Douluo, soldier

Chapter 305, Confluence

Tailong's soul power cultivation relied on his own efforts and accumulation, and he naturally broke through the level 79 to 80 yuan level, and his own soul power cultivation entered the eighty level.

This time, because of Tailong's breakthrough in soul power cultivation, he continued from the afternoon of the first day to noon of the second day. Tailong could be said to have made no progress all day and night. However, Tailong, who completed the breakthrough in cultivation and ended his training, There is no feeling of fatigue or weakness at all, just the feeling of strength caused by the sudden increase in one's own strength.

Because Tailong made a breakthrough in cultivation today, Tailong did not appear on the frontal battlefield between the Zhu Yan League and the Silvis Province coalition forces today. Duke Benjamin, who had been guarding against the bloody demon's chance of beheading, became even more nervous, fearing that he would be killed. Tyrone, known as the Blood Demon in Silvis Province, suddenly appeared from somewhere, carrying the "Devil's Scythe" weapon to search for the lives in this area.

Therefore, on the battlefield today, the attack by the coalition forces of Silvis Province seemed a bit timid. This was all due to the lack of trace of the bloody demon Tai Lung, which had a deterrent effect on the coalition generals.

In fact, what Duke Benjamin didn't know was that Tailong, known as the "Blood Demon", had now left Zhu Yanmeng's army and returned to Sotuo City.

Because Tailong received a piece of news from Shrek Academy today, that is, the food soul master Oscar, whom Tailong has been paying attention to, has broken through to level [-]!

The teachers at Shrek Academy are already preparing to lead the students to the Star Forest to hunt for Oscar's third soul ring.

Because of the economic conditions of Shrek Academy, Shrek Academy chose to let the students run this time when they went to hunt for soul rings in the Star Forest.

Therefore, Tai Long still has enough time to catch up with Shrek Academy's actions. Tai Long has already sent people to inform the Four Spirit Sect that Tai Long, Tai Long's grandfather, has taken Yang Wushuang to fight with the other side of the Power Family in a title fight. Luo Taihong set off towards the Star Dou Forest.

Tailong also sent someone to take the identity token that Haotian Douluo Tang Hao gave to Tailong to inform Tailong of the planned action, and asked the person in charge of the Xianheng Hotel over there to notify Tang Hao to meet up at the Star Dou Forest. , prepare to carry out the soul hunting operation for the Titan ape.

After Tai Lung set off from Shrek Academy, he set off in a carriage in a hurry. When Tai Lung arrived at the small town outside the Star Forest, the Shrek Academy team had not yet arrived.

Tai Long was waiting at the place agreed with his grandfather Tai Tan and foreign aid Haotian Douluo Tang Hao in the soul master town. Tai Tai, Yang Wudi and Tai Hong were also very fast. On the first day Tai Long arrived in the town I found him the next day and had a smooth round with Tai Lung.

Tang Hao on the other side was a little slower. Tang Hao came here with the Shrek Academy team. Tai Long guessed that Tang Hao probably came here on the way to the Star Dou Forest. After meeting the Shrek Academy team, Tang Hao simply followed the Shrek Academy team, followed Tang San and Xiao Wu over.

Because Tai Long first told Tai Tan about his plan, how he discovered Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, and how he reached the current agreement with Tang Hao.

Therefore, when Tai Tan was mentally prepared, even though he was still guilty and excited after meeting Tang Hao after so many years, he had nothing to say after saying hello, especially since Tai Tan had always been in high spirits when he saw him. Tang Hao, the most magnificent and proud man of heaven, now looks much older than the old man himself.

Seeing Tang Hao like this and thinking about his achievements over the years made Tai Tan feel even more complicated, and he didn't know how to get along with Tang Hao, his "young master" together.

Yang Wudi on the other side was a bit more direct. He didn't have a good look towards Tang Hao. To be precise, Yang Wudi didn't have a good look towards everyone in the Haotian Sect.

From the beginning when he was abandoned by the Haotian Sect and used as a shield, it was destined that Yang Wudi would not have any good impressions of the Haotian Sect. Yang Wudi would never forget how many members of the Po Zhi clan were there in that breakout battle. There were old people and children who made sacrifices. Of course, the ones who sacrificed more were the powerful soul masters who were in their prime.

Yang Wudi's younger brother, Yang Wushuang, died in that breakout battle in order to prevent Wuhun Palace from pursuing the Po Zhi clan. That was Yang Wushuang's brother!

Therefore, Yang Wudi hated Wuhun Palace because Wuhun Palace killed many people from the Pozhi family, but Yang Wushuang also hated Haotian Sect for abandoning them.

Now, when Yang Wudi meets the people of the Haotian Sect again as an elder of the Four Spirits Sect and as a powerful titled Douluo, Yang Wudi has long since given up his original identity as a vassal family of the Haotian Sect, and treats people with equality and indifference. Tang Hao's attitude toward the contemporary Haotian Douluo of the Haotian Sect.

If it weren't for the fact that he now had to capture Tang Hao's power to help hunt for the 10-year soul ring for Tailong, Yang Wudi's attitude towards Tang Hao would only be worse.

Only Taihong, the last titled Douluo of the Four Spirits Sect, who was also from the Family of Strength, had a similar attitude towards Tang Hao as Yang Wushuang, because in the original breakout battle, although the Family of Strength had already They were somewhat prepared, so the casualties were much smaller than those of the other three tribes.

However, although the casualty rate was smaller than that of the three clans, there were still casualties. Taihong Douluo's youngest son died in that breakout battle. The pain of losing his son made Taihong feel obsessed with Haotian, who had been chasing him for most of his life. Zong was disgusted, so when he saw Tang Hao, Taihong didn't have a good expression.

Generally speaking, this meeting between Tang Hao and the titled Douluo of the Four Spirit Sect was not very friendly, and the atmosphere between the two parties was relatively stiff.

Tang Hao didn't say anything, because Tang Hao knew the reason why Yang Wudi and Taihong had such an attitude towards him, and also knew the reason why Haotian Sect announced that it would abandon the four single-attribute families. All of this was caused by him. , although he didn’t think there was anything wrong with him attacking the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

After a night of silence, only Shrek Academy students who adhered to the principle of "a soul master who dares not cause trouble is not a good soul master!" still had conflicts with other soul master academies.

The final outcome was almost the result of Zhao Wuji, the Soul Saint, relying on his own powerful strength.

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