Douluo, soldier

Chapter 229, sinking

Regarding Tai Lung's distribution plan, Yang Wudi and Dugu Bo didn't have any objections. Tai Lung's grandfather Tai Tan didn't object, so they settled down.

"I plan to absorb this left leg soul bone first to increase my body's strength and reduce the pressure on me when absorbing the 10-year-old soul ring!" Tai Long expressed his opinion, and three people from the Four Spirit Sect accompanied him to guide and protect him. The three titled Douluo did not raise any objections.

The older the soul ring is, the longer it can survive. Although some people are not sure how long a 10-year-old soul ring will last, if it only absorbs a soul bone, it will definitely be enough time.

Soul rings are different from soul bones. A 10-year-old soul ring can actually be said to be "alive"!Soul rings that are more than ten thousand years old are alive, but soul bones are different. Soul bones are dead no matter how old they are!

Therefore, the difficulty of absorbing soul bones is much less than that of soul rings, and to enhance the physical strength of a soul master, soul bones of the same age are also much greater than soul rings.

Therefore, the three titled Douluo still agreed with Tailong's idea of ​​absorbing the soul bone first and sharpening his spear before the battle to increase his physical strength. If Tailong had not proposed it, the three of them would have suggested that Tailong absorb the soul bone first.

Tai Long walked aside in one breath. He was almost thirty feet away from the 10-year-old soul ring suspended in the air. Only then did Tai Long find a suitable position and sit cross-legged, ready to start absorbing the 10-year-old soul ring in his hand. The left leg bone of the Ten Thousand-year-old Ant Emperor!

The reason why Tailong ran away was naturally because he wanted to reduce the impact of the fluctuations and coercion of the soul ring's soul power when absorbing soul bones. After all, the soul ring and soul bones were produced from the same 10-year-old soul beast.

Moreover, this 10-year-old soul ring is still conscious. Tailong will have to absorb this 10-year-old soul ring later, so Tailong does not want to stimulate others by absorbing other people's soul bones under the nose of this soul ring.Regardless of whether this is true or not, Tai Lung feels that there is nothing wrong with being careful!

When Yang Wudi and the others saw this scene, Titan directly placed a soul barrier where the 10-year-old soul ring was suspended, blocking the soul ring's influence on the outside world.

Tailong closed his eyes and fell into meditation. His soul power circulated according to the innate guidance technique he had practiced. He placed the left leg bone of the Qianjun Ant Emperor on his left leg and began to use soul power to pull and communicate with the soul bone.

After Tailong made contact with the soul bone of the Thousand Jun Ant Emperor's left leg, the earthy yellow light flashing on the soul bone became stronger, and then the soul bone began to weaken and deform, becoming a size suitable for Tailong, and then the soul bone became like Water slowly seeped into Tai Lung's left leg, as if putting a leg armor on Tai Long's leg.

The trio of guardians, Tai Tan, Dugu Bo and Yang Wudi, were relieved when they saw that the soul bones were successfully fused with Tai Long. After absorbing the soul bones, they had already begun to fuse, and there were no other problems. Because the body is not strong enough to absorb and withstand the pressure, basically no accidents will occur.

Based on their understanding of Tailong's physical strength, the three believe that Tailong's body is as powerful as a Titled Douluo and will definitely be able to withstand the pressure brought by this 10-year-old Ant King.


Time passed slowly, and a layer of sweat broke out on Tailong's forehead.


Looking at Tai Lung's left leg, the illusory soul bone armor that should have been on Tai Lung's left leg has disappeared.Instead, there was an earthy yellow light coming from the inside of Tai Lung's left leg. It could be vaguely seen that this light looked like a leg bone.

After that, the earthy yellow light on Tailong's left leg slowly converged, and finally returned to its normal state. At this time, Tailong's violently fluctuating soul power also calmed down. Because Tailong had not absorbed the seventh soul ring, Tailong's soul The level of strength shown is still seventy.

But this is just a performance. The improvement brought by absorbing the 10-year-old soul bone is definitely not small. As long as Tailong absorbs the seventh soul ring, the increase in soul power brought by absorbing the soul bone can be immediately reflected.

Tai Long also calmed down the soul power fluctuations in his body. He opened his eyes and stood up. He moved his somewhat stiff body. When he moved his body, Tai Long felt that his body was full of powerful power. He felt that he could not move without soul power. He was able to kill a soul saint with one punch, just like the Dai family White Tiger Soul Saint he fought against!

But this is what Tailong thought, and then Tailong turned his gaze to the red soul ring floating next to the Ice and Fire Eyes. Tailong stepped to the side of the Ice and Fire Eyes, and met the three Say hello to the elders who protect you.

"This soul bone of the Hundred Thousand and Thousand Jun Ant Emperor should have two soul bone levels. Xiaolong, can you tell me which soul bone level it is?" Yang Wudi, who had been observing Tailong, saw Tailong. After absorbing it, he walked back to greet himself and asked himself a question that all three of them were curious about.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Yang, Grandpa Dugu, the 10-year-old soul bone has indeed used two soul bone skills. This 10-year-old Qianjun Ant Emperor soul bone possesses the earth and gravity fields. These two soul skills !”

"The earth-moving soul skill, after using it, allows me to sneak into the ground and move like the King of Giant Ants. However, the moving speed is not very fast, so it is a bit useless for normal use."

"I don't think we should talk about the field of gravity. It is to change the gravity of the area covered by a soul skill. My grandfather also has this soul skill!" Tai Long explained the effects of his soul skills to the three elders, and expressed his feelings about these soul skills. view of technology.

"It's a very good soul skill. If the earth-moving soul skill is used properly, it will be effective!" After listening to Tailong's explanation, Dugu Bo nodded and praised Tailong's soul bone skill. However, Dugu Bo did not agree with Tailong's understanding of the soul skill. Although the "Earth Movement" soul skill is not optimistic, Dugu Bo thinks that such a soul skill will be effective if used well.

After Tailong chatted with these three elders for a while, and at the urging of his grandfather Taitan, Tailong began to prepare to absorb this soul ring produced by the Hundred Thousand Thousand Jun Ant Emperor.

Tai Long motioned to his grandfather and the three of them to avoid it a little, and then Tai Long quickly took off all his clothes, took off his storage soul guide, and jumped into the Ice and Fire Eyes!

Tai Lung used his soul skills to pull the 10-year-old red soul ring suspended in the air in the Ice and Fire Eye, and then headed towards the depths of the Ice and Fire Eye.

This time, Tailong did not dive by himself like he did in the past, but instead used the soul bone soul skill he had just acquired: "Gravity Domain" to let the soul skill effect wrap around him, changing the weight of his body and sinking quickly.

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