Chapter 49 Return

What is the experience of wheel battle?

If it is the active party, the more people participating, the happier it will be.

As for the passive party, just look at Feng Ling's dejected look.

He is obviously a level 19 soul master in the Wuhun Palace and comes from a branch of the Feng family, but he happened to meet three players who didn't know what moral integrity was. Going into battle consumes physical and soul power, and is so tiring that even the state possessed by the martial spirit cannot be maintained.

"Huchi! Huchi! Huchi!"

At the scene, Feng Ling, A Yin, and Zhang San were panting from exhaustion.

While Feng Ling was angry, the three players were also quite surprised.

"This guy's physical strength is too strong. We've been beating him for almost two hours, and he hasn't fallen down yet."

"I am getting old and my physical strength is too much. How about letting Da Sima come? He has been watching from the side for such a long time. It is time for him to contribute."

A Yin also thought Zhang San’s proposal was a good one, so he waved his hand in the direction of Da Sima and said:

"Da Sima, it's your turn."

Da Sima curled his lips and said: "I am an auxiliary soul master. How can anyone ask an auxiliary soul master to fight against a combat soul master?"

Speaking, Da Sima picked his fingers.

The white soul ring bloomed with a faint light, and under his control, the ropes originally knotted on the tree fell off automatically, winding towards Feng Ling like twisting snakes.

Soul skills! Tangled!

Such a useless skill was originally just mediocre, but after Da Sima's exploration for a period of time, he found that Yu Xiaogang was right. There are no rubbish martial arts in the world, only rubbish soul masters. Now it is revealed. Producing practical results.

If it was Fengling in his heyday, he would definitely sneer at the entanglement and binding of such ropes, and he would be able to break free easily.

As we all know, the reason why a battle soul master is a battle soul master is that he is a soul master who is good at fighting. Moreover, if he is possessed by a beast martial soul, Fengling's physical fitness will increase dramatically.

Unfortunately, after nearly two hours of wheel fighting, Feng Ling was already exhausted physically and mentally, and there was not much soul power left in his body. In addition, his eyes had not had time to clean the lime powder, and he was now semi-blind.

Under the influence of multiple unfavorable factors, Feng Ling's reaction was a beat slower and he had no extra strength to break free from the rope.

Soon, Feng Ling was tied into a big rice dumpling.

Although players like A Yin, Da Sima, and Zhang San all think this is just a game.

But the game is so lifelike, and every NPC is like a real person, so even if they know that the other party is the enemy, the three of them are in trouble for a while and don't know what to do.

"How about we kill him? Maybe we can get some equipment and experience?" A Yin asked.

"Although our country has no relevant legal provisions regarding virtual NPCs in games, I personally think that it would be a bit immoral to kill him like this." Zhang San said seriously.

"At this time, you don't seem to be thinking about moral and immoral things, right?" A Yin squinted his eyes and said: "Besides, based on my experience of reading many anime and online novels, if he regains his strength and breaks free, Let him escape back and tell the people in Wuhun Palace, and they will definitely come back with a large number of people to take revenge! By then, not only will we be affected, but I am afraid that if we follow the clues, even the player camp we finally built will be affected!"

Zhang San shrugged and said: "Okay, let me ask you, can you kill him?"

Zhang San's question immediately stopped A Yin.

In real life, A Yin has never even killed a chicken. Now he is asked to kill someone, which really makes him feel embarrassed.

If it were just a virtual online game that looked fake at first glance, A Yin would be able to grind monsters casually, but now...

A Yin swallowed, and he really couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

"Okay, you don't need to continue arguing." Da Sima came out to smooth things over at this time and said: "Since we don't know what to choose for the time being, why not bring this person from Wuhun Palace back together, maybe we can also start from I learned a lot about the game from this NPC."

Da Sima's suggestion was quite satisfactory, and it also eased the awkward atmosphere at the scene.

A Yin and Zhang San naturally had no objection.

The lone wolf carrying Liu Erlong never left. When his wolf eyes looked at Feng Ling, his eyes were full of gloating.

Falling into the hands of these three shameless people, he can bear it better!

Da Sima tied Feng Ling into a big rice dumpling and hung it on the lone wolf. Feng Ling's treatment was far inferior to that of Liu Erlong. He was not able to enjoy the VIP treatment of lying on the wolf's back, and half of his body was dragged on the ground.

Da Sima patted Lone Wolf on the head and said:

"let's go!"


The lone wolf growled flatteringly, looking well-behaved.

Three people and one wolf set out again, but this time there was an unlucky guest.

Half of Feng Ling's body was dragged on the ground. As the lone wolf walked along, half of his body was bumped into the bushes and grass. His shoes and pants were quickly worn out, and there were criss-crossing wounds. Although the wounds were not deep, It doesn't last long, but this kind of torture is not easy to bear.

After the group of them moved away, they seemed to have overlooked one thing.

There was a stirring in the grass.

A slightly embarrassed figure crawled out from inside.

He, the indigenous tour guide who led Feng Ling, just pretended to be dead and hid in the grass on the side after everyone's attention fell on Feng Ling.

Looking at the backs of the players traveling away, the indigenous tour guide’s eyes flickered and he said secretly:

"Master Feng was actually captured by these people?"

"Should I go back and report to Master Ju Douluo?"

The indigenous tour guide turned and left, and his figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the forest.

The sky quietly turned dark, and night fell in the Soul Hunting Forest.

The bird soul beasts emitted bursts of bird song, and the sound of soul beasts looking up to the sky and roaring could be heard from time to time in the forest. The seemingly bustling forest hid many dangers.

On the way back, the three men and one wolf encountered other spirit beasts four or five times.

Fortunately, after seeing their strange combination, these spirit beasts were wary and did not choose to take risks. Instead, they chose to stay on the right side of each other.

After all, in the soul beast world, soul beasts with healing soul skills are extremely rare, so once a soul beast is injured, it will be difficult to get treatment. If the strength is weakened due to injury, it will not only hinder its own hunting, but also Attracting the attention of other hunters, under normal circumstances, unless the two parties have hatred, other parties of equal strength will not start a dispute.

(End of this chapter)

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