Douluo, soldier

Chapter 242, Bibi Dong

Yang Wushuang spends his days in his pharmacy, conducting his own research, in addition to the necessary physiological needs of the body such as eating and drinking.

When Yang Wushuang was energetic, he would occasionally spare time to help Ju Douluo check on his physical condition. Other than that, Yang Wushuang never did anything else and focused on his own research.

Ghost Douluo has now returned to his normal state. He is no longer with the unconscious Ju Douluo every day as he was in the past few days, just in case something suddenly happened to Ju Douluo's body and he died.

Now after so many days of observation, and Yang Wushuang would tell Ghost Douluo after every checkup, there was no need to worry that Ju Douluo's condition was stable and his life was not in danger.Under such circumstances, Ghost Douluo slowly put his heart back into his stomach.

However, Ghost Douluo still came to see Ju Douluo every day and stayed alone with Ju Douluo in the room for a while, but Yang Wushuang just let it go.

Now Ghost Douluo is waiting for Pope Bibi Dong to return from the soul hunt, and then asks Yang Wushuang to get Bibi Dong's permission to treat Ju Douluo, so that Yang Wushuang will take action to treat Ghost Douluo.

As for Bibi Dong, after Ju Douluo was poisoned and seriously injured by the powerful Titled Douluo of the Four Spirit Sect and fell into coma. After Ghost Douluo took Ju Douluo back to Wuhun for treatment, Bibi Dong's soul hunting plan this time was actually over. Early bankruptcy and failure.

Bibi Dong took the powerful soul masters he trusted and secretly went to the Star Dou Soul Beast Forest to hunt for souls, and the targets of the soul hunting were the two 10-year-old soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Bibi Dong has now accepted the Rakshasa God Examination, and has now reached the level of the Sixth God Examination. Her soul power cultivation has also secretly reached level 96, and she is already a super Douluo.

Regarding the Star Dou Soul Beast Forest, there are two 10-year-old soul beasts in the core area, namely the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python. These two soul beasts are actually not among the top powerful soul masters in the Douluo Continent. What a secret.

Bibi Dong even saw with his own eyes the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, two 10-year-old soul beasts. After Bibi Dong reached level [-] in cultivation, he obtained the ninth soul ring for his first martial soul, the Death Spider Emperor. At that time, in the process of obtaining the soul ring, I saw the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

That time, Bibi Dong successfully obtained a 10-year-old soul ring and a 10-year-old soul bone. But this time, the soul ring and soul bone obtained by Bibi Dong came from a rare 10-year-old soft-bone charm rabbit. !

The soft-bone charm rabbit, a rabbit-like soul beast that eats grass, cannot be said to be too bad, but it is basically at the bottom of the food chain in the soul beast world. The soft-bone charm rabbit has been practicing for 10 years, and there are probably millions of soft-bone charms. There may not even be one among the charming rabbits.And the identity of this soft-bone charm rabbit is none other than the mother of Xiao Wu from the original Shrek Seven Monsters Pig Troupe.

At that time, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape had not yet reached the 10-year cultivation level, so facing how many titled Douluo and powerful Soul Douluo were sent out by Wuhun Palace, these two soul beasts had not really grown up yet. The Overlord cannot compete with the powerful soul beasts of Wuhun Palace.

In this way, Xiao Wu's mother was surrounded and killed. Xiao Wu, who was still in the state of a soul beast, was taken away by the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape. Bibi Dong simply obtained the soul ring of Xiao Wu's mother, a 10-year-old soul beast. After the soul bones, he had no intention of continuing to pursue the three escaped soul beasts.

Because Bibi Dong has twin martial souls, according to records on Douluo Continent, after the twin martial souls have reached a later stage in their cultivation, their soul power will be out of control and they will explode and die due to the conflict between the martial souls.

Bibi Dong naturally knows this information, but Bibi Dong is not willing to practice only one martial spirit. She clearly has two martial spirits but can only use one. This feeling is like a child facing two fun toys. , the parents have bought these two toys and given them to their children.

But if you only let children choose one to play with, children will naturally not be happy. When this kind of choice problem is placed in front of adults, adults will be even more possessive.

Not to mention what kind of person Bibi Dong was when she was a girl, but after Bibi Dong was taught in the secret room by her master Qian Xunji and became darkened, Bibi Dong became a person with great desire for power, and became eager and pursuing more. A woman with great strength and will do anything to achieve this!

Bibi Dong's own talent for martial arts training is extremely high, and Bibi Dong's own understanding is also directly maxed out. After becoming black, Bibi Dong also once has a goal, he will use all means to achieve it.

Adding up all of Bibi Dong's own conditions, the soul master training knowledge accumulated over the years in Wuhun Palace, and all kinds of secrets from the mainland, Bibi Dong finally found a place to inherit from the God's Mansion.

That's right, it was at that time that Bibi Dong found the inheritance place of the Rakshasa God. Bibi Dong's twin martial souls and the excellent talent of innate soul power had a tragic experience of being selected by the Rakshasa God. God's inheritance test, becoming the inheritor of the Rakshasa God. As long as Bibi Dong completes the ninth god-level test, he can inherit the identity of the Rakshasa God and become the new Rakshasa God on the Douluo Continent!

Bibi Dong also became the successor of the Rakshasa God. After starting the Nine Rakshasa Examinations and borrowing the power of the Rakshasa God, Bibi Dong also successfully resolved the conflict between the two martial souls in her body. The problem.

Bibi Dong is also starting the divine test. After eliminating the hidden dangers of cultivation in her body, she officially begins to cultivate the second martial soul - the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor!

Because Bibi Dong was a Titled Douluo cultivator at the time, she only needed to calm down and control the two spirits, and use her own consciousness to adjust the two spirits to prevent the two spirits from conflicting. Bibi Dong Then you can successfully cultivate the second martial soul.

As for the cultivation of the second martial spirit, since Bibi Dong already has the cultivation level of a Titled Douluo, it is very simple when he starts cultivating it. He only needs to give the second martial spirit to the second martial spirit while ensuring that there is no conflict between the two martial spirits. Just keep attaching suitable soul rings to the martial soul.

When Bibi Dong attached a soul ring to the second martial soul, absorbing the energy brought by the soul ring would naturally push Bibi Dong's soul power cultivation to grow rapidly.

However, because Bibi Dong is a pioneer in cultivating twin martial souls, Bibi Dong’s cultivation principles are not something that any predecessors can learn from, so Bibi Dong is also cautious when practicing, for fear that some mistakes will cause the two martial souls to conflict.

PS: The plot between Bibi Dong and Titled Douluo in the Hall of Spirits, Amu really felt a bit awkward, and the original work left too many pitfalls...

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