Douluo, soldier

Chapter 9, War

Tai Lung released his martial soul and soul skills, roared angrily, turned around, and punched Andrew directly in the stomach, knocking Andrew to the ground.

Facing the onlookers, Tai Lung rushed towards the crowd to avoid being onlookers. Those who were watching the excitement hurriedly dispersed and cleared the space. Tai Lung wanted to follow the crowd, but Andrew grabbed his leg and was surrounded.

Tai Lung kicked Andrew away and rushed towards the first few guys who responded to the siege. He punched each of them with one punch and the others who surrounded him fought together.

Tai Lung became more and more courageous as he fought, like a tiger among sheep, rushing left and right in the crowd, hitting one after another.

What Tai Lung didn't know was that when he fought with someone and knocked down his opponent, he began to exude an aura, which made him more brave and aura rising as he fought. The enemy became weaker and weaker as he fought, and his will to fight quickly declined.

Tailong unconsciously exuded an aura, and the martial spirit Zhu Yan roared to the sky. Tailong defeated a student again, his fighting spirit was high, he felt that his body was full of strength, and he did not feel tired at all.

Tailong's martial spirit, Zhu Yan, seemed to be able to absorb a kind of energy during the battle. Part of this energy was absorbed by the martial spirit, and part of it was transformed into Tailong. The physical strength that Tailong had just consumed in the battle was slowly replenished.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tailong felt that his physical fitness seemed to have increased. It was the kind of comprehensive improvement.

Tai Lung turned his head and looked at several male classmates standing aside, hesitating. These male classmates were also in the same class as Tai Lung. Just now, when Andrew called for everyone to watch Tai Lung, these male students also responded.

However, these guys were timid and did not dare to fight. When they saw Tai Lung being watched, they boldly gathered around him. However, when they saw Tai Lung, he quickly beat the ones in front like a father beating his son. Knocked down by classmates.

When these timid male classmates saw how ferocious Tai Lung was, they waved their fists and punched one child at a time. They were so frightened that their legs weakened.

Tai Lung beat all the students who gathered around them to the ground, and with the strength of a top beast martial soul master, he bullied this group of more than a dozen six-year-old children with no combat experience. The highest level of these children was the same as Andrew. He is a ninth-level soul warrior and has not yet been able to obtain a soul ring. There is nothing to say about the battle, it is completely one-sided.

Tai Lung was not going to let go of those guys who were cowering. Tai Lung wanted to confirm one thing. He wanted to confirm whether fighting with Ren himself would enhance his own strength as he expected.

Tai Lung rushed towards those guys. The little boys were so frightened that they screamed. Two of them turned around and ran away, while the other two were so frightened that they sat down on the ground.

Tai Long rushed to the two classmates who were collapsed on the ground. Seeing that they were so frightened that their faces were pale and completely defenseless, Tai Long didn't know whether he should take action against them.

Tai Lung hesitated for a moment, then chased after the two escaping classmates, kicked each of them in the butt, and kicked them to the ground.

After kicking the two men to the ground, Tailong stood there and felt that this time there was no feeling that his strength was improved.

Tai Lung was a little unsure. Is it an illusion that his strength had improved just now? He needed to try again.

Tai Lung looked in the direction of Dugu Yan. Dugu Yan had already stood up. When he saw Tai Lung defeating all these classmates in a group, he even chased and kicked down those who escaped.

Dugu Yan and the little girls gathered around him saw Tai Lung looking over. The little girls were frightened and turned pale, fearing that Tai Lung would knock them down from above.

In fact, Tai Long was also struggling, wondering whether he should gently put these little girls down to the ground to see if their strength could be improved again.

"What are you doing!"

"Don't move! Don't move!"

"Stand where you are, don't run away!"


While Tai Lung was struggling, a teacher from the school arrived. Some of the onlookers knew the students who were beaten by Tai Lung, and some were close friends with him. However, seeing how ferocious Tai Lung was and how hard he punched a child, they did not dare to come forward to help. .

So, some smart people thought of the teacher and ran to sue the teacher.

When the onlookers saw the teacher coming and knew that the show was over, they dispersed in a hurry, completely ignoring the teachers' shouts not to run away.

Dean Liu Yuankui and the teachers from the college rushed over to control the situation. Not long after, Dean Wang Qiuzong also arrived.

After controlling the situation, the teachers quickly checked the conditions of the children who fell on the ground. After checking, they breathed a sigh of relief. The conditions of these children were not serious. They were all hit in the lower abdomen and fell to the ground.

Except for the two who escaped and the two who were frightened and fell to the ground, the two who were frightened and fell to the ground were not injured at all. However, of the two who escaped, one was knocked down on his face and his front teeth were knocked out. .

The mouth was full of blood, and the blood also flowed onto the body. At first glance, it looked scary. A teacher from the healing department released his martial spirit and gave these children a healing light.

Although the injuries of these children were cured, their emotions were very unstable. Several of them were made to cry by Tai Lung, whether they were beaten or frightened.

The teachers Tailong had met also came. An Shuyan and the teaching director Liu Yuankui came, and An Shuyan was very nervous.

After class, An Shuyan had a few words with Andrew and told him not to cause trouble or fight with Tai Lung.

Then, An Shuyan went to the Political and Education Office to find Liu Yuankui, the dean of students. An Shuyan went to Liu Yuankui to discuss the affairs of the class students.

The college stipulates that there is one class for each grade, which provides elite education and small class teaching. It is stipulated that there are thirty students in each class. The college's teaching resources will be tilted towards one class. The college stipulates that there will be an assessment once every semester.

Students from the following classes can challenge the students from the first class at the end of the semester. After defeating the students from the first class, they can take the place of the students from the first class and enter the first class.

Auxiliary soul masters do not accept combat challenges, but they can be challenged by auxiliary soul masters to test the auxiliary soul master's contribution to the team. Whoever contributes more will win.

This is the reform system that Dean Wang Qiuzong carried out after becoming the dean. In the past, there was no such challenge to the shift system. In the past, all promotions were based on class.

The conditions for entering the first class are not based on cultivation qualifications and taking into account the students' family status, but mainly on the students' background and taking into account the students' cultivation talents.

Before Wang Qiuzong became the dean, he was very dissatisfied with this system. After becoming the dean of the Tiandou Empire Royal Junior College, dean Wang met Emperor Xue Ye.

After discussion, Emperor Xueye agreed to Wang Qiuzong's reform plan, but due to the organizational form of the Tiandou Empire, Wang Qiuzong's reform still faced great pressure.

With the support of Emperor Xueye, Wang Qiuzong and the opposition forces each took a step back, and the current teaching system was established.

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