Douluo, soldier

Chapter 210, Negotiation

When Tai Long ran to the meeting point, the others were already waiting here. There was nothing to say. They were flying in the sky and I couldn't keep up on the ground.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Yang..." Tai Long greeted Titan and Yang Wudi, and then turned his attention to which one in the field was a big fox that was stepped on by Titan!

Tai Lung carefully observed Yixi, a giant fox that had been trampled under the feet of a titan. It had black hair and blue and white patterns on its forehead. Light and shadow fox.

This electro-optical shadow fox can be regarded as an alternative among the fox-like soul beasts. Most other foxes take the route of charm and control. This electro-optical shadow fox indeed takes the route of speed and assassination.

Katharina is a white fox martial spirit. I don’t know how she planned it at the beginning. She took the agile attack route, so this kind of electro-optical shadow fox with more than 4 years of age is very suitable for Katharina.It's just that the life span of more than 4 years is a bit low for Tai Lung, and the Electro-optical Shadow Fox doesn't have any powerful soul skills, but other than that, everything else is pretty good.

However, Tyrone did not directly make the choice for Katherina. Instead, he looked at Katherina standing aside with a questioning look in his eyes.

Tai Lung's series of little actions caught the Titan's attention. This was when Tai Lung asked Katherina: "Nana, this is the seventh soul ring I chose for you. What do you think?"

"Thank you, grandpa, this electric light shadow fox is very suitable for me, I will choose this kind of electric light shadow fox!" Katharina is very satisfied with choosing this 4-year-old soul ring to become her seventh soul ring. Tai Lung thinks the age is a bit short. Don't care, Katharina.

Unlike Tai Lung, Katherina's physical strength is far higher than that of a soul master of the same level, and her mental power is now catching up with the Titled Douluo. Katherina's physical strength and mental power are only a little stronger than a normal soul master of the same level.

Katharina is very satisfied with this 4-year-old electro-optical shadow fox, especially its attributes that are well integrated with her martial soul and fighting style. This is the seventh soul ring, and the soul skills of the soul beast itself are not important. , anyway, the seventh soul ring's soul skills basically have the effect of the martial soul's true form.

The reason why it is said that they are basically martial soul true bodies is of course because of theoretical contingencies. If a soul master’s seventh soul ring is a 10-year soul ring, then this soul’s returned soul will Skills are not just the martial soul's true form.

As we all know, a 10-year-old soul ring possesses two soul skills, so what happens when the seventh soul ring is a 10-year-old soul ring?

Back to the topic, now that Katherina has confirmed that she will absorb this electric shadow fox with more than 4 years of cultivation to become her seventh soul ring, Taillon will not say anything and will just step aside and let Katherina absorb the soul. Environmental Protection Law.

Katherina turned her wrist, and a dagger appeared in Katherina's hand. Katherina stepped forward and inserted the dagger into the back of the head of the electro-optical fox who was still unconscious on the ground.

Katharina deftly smashed the brains of the Electric Shadow Fox. After pulling out the dagger, she carefully wiped the stained red and white spots on the dagger. After confirming that the dagger was not stained with foreign matter, she flicked her wrist and the dagger disappeared again. .

Tyrone's eyesight was very good, and he probably saw that Katherina put the dagger into her sleeve instead of putting it into the storage soul guide.

None of the people present had much reaction to Katherina's elusive dagger technique. However, Dugu Yan became interested in this, with a look of eagerness to try it clearly on his face.

Katherina's stirring completely shattered the electro-optical shadow fox's brain and ended the electro-optical shadow fox's life. A dark soul ring that exuded strong soul power fluctuations emerged from the dead electro-optical shadow fox's body and floated in the air. A powerful coercion also emitted from the corpse of the Electro-optical Shadow Fox.

However, the pressure of more than 4 years of soul rings did not cause any sense of oppression to the few people present (except Dugu Yan). Dugu Bo conveniently erected a soul wall in front of Dugu Yan to isolate these oppressive atmospheres. Come on.

Katherina took a few steps back and found a suitable position to release her martial spirit. The white fox martial spirit completed its possession instantly. Six yellow, yellow, purple, and black soul rings circled around Katherina. Katherina sat cross-legged, Started to absorb his seventh soul ring.

The pitch-black soul ring was pulled by Katherina's soul power and floated above the head of Katherina who was sitting cross-legged. Waves of violent soul power emitted from the pitch-black soul ring. Katherina mobilized her soul power, Resist this wave of soul impact.

Talon always paid attention to the situation on Katharina's side, and found that Katherina's face was always calm, and did not show any expressions of difficulty or discomfort, so Talon's last worry was gone.

Tai Long saw Yang Wudi, Dugu Bo and Tai Tai, the three titled Douluo on the trip, chatting there, so Tai Long also came over.

When the three of them saw Tai Lung approaching, they had no intention of stopping their conversation and continued talking in front of Tai Lung.Tai Long listened for a while and finally understood what the three people in charge of the trip were talking about.

What the three of them are discussing now is about Tai Lung, Catharina, and Dugu Yan. Now that Catharina and Dugu Yan have their soul rings, the purpose of these two women's trip has been completed, so they continue to stay. There is no point in the Star Soul Master Forest anymore.

The next step is to obtain the seventh soul ring for Tai Long, and the chosen target is the 9-year-old Fifteen Ant Emperor!

Yang Wudi, Dugubo and Tai Tan knew the location of the Giant Ant Emperor's territory very well. After all, the three 9-year-old Giant Ant Emperors were surrounded by the Four Spirit Sect and killed two of them.

The territory of the Thousand Jun Ant Emperor is located deep in the Star Dou Soul Master Forest. It is almost in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest. Every soul beast there is a high-level powerful soul beast.

Outside the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, it's okay to say that the core area is basically a restricted area for human soul masters.

It's okay for Katharina and Dugu Yan to follow here now, but if they continue to go deeper, it will be too dangerous.

So Yang Wudi, Dugu Bo and Tai Tan, the three titled Douluo, discussed it, and finally came up with the idea of ​​sending Katherina and Dugu Yan away from the Star Dou Soul Master Forest.

With only Tai Long, who needed to obtain the soul ring, he continued deep into the depths of the Star Dou Forest to look for the 9-year-old Giant Ant King.

Now all they have to do is wait for Katherina to absorb and play with this seventh soul ring, and then Dugu Bo will send Katherina and Dugu Yan out of the Star Dou Forest.

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