Douluo, soldier

Chapter 239,

"Who cleans Elder Ju's study on weekdays?" Ghost Douluo asked the medicine boy who had just been pulled over and was already shivering in fear.

"Sir, we usually take turns cleaning." This medicine boy had been following Ju Douluo for a long time, and he had seen some of the world. Although he was trembling with fear, he still took a deep breath. Then he answered Ghost Douluo's question completely.

Because the medicine boy knew that Ghost Douluo in front of him was Ju Douluo's friend, as long as he answered the questions honestly, there would basically be no danger.

"You are the ones cleaning Elder Ju's study. Are there any of you here?" Ghost Douluo scanned the medicine boys present. There were nine people in total, five women and four men. Ghost Douluo took all the reactions of these nine people. After looking into his eyes, Ghost Douluo asked the question he was concerned about.

"They are all here. There are nine of us in total. We are all here now." The medicine boy whom Ghost Douluo had just captured with his soul power answered Ghost Douluo's question. Apparently after the first question and answer, this medicine boy The medicine boy had already seen the situation and became more courageous.

"Have anyone from outside entered Elder Ju's study in the past few days?" After Ghost Douluo asked this question, he used his mental power to carefully explore the situation of the nine medicine boys.

At this time, the medicine boy who had been answering Ghost Douluo's questions looked back at the other medicine boys, and after exchanging glances with the others, he answered Ghost Douluo's question.

"Sir, no outsiders entered Elder Ju's study while Elder Ju was away!" This time, the young man was obviously not sure, although he exchanged glances with several others.

But this young man clearly knew that he and his group were just ordinary people without any cultivation talent. If there were other powerful soul masters who deliberately avoided him and entered Ju Douluo's study, then it would be impossible for him and his group to do so. found.

Ghost Douluo obviously thought of what they were thinking, but Ghost Douluo knew that this situation could not happen. This is Wuhun Palace, and Lao Ju is the titled Douluo elder of Wuhun Palace. No one else here has Ju Dou's status. With Luo's permission, he would not enter Ju Douluo's study casually, let alone when Ju Douluo was on a mission with the Pope?

"Which of you took the pharmacopoeia in Elder Ju's room?" After Ghost Douluo understood the situation, he directly exuded a trace of his own coercion as a powerful Titled Douluo and asked these words.

Feeling the pressure of a strong man that suddenly emanated from Ghost Douluo, these nine medicine boys were obviously frightened, especially the medicine boy with Ghost Douluo's expression. Because he was closest to Ghost Douluo, he received the aura. The pressure was the greatest, and he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

"come here!"

Ghost Douluo used his mental power to explore the situation of these nine people. After he found that he asked this question, the reaction of a female medicine boy was obviously different from the other eight medicine boys. After discovering the abnormal situation of this girl, Ghost Douluo directly held such a young girl in front of him.

"Did you take that pharmacopoeia?" Ghost Douluo was not angry, because Ju Douluo had already said that he wanted to pass these things on, and he also had the idea of ​​​​training these medicine boys.

"Back to... Sir, that pharmacopoeia is with me. Now... it is in my room. I, I, I, I..." This girl's psychological quality is obviously not as good as that of the young man just now. His speech was somewhat stumbling and incoherent.


"Sir, I don't dare anymore. I was just curious about what was written in it and took a look at it, and then I..." After the girl just answered the question, she didn't know what she was thinking, and she knelt down with a plop. He confessed everything he had done.

"Okay, I will tell you Elder Ju about this matter. Now bring me the pharmacopoeia. As for your matter, you are Elder Ju's people. It will be up to you how Elder Ju handles it."

Ghost Douluo waved his hand, withdrew the coercive aura of his titled Douluo, and then directly used his soul power to subdue the girl who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, and asked the girl to take out the pharmacopoeia first. for myself.

After all, Elder Yang is still waiting, and this is also related to whether Ju Douluo can wake up, so Ghost Douluo is not in the mood to talk nonsense with this medicine boy who has broken the rules and has unclean hands and feet. All this will wait for Ju Douluo. After Luo wakes up, just let him, Lao Ju, handle it on his own, and he won't have to take over for Zu.

"Sir! I don't dare anymore, I..." This girl obviously hadn't understood the situation yet, and didn't realize that Ghost Douluo was already a little impatient. She knelt down again with a plop, still trying to get forgiveness. .


Ghost Douluo is now really annoyed by this ignorant medicine boy who has no eyesight to see what is good. Ghost Douluo is now in a bad mood because of Ju Douluo's poisoning and coma. He just found out after talking to Yang Wushuang. Ju Douluo was still saved, and his mood improved a little.

But now, Ghost Douluo's newly improved mood has disappeared with the loss of patience. However, it is not the Wuhun Palace's rule that civilians cannot be killed casually. This is Ju Douluo's place. I'm afraid Ghost Douluo wouldn't have died long ago. Slap this drug boy who can't figure out the situation and can't position himself to death!

However, Gui Douluo's cold snort just now was not known to be because he failed to control his strength, or the girl who was kneeling to beg for mercy was under too much psychological pressure. Anyway, the medicine boy fainted directly.

After seeing this situation, Ghost Douluo turned his attention to the other medicine boys. After scanning around, Ghost Douluo locked his eyes on the other three female medicine boys.

"Where is her room, or do you know where she put the pharmacopoeia?" Gui Douluo's voice was already hoarse, and it usually sounded wrong.

Now add this girl, who suddenly fell to the ground unresponsive amidst Ghost Douluo's cold snort. This frightened several other medicine boys, who thought that their companions had been killed by Ghost Douluo. Just kill him directly.

Now feeling the gaze of Ghost Douluo, these people all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Ghost Douluo, for fear that they would accidentally anger Ghost Douluo and be blocked by Ghost Douluo.

The three girls were afraid to speak after hearing Ghost Douluo's inquiry. Finally, the young man whom Ghost Douluo detained first stood up from the ground and said to Ghost Douluo: "Sir, I If you know where her room is, I’ll take you there!”

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