Douluo, soldier

Chapter 286, Yi Muqing

Yi Muqing's words caused Lao Guo, who was drinking, and Zhang Heng, who was eating, to stop. They were both stunned by the meaning contained in Yi Muqing's words.

Lao Guo looked at Zhang Heng, who still had a bite of meat in his mouth. Zhang Heng looked at Lao Guo, who was raising a glass in a shabby manner, and cursed in his heart: "This black guy (old guy) is my son (father). ?”

However, Lao Guo has been through a lot. He just looked at Zhang Heng and continued to drink, but with this very obvious smile in his eyes, there is no such thing as being a father for nothing. I think most men do. Will not refuse.

"Uh..., this girl, um, I think you misunderstood. I am not Uncle Guo's son. Uncle Guo and I just met today. I am..." After Zhang Heng came to his senses, he hurriedly swallowed his words. Meat, he argued with Yi Muqing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I just saw the two of you here, and I thought..." After listening to Zhang Heng's explanation, Yi Muqing realized that she had made a mistake, so she hurriedly apologized.

"It's nothing. I don't know what this lady wants to do with me. No need to be polite. We both have to eat." Lao Guo waved his hand, drank all the ale in the cup, and slowly exhaled. Asked Yi Muqing.

Hearing Lao Guo's question, Yi Muqing's face froze. Although Lao Guo's words were polite, the meaning contained in his words was not very polite. The simple translation is, "If you have something to say, don't beat around the bush and say it directly." , didn’t you see that we are still eating here?”

"Sorry for bothering you two, Mu Qing is here to apologize to you two. I want to ask about the enrollment of Shrek Soul Master Academy." Although Yi Muqing was made psychologically uncomfortable by Lao Guo's words just now, but because of her tutoring Yes, I knew I had someone to ask for now, so I took a deep breath to calm down and asked.

"You're asking the wrong person. Neither of us knows the specific rules of Shrek Academy's admissions. Did you see that old man at the village gate over there? He is the admissions teacher of Shrek Academy this time. What do you want to know? You can go to her and ask."

"But there is one thing you didn't say just now. This kid was indeed rejected by Shrek Academy, and he was rejected because of his age. I think you are over 12 years old. According to Shrek Academy, The college’s admission rules are substandard.”

Lao Guo originally didn't want to answer Yi Muqing's question, and was just going to perfunctoryly ask Yi Muqing to go find Li Yusong to ask. However, when he saw Zhang Heng, a black guy opposite, he seemed to be a little weird after Yi Muqing arrived, and he didn't eat meat in big quantities. Instead of biting, he used a dagger that he got out of nowhere to eat.

This discovery made Lao Guo interested. He remembered that when he was young, after transferring his first pot of gold, he happily dressed up and went to find Xiao Shu. When he took Xiao Shu to a big hotel for a good meal, he That urgent look.The memory of himself and the black boy Zhang Heng in front of him gradually overlapped. This was the reason why Lao Guo said a few more words.

After listening to Lao Guo's words, Yi Muqing looked at the young man who was lowering his head to cut meat. Seeing the young man raising his head and looking at her in embarrassment, Yi Muqing put a smile on her face and nodded to the young man, and then thanked Lao Guo: " Thank you uncle, if Mu Qing has something else to do, I won’t disturb your meal."

After Yi Muqing said these words, she saluted Lao Guo, then turned and walked towards Shrek Soul Master Academy Village without looking at Li Yusong who was napping.

Yi Muqing, let's go. Zhang Heng's eyes were always following Yi Muqing's back, completely unaware that Uncle Guo from the opposite side was looking at him more and more strangely.

"is it nice?"

"Good-looking!" Faced with the sudden inquiry, Zhang Heng replied without thinking.

"Where does it look good?"

The questioning voice sounded again, but this time Zhang Heng reacted and realized something was wrong. He looked at Lao Guo who had just asked the question without saying a word, but his originally black face now turned black and red.

"I don't know what's good-looking? Then let me tell you, these legs and waist are all good-looking!" Lao Guo just saw the shadow of his youth from Zhang Heng, and because of his emotions, his mentality became a little out of control. He teased Zhang Heng, a black guy, in a bad way.

Zhang Heng heard Lao Guo's teasing, looked down at the food in front of him, picked up the meat and bones he had just chewed, and continued to chew.

When Lao Guo saw Zhang Heng like this, he no longer had the pleasure to continue teasing him, and he returned to the state of a sloppy old man. He went to drink alone, and the two fell silent again.

On the other side, Yi Muqing came to Li Yusong, who was napping at the door of Shrek Academy. Li Yusong felt someone approaching and opened his eyes to look at Yi Muqing in time.

"Sign up for ten gold soul coins, but let me remind you in advance that the entry requirements for our Shrek Academy are under 13 years old and a soul power of level [-] or above."

"Once you register and take the test, if you do not meet the requirements of our academy, these ten gold soul coins will be regarded as the test fee and will not be refunded or exchanged!"

Li Yusong was just looking at Yi Muqing when he saw Yi Muqing coming over. He thought Yi Muqing was taking the Shrek Academy entrance test, so he told Yi Muqing the admission requirements of Shrek Academy to avoid Yi Muqing handing over ten gold souls in vain. coins and fails the test.

"This teacher has misunderstood. I am not here to take the entrance test of Shrek Academy. I have already passed it this year and have already exceeded the entrance requirements of Oh Academy."

"I accompanied my sister to attend the college's admission, but I was delayed on the way. In order to avoid missing the college's admission time, I asked my sister to come first. By the way, my sister's name is Zhu Zhuqing!"

Yi Muqing saluted Li Yusong and told Li Yusong his intention.

"Another person is here to accompany the exam. This year's class of students is not easy to take care of. It's really annoying to have each one with their own identity!"

After hearing Yi Muqing's name of Zhu Zhuqing, Li Yusong thought of the cold girl with Netherworld Spirit Cat Martial Spirit. Knowing Dai Mubai's identity, it was not difficult for him to guess Zhu Zhuqing's identity. The new girl in front of him was said to be the exam companion. Naturally, he is also from the Star Luo Empire.

"Zhu Zhuqing, there is this student who has passed the test, so you can go in." Li Yusong just thought that this year's class of students would be difficult to manage, and each one would be troubled by a lot of troubles, but he thought that he was just a member of the academy. Above the teachers there are also the dean and deputy dean.

So Li Yusong simply looked away, what the hell, if the sky was falling, there would be a tall guy to hold it up, he waved his hand to Yi Muqing and let Yi Muqing enter the academy.

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