Douluo, soldier

Chapter 42, Howler Monkey 3

There cannot be two kings in a monkey group. Now, this howler monkey has become the second ten thousand year soul beast in the monkey group, and has the strength to compete for the monkey king of the monkey group.

The old monkey king would naturally expel this ten-thousand-year-old soul beast that appeared first in the group, so as to ensure that his position in the monkey group would not be shaken and he would continue to be his king.

Even if the howler monkeys did not want to compete with the old monkey king for the kingship of the group, they were still squeezed out and expelled by the old monkey king, so they were able to reduce the combat effectiveness of the monkey group.

The howler monkeys have stayed in the original monkey group for a long time. They have regarded the monkey group as their own home and the old monkey king as their relatives. Faced with the expulsion and threats of force from the old monkey king, the howler monkeys have repeatedly tolerated .

The old monkey king regarded the howler monkey's tolerance as cowardice, and continued to increase the intensity of expulsion. Finally, after a conflict, the howler monkey defeated the old monkey king, showing a strength that far exceeded the old monkey king.

The Howler Monkey's most powerful attack skill is naturally its roar. However, even if it does not use the roar to attack, its body's combat effectiveness is far superior to that of ordinary monkeys. Even if the old monkey king's cultivation level is higher than that of the Howler Monkey, it cannot change the upper soul. The beast suppresses the lower spirit beast.

After the defeat of the old monkey king, according to the rules of the group, he will be expelled from the monkey group. The howler monkey gains the entire group, inherits everything left by the old monkey king, and becomes the king of the monkey group.

After the old monkey king left the monkey group, he was alone and weak. Whatever happened, he had a conflict with the earth baboon group. Best of all, he was killed by the earth baboon.

The howler monkey still has feelings for the old monkey king. Although he has become the new monkey king, he still cares about the old monkey king.

When the howler monkeys were weak, they blended into the monkey group and were protected by the old monkey king. When faced with danger, it was the old monkey king who stepped forward and stood in the way of the entire group.

After the old monkey king left the group, the howler monkeys would secretly track the old monkey king to see how he was doing. When they came to see the old monkey king again, they found that the old monkey king had been eaten by the earth baboons. .

The howler monkey was so angry that he lost his mind. He went to the leader of the earth baboon group and let out his suppressed roar for the first time in so many years. He roared with all his strength for the first time.

Howler monkeys, as the name suggests, are famous for their roars. This roar, blessed by ten thousand years of cultivation, resounds throughout the soul beast forest.

Now, this howler monkey calmed down and wanted to give up the fight, but found that he couldn't leave.

The howler monkey found a direction and rushed over, preparing to break through the encirclement. It wanted to return to the monkey group, return to its own home, and continue to protect its own group.

In the direction of the howler monkey's attack, there were two ten thousand year spirit beasts. The howler monkey chose to pass between the two spirit beasts. The two ten thousand year spirit beasts were on guard against each other, which gave the howler monkey a chance. The howler monkey succeeded. passed through.

Several ten thousand year soul beasts chased in the direction where the howler monkeys were escaping. Two ten thousand year soul beasts did not chase after the howler monkeys, but looked at the injured earth baboon.

Titan also made a move at this time. His soul power picked up Tai Lung and chased him in the direction where the howler monkey was escaping.

Taitan took his time and hung behind a few thousand-year-old soul beasts, and by the way, he kept moving.

Several thousand-year-old soul beasts constantly mobilized their abilities to attack the howler monkeys. The howler monkeys were running away in front of them, and their injuries continued to increase.



The howler monkey was surrounded, and the howler monkey was desperate and roared again.

Although this was the third time today that he heard the roar of a howler monkey, Tai Lung was still shocked.

This kind of sound, with its powerful impact and penetrating power, made Tailong greedy and couldn't wait to have it.

This ten-thousand-year-old howler monkey was cornered and was surrounded. However, this howler monkey did not give up its resistance. Today, Tai Lung finally saw what it means to fight despite being trapped.




This howler monkey let go of its arms and legs for the first time, let out a series of roars, and launched a crazy attack on the stunned ten thousand year soul beasts.

The ten thousand year soul beast was shocked, attacked, and felt pain, and then woke up from the pain, and was stunned by the howler monkey's roar again, and again...



Obviously, the howler monkey couldn't bear the continuous roaring with all its strength. In addition, it had to attack the soul beast, and the howler monkey's soul power and physical strength couldn't keep up.

When the howler monkey was about to roar again, it coughed violently and even spit out blood.

"It can't bear it anymore!"

When Titan saw this scene, he became energetic and reminded Tai Lung: "It is dying. It no longer has the ability to roar again. It is already desperate."

Sure enough, just as Titan said, this howler monkey no longer had the strength to continue fighting. It was surrounded, attacked, and collapsed to the ground.

When Taitan saw this scene, he said to Tai Lung: "You should step back a little, I'm going to prepare to take action."

As soon as Tai Tan finished speaking, he rushed out, released his martial spirit, the powerful baboon, and rushed towards the surrounded howler monkeys.

Seeing this, Tai Lung turned around, retreated from the edge of the battlefield, found a place, and hid.

Taitan released his martial spirit, and the pressure of the Titled Douluo spread out unreservedly, covering the entire audience, revealing Taitan's identity and strength.

When faced with the sudden appearance of the Titled Douluo, these ten thousand-year-old soul beasts that besieged the howler monkeys found out that the Titans were targeting the howler monkeys. They did not hesitate. Some of the soul beasts evacuated directly, and the Titans did not pursue them.

However, an accident suddenly happened. When leaving, a ten thousand year soul beast launched a final attack on the howler monkey and then turned around and left.

"You dare!"

Tai Tan did not expect that after he showed the strength and clear goal of a titled Douluo, this tiger spirit beast would dare to deliver the final blow to the howler monkey he had set his sights on, hoping to kill the howler monkey.

Titan was angry, and the eighth soul ring on his body lit up. In the gravity field, he controlled the ten-thousand-year-old tiger soul beast. The first, second, and third mixed rings on his body lit up, and he slapped the tiger on the head.


Exploding like a ripe watermelon, the tiger head of this ten thousand year soul beast was detonated by a slap from Titan.

The Titan was swatting the spirit beast that launched the final attack to death. Without taking another look at the spirit beast, Titan came directly to the howler monkey.

"Phew! Fortunately, he's not dead and still alive!" Tai Tan saw the howler monkey collapsed on the ground, his chest still heaving, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly called Tai Lung and asked Tai Lung to finish the damage and prepare to obtain the fourth soul ring.

Tai Lung came to the howler monkey, looked at the headless tiger, took out a sledgehammer that he used to forge iron, and hit the howler monkey, which had no resistance, with all his strength, and hit the head with a hammer. Down.

PS: Amu has a cold today, brothers should also keep warm.

Finally, please readers, for the sake of Amu’s sick code words, please vote for recommendations!

Sprint, pick up, roll your knees to the ground, bang!Thank you Amu!

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