know what Xiao Chenyu was?

Bullying of men and women does all kinds of evil, and that's not just at Notting College, it's like this in the entire Notting City.

If his father hadn't been the city lord, Xiao Chenyu would have been beaten to death long ago.

But the fact is that his father is the city lord, and even he, the dean, can only turn a blind eye.

The old boy Yu Xiaogang and him are almost a hundred years old together, why don't they grow up?

Adults still talk about right and wrong, good and evil. Do you have that ability?

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