Tang San of Douluo suspects that I am his father

Chapter 20 The fateful encounter between Tang San and Yu Xiaogang

The expected difficulties did not appear, but the legendary "Three Cannons" Yu Xiaogang still arrived as scheduled.

A thin man, about 50 to [-] years old, with ordinary appearance and short black hair of [-]cm, passed by Wang Er and the other two.

The concierge instantly put on a different face, nodding and bowing to say hello with utmost respect.

"Master, you are back."

This man's eyes were full of laziness and decadence, and coupled with his thin figure, he was the kind of person who would be inconspicuous in a crowd.

When they passed by Wang Er, their peripheral visions crossed each other, but there was no change in their expressions.

Being able to meet Yu Xiaogang on time was completely within Wang Er's plan, and it was not in vain that he had calculated the time to take Tang San into the city.

Wang Er didn't have any sparks with Yu Xiaogang, but Tang San and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other like the bastard looked at mung beans.

"Little brother, what are you going to do at Notting College?"

He turned a blind eye to the concierge's greetings, and he didn't feel the slightest emotion when he passed by such an outstanding person as Wang Er.

But he was only interested in Tang San, who was still six years old at that time.

Wang Er watched Yu Xiaogang chatting with Tang San. Tang San also looked very happy, and he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

Could this be a fateful meeting? Wang Er was even thinking that even if he didn't hit the right time for Tang San to come here on time, maybe they would still meet.

"Teacher, my father sent me here to school, and he is also planning to work here."

Yu Xiaogang didn't even look at Wang Er, but kept talking to Tang San. He was indeed a weirdo.

"Show me the certificate issued by Wuhun Palace to you."

Tang San looked back at Wang Er, and without asking for Wang Er's opinion, he took out the Spirit Hall's certificate from Nostalgia.

This proves that it was forged at that time. He did not go through the awakening ceremony of Wuhun Palace, but Wang Er held an awakening ceremony for him alone.

Although Wang Er assured him that there was absolutely no problem with the certificate, Tang San directly took out the certificate and handed it to Yu Xiaogang. It could still be seen that he felt equally good about Yu Xiaogang, otherwise he would have dared to hand over such fake and shoddy products. Show it to others.

Wang Er's expression did not change at all. Although this certificate was fake, it was not completely fake. Tang San did not participate in the Wuhun Palace test, but this certificate was really issued by the Wuhun Palace.

After Yu Xiaogang took the certificate, he wanted to check it carefully to check its authenticity, but when he saw the personal information about Tang San on it, he wanted to check it carefully.

This old man who had been living in dust for many years suddenly had a gap in his heart.

Innate full soul power represents the ultimate talent, while the martial soul blue silver grass is a useless martial soul.

Isn't this his template? He has extremely high talent, but he has a useless martial spirit, even though he made it useless by himself.

The most important thing is that as an old acquaintance of Bibi Dong, he knows a secret, that is, the innate soul power is likely to be twin martial souls.

Yu Xiaogang tried his best to restrain his slightly trembling hands, tried his best to pretend as if nothing had happened, squeezed out a smile, and tried his best to smile at Tang San.

Although Yu Xiaogang's smile is worse than none at all, after all, he has been stiff and hasn't smiled for many years, and now his smile is uglier than crying. His facial features are all in their own way, and it can be called a twisted jungle.

"Zhang Wei, right? I'm not a teacher at Notting College. I just stay here. But if you want to call me your teacher, you must first be willing to truly become my disciple."

Yu Xiaogang had tried his best to make his attitude towards Tang San less abrupt, but as he was not good at dealing with people, he messed up everything quite reasonably.

Not to mention Wang Er, who had never had a good impression of him, even the concierge and Tang San sensed something was wrong.

There is no way he would accept someone as his disciple as soon as he met him. This was just like the mantra of a certain old man with a white beard: "Come and be my son." It was really too abrupt.


Tang San looked back at Wang Er. Undecided, he gave Wang Er the choice.

Wang Er rolled his eyes angrily. The brat is not a man. He didn't think of asking for his opinion just now. Now that he can't make a decision, the blame will be thrown on him.

However, Wang Er did not intend to destroy the master-disciple relationship between Tang San and Yu Xiaogang. After all, Yu Xiaogang was one of his favorite hosts.

Whether it is Liu Erlong or Bibi Dong, Yu Xiaogang is the best person to bind the suffering master. Now Bibi Dong's suffering master is supported by Qian Jixun, but naturally the more suffering masters the better.

"Xiaowei, this gentleman has extraordinary bearing. Since he likes you and wants to accept you as his disciple, it would be your honor."

Yu Xiaogang, who had always ignored him, immediately bowed to Wang Er when he heard this. It was normal for Yu Xiaogang, who had a high self-esteem and a cold temperament, to ignore others, but Wang Er helped him agree to accept Tang San as his disciple. I decided that I could still accept a courtesy from him.

"Your Excellency, you must be Xiaowei's father. He is indeed extraordinary. If you leave Xiaowei to me, you and your son will not be disappointed."

Okay, now let’s call Xiaowei, I really can’t wait.

Tang San hesitated just now because he just felt that Yu Xiaogang's behavior was a bit abrupt, but Wang Er had already agreed, so he had no worries. After all, his senses for Yu Xiaogang were pretty good.

Tang San, who had thought that he was a poor boy since childhood, was not proud of being the son of a titled Douluo and a 10-year-old spirit beast.

It can also be seen from the respectful attitude of the concierge towards Yu Xiaogang that this person has an extraordinary status. Since he is going to study at Notting College, he cannot let go if he has a thigh that can hug him.

As soon as Wang Er finished speaking, Tang San instantly bent his knees, preparing to kneel down to perform the apprenticeship ceremony.

But this bow was not truly followed. Wang Er stretched out his hand to support Tang San.

Are you kidding? He is Tang San's father now. Tang San, a little brat, has never even knelt down to him, so why should he kneel down to Yu Xiaogang, the "three guns"?

"Xiao Wei, wait a minute, you are too abrupt. How can such a solemn apprenticeship ceremony be here? It is too simple."

Wang Er supported Tang San and bowed. Tang San struggled a little, then stopped trying and didn't move at all.

He originally wanted to quickly confirm the master-disciple relationship with Yu Xiaogang, but since Wang Er disagreed, he had no choice but to give up.

Tang San scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly, apologizing to Wang Er and Yu Xiaogang at the same time.

"Dad, teacher, I'm sorry, I was too much."

Yu Xiaogang was even more satisfied with Tang San's senses. His talents and abilities were in line with his expectations, and his humble, polite, well-behaved and sensible character made him a perfect candidate for his apprentice.

With such a disciple, given time to train him into a master, he will definitely be able to become famous in Douluo Continent, give him a breath of "three guns", and wash away the insulting title of "three guns" that hurt Zhongyong.

A man can achieve enlightenment and ascend to heaven. When Tang San accomplishes something in the future, it is impossible to forget him as his mentor.

Looking at his perfect investment target, Yu Xiaogang kept a very stiff smile, trying his best to show a friendly side, and even reached out to touch Tang San's head to show his closeness. For a socially retarded person like him, This is already a rare and valuable move.

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