Douluo, soldier

Chapter 254, war

Tai Tan's behavior just after he picked up the two soul bones made Dugu Bo see what it means to have a face!

After Dugu Bo left, Tai Tan took two thousand-year-old soul bones in his hands and took a closer look, a 5000-year-old left arm soul bone and a 4000-year-old right leg soul bone.

The 5000-year-old left arm soul bone should be an attack-type soul skill, produced by the Blazing Crazy Lion, and the other is a 4000-year-old right leg soul bone, produced by the Wind-Chasing Spirit Fox, which should be a speed-type soul skill!

Tai Tan looked at it for a while and thought about it, and finally put the flaming lion soul bone from the Weapon Year into his storage soul guide, and prepared to put this flaming lion soul bone into the Four Spirit Sect's treasury. Waiting for the right person!

As for the remaining 4000-year-old wind-chasing spirit fox soul bone, Taitan took out a brocade box from his storage soul guide, put the soul bone into the brocade box, and held it in the small courtyard of Xiang Tailong. Go in the direction.

Obviously, Titan put this 4000-year-old wind-chasing spirit fox soul bone into a brocade box and prepared to give it to Tai Lung, asking Tai Lung to find a suitable opportunity to give it to Ning Xuejun.

When Tai Tan came to Tai Long's courtyard, Tai Nuo and Ning's father, who had just left the meeting hall, were here. Tai Long's mother, Yang Banshuang, was also there. Her sister, who was holding Tai Long, was chatting with her daughters-in-law, smiling all over her face. The mood is very good.

Tai Tan glanced around and found that there were many people here, but Tai Long, one of the parties involved, was not here. Tai Tan entered the small courtyard. All the people in the courtyard stood up to say hello. Tai Tan waved his hand to indicate that they did not need more. present.

After Taitan stayed here for a while, he asked where Tailong had gone, and left the courtyard without staying too much. It's not that Taitan didn't want to stay here and get close to the juniors, but these people had half a pair of Tainan Yang. Except for his granddaughter, everyone else was too polite and respectful to Tai Tan, even Tai Lung's wives.

There is nothing that can be done about this situation. Although Tailong's wives are all Taitan's grandsons and daughters-in-law, these women have only been married to Tailong for a short time, and they are not very familiar with Taitan, let alone Ning's father.

Tai Long returned to his own courtyard directly after leaving the small courtyard here. Tai Long was not in the Four Spirit Sect now, but went to Zhu Yanmeng's residence. As for the soul bone in his hand, Tai Long did not directly give it to Ning Xue. Jun, but prepare to hand it over to Tai Lung when he comes back.

After Tailong learned that Ning Xuejun was pregnant, he stayed in Ning Xuejun's courtyard for a while, and then Katherina sent a message saying that there was something going on with Old Motou.

After receiving the news, Tai Tan did not stay too long with Ning Xuejun, but took Anna and Katherina to Zhu Yanmeng's residence.

After Tai Long came to the capital of Zhu Yan League, he found that many people had gathered in Zhu Yan League's meeting hall. These people were all known to Tai Lung, and they were all responsible for various aspects of Zhu Yan League.

These people gathered in the meeting hall, each of them said nothing, which made the atmosphere in the meeting hall very dull. After Tailong arrived, these people stood up and said hello one by one, which eased the atmosphere in the meeting hall. Some.

Tai Lung sat above the first position, and Old Motou directly told Tai Lung the reason for inviting Tai Lung here this time. The matter was complicated and irresponsible, but it seemed very troublesome to solve it.

Zhu Yanmeng had discussed this matter several times. In the end, due to internal disagreements, he was unable to make a final decision on this matter, and it has been delayed.

After listening to Lao Motou's story, Tailong felt a little strange, because Tailong felt that it was not difficult to solve this matter. According to Zhu Yanmeng's current strength, this matter could just be dealt with blindly. Lao Motou shouldn't Never been able to resolve it and let myself come over.

The matter is actually very simple. Due to the intervention of the fourth Tiandou prince Xue Beng, Zhu Yan's army in the Zhu Yan Alliance did not become a formal army of the Tiandou Empire but became Zhu Yan's mercenary army.

After Zhu Yanjun became a mercenary army, of course he had to accept employment for development. Because of the relationship between Zhu Yanmeng and the Four Spirits Sect, the Tiandou Empire also turned a blind eye to Zhu Yanjun becoming a mercenary army. As long as Zhu Yanjun doesn't go too far, he can basically let it go.

The Tiandou Empire facilitated Zhu Yanmeng, and Zhu Yanmeng reciprocated the favor. Zhu Yanjun directly left the area under the direct jurisdiction of the Tiandou Empire and went to other provinces and kingdoms for development. After all, no matter what Zhu Yanjun said, Mercenary legion, mercenaries are a special group that pursues wars and makes profits from wars, especially Zhu Yan's mercenary legion.

Since they are pursuing wars and making profits from wars, this means chaos and disorder. If Zhu Yanjun stays in the area directly under the jurisdiction of the Tiandou Empire to develop, he will inevitably face the Tiandou Empire. Zhu Yanmeng is still weak. Relatively weak, so Zhu Yanmeng took the initiative to leave the area directly under the Tiandou Empire for better development!

The reason for developing in those kingdoms and provinces is of course because although these places apparently belong to the Tiandou Empire, in some places the Tiandou Empire has lost control of these areas.

Although the Tiandou Empire has made great efforts to develop its military in recent years, after all, there are a large number of these provinces, and these provinces have been autonomous from the control of the Tiandou Empire for many years. Therefore, the Tiandou Empire suddenly wants to If the power is taken back, then naturally these provinces will not agree after they have been the actual controllers of the Tu Emperor for many years.

Although the Tiandou Empire has now taken back control of several provinces, there are still several provinces that are still resisting strongly, and there are other forces secretly supporting these resistance forces. The intensity and durability of the resistance are very impressive. .

Among them, Silvis Province is the province that is still at war. Zhu Yan's mercenary army also found an opportunity to enter the Silvis Province and develop. With its strong strength, Zhu Yan's mercenary army soon Just established a foothold here in Silvis Province.

After the Zhu Yan Legion gained a foothold in the Silvis Province, the Zhu Yan Mercenary Legion raided the Silvis Province, directly accepting employment from cities that favored the Tiandou Empire, and launched wars against other hostile cities, and the spoils of war were In addition to the commission, Zhu Yanmeng pocketed a large amount of gold soul coins and various treasures and transported them directly to the rear.

Zhu Yanmeng also continued to provide support to Zhu Yan's mercenary army, and was well aware of the principle of provinces and flowers, so Zhu Yanmeng used these gold soul coins to purchase a large number of weapons from the Four Spirits Sect.

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